How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

I agree with Kevin.

Under my 1000 watt, sometimes it only takes a few days though.

I would plan on topping about 1-2 weeks before inducing flower, if I were you. :joint:
Good Advice here guys! I will be doing my topping the next week some time. I just performed another lst and I can't wait until I see the results in the next couple of days. I have 49 days of veg left so I should be Ok with size....Anxious!
Not sure why so many people are "top" happy... You don't need to top a LST'd plant. All you are going to do is slow it down. It's already branching out. Sure you can top it 2 weeks before you flower it and get 2 small colas instead of one big fat main one. No point in it though unless you want to decrease the size of the main because you are worried about bud rot.

Every single branch on a PROPERLY lst'd plant should become a large cola.

I think your plant looks great. I personally would not top it, especially 2 weeks before flower.
Gotta love the Texas po po for classic miscalculations and blunders. They should be happy that it is just dope and not another one of the multitude of East Tx meth ops.
Wow. This is an awesome thread doggyd. I just read the whole thing in one sitting. I can't wait to watch you reach your goal. Good luck
you have to veg longer and do the pinning or tieing but flower time is the same no matter if ur talking a 2 ft plant or a full grown , flower time dont change
um thats a cool technique does it work and if so how much longer do u need to flower your plant

You do have to veg for a longer period of time to get the plant where you want it and how big you want it. I will be vegging this plant for 90 days and I will be flowering for the Normal period 60 Days. I am actually really enjoying this grow more than the last grow. I really love the fact the your lights don't have to be moved until late in the grow, which is awesome. I'm going to try out scrogging my next grow.
cant wait to see what we both pull of these plants mate we are both doin same thing lol...

Your doing your LST outside, That plant is going to be huge! I wish I had that kind of room. Did you make a thread on that particular grow or is that just in your journal? If it is a thread send me a link I wanna follow.
the first update was yesterday mate take a look pal its on my signature or about 10 pages back from last page think ull like it mate...angel in my soil...
Hey Dog, those are some beautiful top down views but could you toss in a couple side views to show the actual height of what your doing please.
Ok, well I LST her 2 days ago. She looks amazing and growing very well. I have pruned most of the lower leaves to get more air circulation threw the plant and also so she can focus more energy towards her tops. Right now I have a total of 16 Tops with no TOPPING and still have about 35 days of VEG. So If I can get my plant to about 30 tops without any TOPPING then I will flower Her as Is. Super excited. Enjoy these pics. Remember that Sunday and Wednesdays New Top Pics Of plant posted! Stay Tuned.
