How Would A Public Health Insurance Option Have A Negative Impact?


Active Member
My premiums had been pretty steady till alll the goverment healthcare stuff started. Yes I did have to change some things around.
I own a small business with 6 emoployees. I pay 75% of the medical and dental. the employees pays 25% when things went up I gave them the choice of a raise or the extra 25% on thier ins. They took the ins.
Point being, even with huge jumps, the goverment is not offering a better package. Name one thing, just one, that goverment has made better.
Why would you trust them with your health or health care?
Also keep in mind all the people from around the world who come here for treatment.
We have the greatest healthcare system in the world, with exception of how to pay for it.
Why invite the goverment into something that is broken and expect them to make it better when they can't fix what they have already f#cked up
Actually I know a lot of vets that like the VA hospitals. They said it was bad at one point, but with technology it has made leap and bounds in progress as far as efficiency goes. My buddy owns a textile business and has contracts with the VA, and he gets paid on time every time.


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
We pay taxes already and the goverment is in huge debt. How are they going to run the public option. How much of your check are you going to willingly give the IRS?​
The public option wasn't funded through taxes. It was a buy in program. You had to purchase it just like any other insurance. The main difference being 20-30% of what you pay wouldn't be going to the profits of the insurance companies.

Baja Rick

Actually I know a lot of vets that like the VA hospitals. They said it was bad at one point, but with technology it has made leap and bounds in progress as far as efficiency goes. My buddy owns a textile business and has contracts with the VA, and he gets paid on time every time.

I am a vet, and I spent timre in a hospital after returning from the first gulf war (broken shoulder) Maybe things have changed since then, but I would sooner see a vetreniarian than return to that.

As for the buy in that you mention Don, If I pay money to the goverment it's an income tax. I pay it from the money that I earn as income. This is nothing more than a differance of terminology
Sooner or later the fund gets raided, just like Social security has been since LBJ


Active Member
I am a vet, and I spent timre in a hospital after returning from the first gulf war (broken shoulder) Maybe things have changed since then, but I would sooner see a vetreniarian than return to that.
Yeah I guess it probably depends on where you go. Most of the guys I know go to the VA in Los Angeles and say the care is good and efficient. Probably the facilities are better in bigger cities. Sad the people who voluntarily risked there lives for there country and cant get top care wherever they live. Thanks for your service.



Well-Known Member
Anyone please tell me why they believe a public health insurance option would have a negative impact anything? I know it it would be bad for private insurance companies profits but is there anything else? This is not about the heath care bill or anything else like that, just the concept of how a public option would effect things in the us in any way. Thanks.
hey,, just going off the uk's NHS, national health service, its a very bad idea in the long wrong. Our NHS, God bless it, works but not effecintly or cost effectivly.
You can argue money isnt what its there for,, but our taxes pay for it, and its still not enough. I may go prvt. paying 3 pound a week. say you need a scan of some sort,,,, my nan did, had to wait 6 weeks for that half hour appiontment. They did scans and test over a 4 month period, to finally find out she has cancer!!! not good, it bone cancer, cant remember the actual name of it,, but yeah so they tell her she has bout 6 months to live and we are all devistated, this was late 2008,, four weeks later they call up and say ,, no sorry we got the test wrong and its not cancer but some form of blood diease?? so we are all like,,thats better than a death sentence. two days later,, no shit, they call back up and say,, no sorry,, we got that wrong,, it is bone cancer. what a fucking joke, she then has to wait another 6 weeks before any form of treatment and god bless her she is still going,
anyway thats just one example of how poorly a national health service is. I can name atleast 3 to my direct family, and many others in the uk will agree.
Yes... I know, the nhs is good, the people who work there try there hardest,, all nurses and doc's are heros in my veiw, but it could be so much better.... its underfunded, outdated, and (at the moe) collapsing,

sorry for the rant,, im need a smoke now,,
so all in all its good to a degree, but if you can afford it prvt is the way to go.

