Hows it look?(first grow, CFL,bagseed)


Well-Known Member
Sorry didn't realise it was you who posted that reply about the lights. What do the adapters screw into? A regular light fitting?


Well-Known Member
.....light fitting...............|
......adapter................./ \
.adapter adapter........./\../\
bulb bulb bulb bulb.....@@@@

yes they screw into a normal light fitting and make it 2 fittings


Active Member
o_O i think i may try that.. lol.. i know that was in response to sum1 else.. but thought i would comment on it as i think that idea is awesome for us CFl users.....

currently have 4 23W 6500K 1600Lumens.. i know i need more.. coz she's growin like a weed... LOL


Active Member
I'm pretty stoked about this grow. I'm building my rubbermaid right now with 6 CFL's.

I'll be watching this one!


Well-Known Member
got some browning of the leaves!

Click for bigger picture

its turning brown around the edges of the leaves and its only on a couple sets of leaves. It looks alot worse in person there are a few spots on the other side of the plant like that(a leaf or 2). could this be nute burn? maybe it got too close to the CFL?it was only about an inch away from a 42w

by little plant is looking bad too. I started pruning some of the bad leaves and before i knew it........

poor little plant. I hope it doesn't die!
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Well-Known Member
Most people who veg with CFLs choose 6400k ones and for flowering, 2700k ones. IT doesn't hurt when flowering to leave a couple of 6400k in there either.

Lookin good too - looks very healthy - nice colour and the LST looks good.
It is best if you use 6500k cfl bulbs...Thats what I have and they work great! And for budding use 2700k cfl bulbs.


Well-Known Member
it looks like an indica because of the really fat leaves. sativa typically has slender leaves


Well-Known Member
temps are 75-85 with an occasional spike to 90ish. im gonna try flushing both plants and see what happens. my damn timer keeps fucking up....I noticed it was off the other day by about 2 hours. I just woke up and looked over and the closet was still glowing.....2 hours of again. I duno if the timer just got caught on something or if its broken. I guess I need a digital one

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
huh my non digital ones work, but there pretty new... These stories scare me.

But your temps of 90 are bad... you gotta get that down. Whats the humidity...


Well-Known Member
ive been dealing with crappy temps and have been using frozen water bottles which works well but not sure about super high temps im averaging around 80-81 coming down from 85-90 with a blowing fan


Active Member
Subscribed. I was going to get a 400w HPS (And still might) but I think I'm going to make the same set up of the 3 adapters you have there to start and veg my plants with. That'll save me a month or so before I have to get the 400w hps.


Well-Known Member
from checking out the local hydro shop, im seriously considering making a hydro setup....tehn I could buy everything I need without suspicion and slowly transfer the technology from tomatoes and peppers and shit to weed

anyway....humidity is hard to measure...i usually leave the temp/humidity gauge sitting in the pot. since every inch is different in a CFL room, I figure thats the best location