How Would A Public Health Insurance Option Have A Negative Impact?


Active Member
Anyone please tell me why they believe a public health insurance option would have a negative impact anything? I know it it would be bad for private insurance companies profits but is there anything else? This is not about the heath care bill or anything else like that, just the concept of how a public option would effect things in the us in any way. Thanks.

Baja Rick

We pay taxes already and the goverment is in huge debt. How are they going to run the public option. How much of your check are you going to willingly give the IRS?​


Active Member
It will require small businesses to provide insurance to their employees. Thats not a good thing for young businesses that are scratching and fighting to get over the hump. It will cause alot of layoffs if not shut struggling small business completely down. Most large successful companies at one time were the small struggling ones. I run a small engineering and land surveying company and i am fortunate enough to be able to provide benefits to my employees and we are now a stable, growing company that went from 4 of us to 42 in 3 years. If i would have had to provide health insurance for even 4 people during that first year we wouldnt be a company today. We are providing 42 men and woman that have families jobs and stability. It doesnt seem like alot. Add it all up and you would see the unemployment rate higher than ever before.


Active Member
Are you talking like a mandate type insurance, were everyone is required to pay into, or optional?


Baja Rick

So you want to raise taxes to pay for this right?
BRILLIANT!!!! we are in the worst economy since the depression and you think raising taxes will make everything good again?
WOW!!!!! I'm speechless, Please, Please tell me more


Active Member
It will require small businesses to provide insurance to their employees. Thats not a good thing for young businesses that are scratching and fighting to get over the hump. It will cause alot of layoffs if not shut struggling small business completely down. Most large successful companies at one time were the small struggling ones. I run a small engineering and land surveying company and i am fortunate enough to be able to provide benefits to my employees and we are now a stable, growing company that went from 4 of us to 42 in 3 years. If i would have had to provide health insurance for even 4 people during that first year we wouldnt be a company today. We are providing 42 men and woman that have families jobs and stability. It doesnt seem like alot. Add it all up and you would see the unemployment rate higher than ever before.
Shouldn't there be some subsidies for those small businesses trying to make over the hump? Or maybe a 50/50 employer match?



Active Member
So you want to raise taxes to pay for this right?
BRILLIANT!!!! we are in the worst economy since the depression and you think raising taxes will make everything good again?
WOW!!!!! I'm speechless, Please, Please tell me more
Yeah I agree, unfortunately with unemployment around 9.6% the fixing of our health care system is going to have to take a back seat. The middle class cant burden anymore taxes. Now weather I think tax cuts should continue for everybody is a different story. We need a sound economy before we tackle those issues. But, I do agree that the health care system is broken, too much waste. Seems America is broken on many fronts.



Active Member
to cad and salt, I agree that small businesses shouldn't be burdened with anything, I definatley think this should be 100% optional, mandated heath insurance doesn't make any sense. that why I didn't like that heathcare bill, but I can see why the health ins companies would support it though, using govt mandates to hurt other businesses and increase their profits doesn't seem to bother them none.

baja I only think taxes should be raised for the top teir. the bush tax cuts didnt help, so why extend them?

Baja Rick

Raising taxes on the wealthy huh? People who can afford to move away from the tax increase. Still sounds like something from nothing to me


Active Member
3% baja it was at 90% for them at one point what is it now 36%? raise taxes on top tier and cut waste or do you like the debt that much?

the public heath insurance would not be free to the public just supported with tax dough, I agree with you that would not be very bad for the economy.

Baja Rick

I don't like debt. You are the one who wants to put goverment in charge of more stuff.
The private sector is the cheap way out

Baja Rick

My premiums had been pretty steady till alll the goverment healthcare stuff started. Yes I did have to change some things around.
I own a small business with 6 emoployees. I pay 75% of the medical and dental. the employees pays 25% when things went up I gave them the choice of a raise or the extra 25% on thier ins. They took the ins.
Point being, even with huge jumps, the goverment is not offering a better package. Name one thing, just one, that goverment has made better.
Why would you trust them with your health or health care?
Also keep in mind all the people from around the world who come here for treatment.
We have the greatest healthcare system in the world, with exception of how to pay for it.
Why invite the goverment into something that is broken and expect them to make it better when they can't fix what they have already f#cked up