Baja Rick

Since the big blow up at Bethesna (sp?) Navy Hospital, attention has been brought to how vets are treated, things maybe alot better. I can only speak for my expiriance with the VA and the Navy. No friggin way would I want that as a model of healthcare for my children, my wife, or my friends, I don't care if they could make it free


Active Member
The public option wasn't funded through taxes. It was a buy in program. You had to purchase it just like any other insurance. The main difference being 20-30% of what you pay wouldn't be going to the profits of the insurance companies.
He can't hear you.


Well-Known Member
If the public was worth a shit don't you think the politicians would be all over it. They think it is good for us but not themselves


Active Member
If the public was worth a shit don't you think the politicians would be all over it. They think it is good for us but not themselves
Not sure on what you are saying? Are you saying the politicians don't use government run health care? I heard they do, maybe I am wrong. Maybe government run health care isn't the answer. Yeah we have some of the best hospitals in the world, with the best equipment. But when people have to go bankrupt because they didn't have health insurance, or the insurance companies wont cover because you have pre-existing conditions, or you have been paying insurance and you get sick and they will cover certain things to a certain amount, or just find a way to not cover you at all. Doesn't that bother you? Or are people in general selfish and don't give fuck what happens to other people, unless the situation happens to them one day?


Baja Rick

I think what he trying to say is if the healthcare that is being offered was any good, the politicians would give up what they have in favor of what we would get


New Member
It will require small businesses to provide insurance to their employees. Thats not a good thing for young businesses that are scratching and fighting to get over the hump. It will cause alot of layoffs if not shut struggling small business completely down. Most large successful companies at one time were the small struggling ones. I run a small engineering and land surveying company and i am fortunate enough to be able to provide benefits to my employees and we are now a stable, growing company that went from 4 of us to 42 in 3 years. If i would have had to provide health insurance for even 4 people during that first year we wouldnt be a company today. We are providing 42 men and woman that have families jobs and stability. It doesnt seem like alot. Add it all up and you would see the unemployment rate higher than ever before.
I'm assuming you are still not providing medical for your employees. If there were a public option, the employers would be off the hook. Even better would be single payer. By eliminating tax breaks for the rich and pulling out of the two wars, (And not starting any more) there would be plenty of money for medicare for all. Also lets remove the cap on SS deductions. Cut the military budget in half to start, way more in the future, and make the congress balance the budget. I give you Kudos for starting a business, good luck in the future. I do agree that the current Medical bill is crap, a basic giveaway to the Medical cartel.


Well-Known Member
a public health insurance option would have a negative impact on my ability to feed my family! Think of the Children!!


Well-Known Member
seems like a public option sure would be great for everyone.
It does seem like it.............on the surface. Body scanners seem like a good idea at airports, but they've been in some airports for a few months and already the fallout is beginning. Privacy issues are front and center but these scanners give off x-rays. x-rays are harmful radiation and doseage appears to be cumulative, meaning the more x-rays you have, the greater your chance of developing cancers. We are doing what appears to be best for the safety of the country and world at large and are forgetting about the individual. What about people who have serious medical issues and are frequent travellers? What really pisses me off is that the govt. is saying they are harmless. Really? How dumb do they think we are? These things have been in airports for less than a year and they are telling us "There is nothing to worry about." In summary, the body scanners are great for everyone because they should help keep the skies safer for us all. However, they will more than likely play a role in causing cancers. So we need to ask ourselves, are we a society that thinks it's ok to give a relative few people cancer in order to keep the skies safe for everyone? A public option, much like body scanners, will have some forseen and many unforseen negatives. Sure there will be some benefit for some but overall I believe it will cause more harm than good. At least we don't have to worry about the public option.............for now. :fire:


Well-Known Member
Options are always nice. Would you allow people the option of not participating?
The healthcare bill took any "option" you had to not participate away. It hasn't even taken effect and most people I talk to are going to drop their coverage and just take the fine and get healthcare insurance if/when they need it. We may have no choice since our healthcare insurance went up like 30% overnight! We can't afford our coverage anymore. On top of all this the healthcare bill took away our ability to purchase OTC medication with our flexible spending account without a prescription! Yeah Obama!!!!!!:clap:

jeff f

New Member
The healthcare bill took any "option" you had to not participate away. It hasn't even taken effect and most people I talk to are going to drop their coverage and just take the fine and get healthcare insurance if/when they need it. We may have no choice since our healthcare insurance went up like 30% overnight! We can't afford our coverage anymore. On top of all this the healthcare bill took away our ability to purchase OTC medication with our flexible spending account without a prescription! Yeah Obama!!!!!!:clap:
what really surprises me is how folks think its going to be paid for. most will say the rich.

