How would you feel/react?

Do you love this chick ?
If you do, work it out it doesnt look like that big of a deal to me
But I'm not you if you guys have been together for 5 years it would be a shame to throw it all away over something like this but I dont have to live with the lying bitch.........damn did I just say that?
Keep in mind, if she is lying about the small things what else is she lying about especially
when it comes to bigger issues.
If I were you I would pay attention from now on, you might end up finding
out that this was not the worst thing to happen in 5 years.
Damn guys I said i was going to bed ,didn't wanna have to wake up and read 10 pages of fighting. Anyway I said sorry for overreacting and she said srry for lying and we move on.

I have 1 bone to pick though, Flaming Pie.

You have jumped in like 5 times saying over a cat box wtf, cat couuld have used it again yadayada etc .. you don't seem to get the full situation

Here it is. Our cat does 1 shit a day ,always has. I, earlier in the morning was cleaning up and put a big broken piece of plastic in our bin that we empty the shit into,the cat had not done a shit yet at this stage.. Ok? So around midday i went for a nap and came down around 2pm to find the door to the cat litter try room closed, I asked why is this closed she replys "cats done a shit and i haven't cleaned it yet." Ok? Fast forward to 9 pm and it still isn't done, I think about doing it and then remember it aint my turn ,so no ,she isn't getting out of it and i say " you ain't gettin out of it today go and change it" ..enter the lie

Her " I already changed a cat shit today"
me " no you havent ,the cat doesn't shit twice a day"
her "yes he does "
me " emm no ,your lying "
her "Im Not!"
me "so your telling me the cat did a shit while i was in bed in the space of 2 hours and now has done another 1?"
me " bs"
Her " I swear on my life"

At this stage i almost accept it ,THEN i look in the bin and the bit of plastic etc from earlier was still there. I showed it to her and she knew she was caught .

And it doesn't matter what its about man, a lie is a lie. If shes prepared to lie about this lying about more serious stuff could have or be abouut to happen. Why tell a pointless lie?

Anyway I d ask her today "why?" and she confirmed my assumption that it was not meant to escalate to were it got to, she said i was right to get mad though.

it's over anyway, all sorted. Yes to the guy who said is this the first lie told or caught.. probably caught, but who knows, can't dwell on it . Oldtimer ,yeh i love her, we got a kid ,liv together etc..
Anyway I d ask her today "why?" and she confirmed my assumption that it was not meant to escalate to were it got to, she said i was right to get mad though.

see man. told you. she said it in the heat of the moment to not be confronted.. it backfired for her.. but lesson learned. she seems like a solid chick. if this is the worst thats happened in 5 years, you have nothing to worry about man. nothing at all. chalk it up as a little white lie for silly girl reasons, nothing more.

this is almost analogis to omitting a truth, for example.. you go out to a bar, a chick walks up to you and you chat for a few minutes, she leaves.. you continue to have a few beers, you come home, and the lady asks, "how was your night?" ... you say, "it was ok, me and the boys had a few beers, watched some sports.." -- totally harmless. yet omitted a truth.
Kenetic is one of those people who talk shit while you're walking away. I wasn't raised Bitch, so I will turn around and suggest that he walks away. If not... I will remorse While getting Ink in the name of his death
Cool so riu lets bigots like kron come back to gay bash and run good people like carne off and this guy gets to make death threats.

Internet tough guys don't scare me btw.
All of this over 1 poop... and a lil white lie? Why is it called a white lie anyway? At least she made your samich right?
stay high
i think he called me baby doll? smh i can't be "converted" it doesn't work that way. :eyesmoke:

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to kinetic again.

yeh shrx i know i know, i am a man of principles though ,so if your gonna lie to me i better not catch you. lol . that was the whole point of this hread anyway to see if i was overreacting or not, which we have established i was though we also accept that lying in a relationship is not a smart move, see4 your totally right man,as usual
MMk, you clarified. a bit of evidence to me meant a cat clump. gotta be clearer lol.

Still.. I think it was a silly thing to get so worked up over. And I HATE lies.
Oh, and puff, I wasn't repeating it cus of you. I was just annoyed that people were jumping from "she may of lied" to "she lies about bigger things" to "she's cheating on you".

When it could of just been a simple misunderstanding.
Ok man it's cool ,just a little misunderstanding then, once i seen it was just 10 pages of fighting i was just skimming it and kept seeing your comments as your name stands out lol , we are on the same wave length i'm sure, just wanted to clear it up for you.. later
Everybody lies about something stupid sometimes. Im sure you have as well. Now To yell at her the way you did there was no need for that. I understand it upset you but For something like over a Chore why Freakout the way you did. If she did something like cheat then Thats a different story!! Thats the time i would say it is acceptable!
When you Get freaked on for something as Tiny as Lying about a chore It makes you feel Like crap should talk to her, reason with her. Tell Her about your feelings.
Damn guys I said i was going to bed ,didn't wanna have to wake up and read 10 pages of fighting. Anyway I said sorry for overreacting and she said srry for lying and we move on.

I have 1 bone to pick though, Flaming Pie.

You have jumped in like 5 times saying over a cat box wtf, cat couuld have used it again yadayada etc .. you don't seem to get the full situation

Here it is. Our cat does 1 shit a day ,always has. I, earlier in the morning was cleaning up and put a big broken piece of plastic in our bin that we empty the shit into,the cat had not done a shit yet at this stage.. Ok? So around midday i went for a nap and came down around 2pm to find the door to the cat litter try room closed, I asked why is this closed she replys "cats done a shit and i haven't cleaned it yet." Ok? Fast forward to 9 pm and it still isn't done, I think about doing it and then remember it aint my turn ,so no ,she isn't getting out of it and i say " you ain't gettin out of it today go and change it" ..enter the lie

Her " I already changed a cat shit today"
me " no you havent ,the cat doesn't shit twice a day"
her "yes he does "
me " emm no ,your lying "
her "Im Not!"
me "so your telling me the cat did a shit while i was in bed in the space of 2 hours and now has done another 1?"
me " bs"
Her " I swear on my life"

At this stage i almost accept it ,THEN i look in the bin and the bit of plastic etc from earlier was still there. I showed it to her and she knew she was caught .

And it doesn't matter what its about man, a lie is a lie. If shes prepared to lie about this lying about more serious stuff could have or be abouut to happen. Why tell a pointless lie?

Anyway I d ask her today "why?" and she confirmed my assumption that it was not meant to escalate to were it got to, she said i was right to get mad though.

it's over anyway, all sorted. Yes to the guy who said is this the first lie told or caught.. probably caught, but who knows, can't dwell on it . Oldtimer ,yeh i love her, we got a kid ,liv together etc..

My Cat always has two dumps in a day, He is an Asian Leopard Cat cross but he isn't much different than any other cat, I still think you should Blow a load in her ear.
I have kind of done what your gf did to my bf a couple of times even tho I don't mean too. But then again I am use to telling white lies often lol I try not to but it always ends up happening and he reacts the same way as you did.