Howzer's Cabinet Extravaganza. No Clowns Allowed

I love dog parks (or beaches as you call it) they are as much fun for me as they are the pooch :D

Oh yea man. It's nice seeing all the other dogs together and how they all interact with each other. There's a couple dog parks near me but they're really crappy. The closest one is a big tan-bark lot that's fenced off. The shredded wood bedding makes the place stink to high heaven because it absorbs all the piss and just sits there. Plus, each time I've tried to go there's been some asshole owner with a dog that wants to fight. The other one isn't a far cry from this. The dog beach, however, is just a beach you can take your dogs to. It's rarely got more than a few folks and you can let them off leash. I WOULD take the snoodle to the beach I live 80 fucking feet from, but they don't allow pooches. But that still doesn't stop me sometimes ;-).

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This is my version of a roach pipe or crutch. A 7.62x39mm shell with two holes drilled in it, one at the base on the side and one through the primer. Doesn't necessarily need to be the same type shell if you wanna make another one. I've used it for a long time now and of all the little devices and gizmos I see people smoking out of I'm surprised I haven't seen this on the net.
Nope. 7 3/4" white plastic pots. Or at least they weren't called rose buckets. Maybe they are and they weren't called that? Idk :-). Thanks for stopping by and rep. Appreciate it :-D

They are actually orchid pots. I have 21 of them and I n o longer soil grow. They are some great pots. They make some 10" ones that are nearly a foot deep. BGH Hydro if I remember correctly....
They are actually orchid pots. I have 21 of them and I n o longer soil grow. They are some great pots. They make some 10" ones that are nearly a foot deep. BGH Hydro if I remember correctly....

I bought them at a hydro store near me. I like them because they've got some excellent drainage and they're propped up on the corners about 1/2" so run-off doesn't get trapped underneath. Pretty durable too. The plastic is very flexible so it takes alot to break the stuff, but at the same time it's more rigid than those black nursery pots. Plus the white isn't opaque enough to let light through. They're in sizes ranging from little starter cup size all the way up to 12" big ones that hold about 5gal. Only thing is they're not really worth buying a gross of. They're still $2.25ea when you buy a whole case.
AKA my Purple Kush mother. I gifted my Pineapple Wreck mother to a friend to lighten my load a bit. Moving in the near future; need to think ahead. I take her out and put her on the desk under the window every day until there's no more sun left. I don't have a carbon filter of any sort on the exhuast to her tent.. I don't smell the 8 plants half way through flowering when I walk in but Audry sure as fuck lets me now she's here. Anyway here she is. Basking in all of her stank glory :weed:

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Yes, I have a Gum Ball machine in my office :-D

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This is my version of a roach pipe or crutch. A 7.62x39mm shell with two holes drilled in it, one at the base on the side and one through the primer. Doesn't necessarily need to be the same type shell if you wanna make another one. I've used it for a long time now and of all the little devices and gizmos I see people smoking out of I'm surprised I haven't seen this on the net.

Now im going to have to take a picture of the shell i have for that purpose, but havent tried it yet, im going to need a ounce of extra buds to make i think lol.
Hahaha.. I just shared some excellent cindy 99 with my pop and his response was "Cinderella? WTF? This dope should be called sledge hammer wielding ogre 99."