well lets just play this out to its logical conclusion. a man makes 250K a year (the rich defined by obama). he now gets taxed X amount to pay for someones insurance. well there goes the driveway he was going to have paved. who got hurt there? masons? some young guy who was trying to provide for his family by rubbing concrete. now the young kid doesnt have that job so he goes to uncle sam for help feeding his kid. well where will we get that money? cant get it from the first guy cuz now he is down below 250. lets get it from the other guy who made 275k. the guy who was thinking about a new van for his business.....who is hurt now? car dealer? salesman?

this may seem like a simplistic example, but it is exactly what happens.

this type of system eventually ends up eating all the people in the middle and the only thing left are the uber rich and the poor. this isnt rocket science, its the history of the world. its happened over and over and over. the only place that was different was the US and a handful of other countries that followed our path.

now, we are regressing into repression. by design i might add.


Well-Known Member
what really surprises me is how folks think its going to be paid for. most will say the rich.

well lets just play this out to its logical conclusion. a man makes 250K a year (the rich defined by obama). he now gets taxed X amount to pay for someones insurance. well there goes the driveway he was going to have paved. who got hurt there? masons? some young guy who was trying to provide for his family by rubbing concrete. now the young kid doesnt have that job so he goes to uncle sam for help feeding his kid. well where will we get that money? cant get it from the first guy cuz now he is down below 250. lets get it from the other guy who made 275k. the guy who was thinking about a new van for his business.....who is hurt now? car dealer? salesman?

this may seem like a simplistic example, but it is exactly what happens.

this type of system eventually ends up eating all the people in the middle and the only thing left are the uber rich and the poor. this isnt rocket science, its the history of the world. its happened over and over and over. the only place that was different was the US and a handful of other countries that followed our path.

now, we are regressing into repression. by design i might add.
Yep! The libs would have us believe that all we needed to do was pass the legislation and raise taxes on the rich, everybody lives happily ever after. Wouldn't it be nice if that were the case? This is a huge problem!!!!!!!! We can't keep spending more than we have forever. The small government folks are seen as uncaring, ignorant, "rural" people. I know a lot of small government people and all of them are the exact opposite! One only needs to look at history and how economies actually work, not economic theory. This is doomed to failure! It's failing as we speak in many of the countries that the progressive vision is modelled on. How can people not see this? It's disturbing jeff! I am not a sky is falling person but I see the writing on the wall and it tells me we are in a downward spiral. I just hope it's not too late to fix this mess.:sad:

jeff f

New Member
Yep! The libs would have us believe that all we needed to do was pass the legislation and raise taxes on the rich, everybody lives happily ever after. Wouldn't it be nice if that were the case? This is a huge problem!!!!!!!! We can't keep spending more than we have forever. The small government folks are seen as uncaring, ignorant, "rural" people. I know a lot of small government people and all of them are the exact opposite! One only needs to look at history and how economies actually work, not economic theory. This is doomed to failure! It's failing as we speak in many of the countries that the progressive vision is modelled on. How can people not see this? It's disturbing jeff! I am not a sky is falling person but I see the writing on the wall and it tells me we are in a downward spiral. I just hope it's not too late to fix this mess.:sad:
what has usually happened in history is a big jolt pulls nations out of the spiral. war or major economic crises. people then either grasp at straws and go tyranical. or they move toward truth and liberty.

right now, most of the nations of eu are going toward truth. pulling a little of the proverbial rug out from underneath the socialistics. taking steps toward freeing up the markets and taking power away from the tyrants, public unions.

then on the other side you have venezeuala and countries like that. but even there, there are some signs of hope. time will tell but i am fascinated by it all.