How worth it are SmartPots?

be ez

Well-Known Member
This year I was thinking about growing in 20 gallon fabric pots (similar to smartpots) that are sold at a near by gardening store. I don't really want to have to order them and local hydro stores don't carry them. The only concern of mine is that they retail for $14 dollars a pot putting me at $280 for the 20 I'll need. Will I see a noticeable difference growing in these pots compared to the same size grow bags that will make the extra cost worth it? It's roughly a dollar a bag for normal grow bags.


Well-Known Member
Yes its worth it. You will make your 280 dollars back and then you can wash the bags at the laundrymat and use them for.....ive had mine for four grows now and theyre still in great shape.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the root formation for smart pots is AMAZING. Not to mention, growth depend on co2 at the leaf and oxygen at the root. Plus the whole"root pruning" thing helps out too.

I switched to smart pots half way through my first grow and haven't looked back since.


Well-Known Member
Love me some smart pots. The root structure is what sold me on them. Instead of fat roots encircling the pot I had extremely fine roots branched out in every direction. Just a fabulous product.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
They will work fine, just make sure you use the right size. One of the finest pot on the market are "air-pots" never will get root bound plants, a 5 gallon (22 liters) are about $15.00. Do some teat grows using one of each then pick once you see the results. You are going to have a lot of money cost, Would look at, they do waht they say but they DO need extra attention might have to water every day, not saying smart pots are not any good , yes; they are better than 5 gallon buckets

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
If you can get them off the ground using something like a milk crate so air can get under the geo pot type container your results will improve even more. As far as price Amazon has them for a good price. I saw an off brand that had a 5 pack of 15 gallon size for under 60 bucks. Around $200 for 20. Not a bad deal.


Well-Known Member
The milk crates a good idea; I put like a 2inch layer of perlite on the bottom before I add my soil. Helps pull excess moisture to the bottom and helps them breath better.

Those air pots look cool, I thought about trying them bit then I got the smart pots and honestly I'm not sure how the other ones vould be any better. I'm sure both products ate amazing, but I can personally attest to the smart pots.

They help you water more often, which helps you feed more often, it makes flushes easier, and plants do better (in flower when they aren't still building the root system) and grow faster when they can be watered more often, without having to worry about over watering.