your reply, while full of self righteous anger, insults, and general douchery in the form of internet ESP, contains very little substance. i'll go ahead and humor the angry little guy anyway
Only little socialist bitches think it's the governments money in the first place to redistribute.
oh noes! socialists!
not a socialist, and not saying it's the government's money to begin with. so you start off on a false premise. fail.
but government is in the business of taxing people to fund the functions of government and provide for defense and general welfare. so as long as they're redistributing it, i want to make sure it is not redistributed in such a way that makes us vlnerable to a plutocracy, which is where we're headed and quickly.
Government doesn't make the money, private individuals do, and you believe taking less of their money is somehow distributing it back to them!
government does not make the money, but it does provide for an environment in which the money can be made. unless you think walmart will do well in somalia, fending off raids from the local warlords all by themselves. that would really eat into their bottom line more so than taxes do.
Go make your own money ya lazy turd, quit worrying about what other people make.
that's exactly what i do. and i'm not worried about what other people make, i'm concerned about the practical consequences of the tax code are. the practical consequence of trickle down has been burgeoning income inequality at levels not seen since right before the depression while wages remain stagnant for the middle class despite increased productivity.
You've admitting not working for a long time, you don't have skin in the game anyway, if you aren't paying taxes you really need to STFU.
i paid several hundred dollars to the state last year, thank you very much mr. internet psychic. got all my money back from the fed and even got a nifty little refund thanks to the earned income tax credit.
but that argument boils down to the same as "if you don't like america you can get out!"

and that's plain stupid.
the first amendment gives me every right to tell you how much of an idiot you are for continuing to preach the successes of trickle down, and there ain't shit your angry little cold war fighting ass can do about it.
god bless america.