How would you feel/react?

been with mine for 14 years. thell lie all the time for stupid shit, for stuff that don't even matter . get used to it, just yell back get it off your chest no biggie make up later
been with mine for 14 years. thell lie all the time for stupid shit, for stuff that don't even matter . get used to it, just yell back get it off your chest no biggie make up later
and jerk off on her face in the middle of the night like a creeper. :shock:

:hump: lmao.
he should just move kitty litter back on top of everything and say he did it. then smoke a bowl and have a laugh of gratification for fucking the system. lmao. hahahaha problem solved.
Earlier tonight I caught my Gf lying to me about something stupid. A chore needed done and it was her turn to do it, I asked her to do it and she said she already did it today. I knew she hadn't done it, but she assured me when i went for a nap earlier she did it. I told her she was lying and she said she would swear on her life she did it. Then I noticed a bit of evidence that proved she was lying. Something so silly and insignificant has now got me feeling horrible emotions of mistrust and anger. I yelled at her, used strong language etc I don't even know if i'm overreacting or not ,it's so insignificant ,yet at the end of the day she has broken my trust to some degree .. am i overreacting about it or was i right to yell?.. would you feel the same way? this is the worst thing to happen so far in 5 years of being together.:-(
smoke some heavy indica and fuck the fuck outta'll feel better...I promise
looks like old fernian sisterhood couldnt man up enough to put me on ignore. Whats the matter sweetheart do I get your box all wet?
Kenetic is one of those people who talk shit while you're walking away. I wasn't raised Bitch, so I will turn around and suggest that he walks away. If not... I will remorse While getting Ink in the name of his death
i think that guys drunk. or really tired. lmao. im out also. trollin. fenian. good night.
Earlier tonight I caught my Gf lying to me about something stupid. A chore needed done and it was her turn to do it, I asked her to do it and she said she already did it today. I knew she hadn't done it, but she assured me when i went for a nap earlier she did it. I told her she was lying and she said she would swear on her life she did it. Then I noticed a bit of evidence that proved she was lying. Something so silly and insignificant has now got me feeling horrible emotions of mistrust and anger. I yelled at her, used strong language etc I don't even know if i'm overreacting or not ,it's so insignificant ,yet at the end of the day she has broken my trust to some degree .. am i overreacting about it or was i right to yell?.. would you feel the same way? this is the worst thing to happen so far in 5 years of being together.:-(

Ah yes psychology in action here.

you see, she was lazy/procrastinating and did not complete the chore. The small white lie was a way to avoid conflict . she was planning on completeing the chore as soon as you weren't looking. This way you would never know and thefore no conflict would arise.

White lies are not always intended to be hurtful. In this case :

1) she may have felt bad and did not want you to be stressed over said chore.
2) she is ashamed and did not want to admit it.
3) she did not want you to think less of her

the list goes on but i think you get the point.

Humans will always avoid conflict if they can. Seems like it backfired on her.
Since when does a cat pissing in a recently cleaned box evidence that it wasn't recently cleaned?

Does a water spot on a faucet mean that I didn't clean my bathroom?

This argument is unstated and Can not be argued by either side.

He said there was evidence that is all we know.

you are assuming there was only one log.
so I will assume there was multiple logs.

and neither of those asumptions can be verified
smoke some heavy indica and fuck the fuck outta'll feel better...I promise

while i agree with kite that getting ripped outta yer mind and giving her a good rough fuck might make you feel better, i would sugest maybe a conversation, and some good make up one of those romantics tho. make ep sex feels like the best thing in the world when your sad or upset. it makes errything right as rain. look into her eyes and show her that you love her.

to have asucseesful relationship, you have to be understanding. see whats up, and try and show some understanding.

unless the reason was fucking dumb and some important shit didnt get done. that just pisses me off. fucking young and the restless stopped ya from making dinner eh? when i heard that one i threw a petrified wood paper wieght from my desk thru the tv. she freaked out cause she couldnt see the end.

end of relationship... i cant be with dumb ass bitches. i like women, not idiots.and jean was a idiot.
fucking young and the restless stopped ya from making dinner eh? when i heard that one i threw a petrified wood paper wieght from my desk thru the tv. she freaked out cause she couldnt see the end.

now we're admitting to domestic violence, i see.


i'm sure you have lots of helpful relationship advice to offer, as well as some nifty tricks for not letting raccoons into your grow room.

i would be sad that i missed this thread, but it seems i showed up at just the right time.
You gotta keep your cool bro. She'll lose respect for you if you flip out over shit like that.

You should have just told her you should do it, or I won't bang you anymore. And if she didn't do it, do it yourself, and don't bang her for awhile.

And if she does it, tell her thank you sincerely.

Easy enough. Who cares, it's a chore. Life is bigger and more important than that