HPS, MH, Floros, Phillips Cermamic Metal Halide has 'em all beat.

400 watts CMH in a cabinet, bare bulb in a 2 foot umbrealla reflector, NO AIR COOLED HOOD, NO COOL TUBE, no glass between the bulb and the plants. I can be in a grow space less then 8 square feet and still run in the high 70s - low 80's. Why would anybody have a grow space less then 8 square feet.......because it's 36 wide by 30 inches deep, I control the height anywhere from 10 inches to 30 inches. I keep the bulb 4-6 inches from the canopy. The way everthing works together is pretty cool, I designed it all so that the LESS space I have, the COOLER it runs. I had a bad male/female ratio so I'm left with only 2 females in the ebb & flow hydro system. To supplement, I threw a mix pack of Mandela beans in dirt, added a shelf and took them direct from sprout to the flower cab. They went from sprout to the flower cab on 3/10. CMH IS WORKING GREAT FOR ME, there a thread with plenty of pics and detailed cab info over on IC:mrgreen: .......but I still don't have anything to sell you and I only have one username........lol some of your members here blew it for me on this site. I've never seen so many "followers" once the "he's a salesman" crap started, then somehow I had differnt logins to bump the thread.......just dumbasses. Try something new, give things a chance, take a risk once in a while, let your asshole un-pucker, think outside the box and maybe, just maybe, you'll learn something new. Best of luck those of you who had an interest in seeing a different option, there are plenty out there. HPS and MH are not your only choices, they are not even your best choice, CMH is, just like I said when I started the thread.
The idiot/intelligent ratio on forums typically runs even higher than in daily life. Most of these people don't have anyone to listen to their conspiracy theory rants in person, so they come here and spout off to a captive audience. Don't take offense, if you had posted "Water is wet and cures thirst" you still would have had a gaggle of morons saying you were a lobbyist for the bottled water conglomorate.

Remember: The average IQ is 100 (100 is not real smart). That means half of all people are dumber than that.

Thanks for the info.
Funny you say that, here's something that had me pissing myself laughing. Sublime and I talked, we tried to learn something from one another, it was a civil discusion. In his sig he has a quote from Skunkykushhybrid, "This is RUI You'll find no idiots here" the ironic part is that comment was made to me eariler in this thread......, the one that wants to learn is carrying a quote from someone that just wanted to jump on the bandwagon early on and tried to say I was here to sell light bulbs.....but he can't find any idiots.....um, dude, I'm not sure if this is the first time you've heard this but, if you look around and you can't pick out the idiot......it's you, there's always one around.
In the begining of the thread, I showed pics of some CMH grows and a couple of people still challenged it...... Here's a few pics from a couple of days ago of what I have going on.

400 Watts CMH in an umbrella reflector in a cabinet
The cab is 36"wide, 30" deep and I control the height anywhere from 10 inches to 30 inches high..... if you want more details, just ask. It's a hydro cab, ebb&flow but due to a bad male/female ratio, I had to suppliment with some Mandala Mix seeds in dirt. with a little creativity and some hillbilly enginering, I got them in there and everything is working together.

I can have a total grow space of less then 8 square feet and still keep the cab in the high 70's/low 80's......and I'm not using a cool tube or an air cooled hood. My plant tops stay about 6" from the bulb, at 4 inches I had slight light burn.

For cooling, a 4" inline fan and a 4" fan blowing on the bulb. That's it!

So can a CMH bulb get results? or are we just talking about temps......

Here's a few random pics taken 2 or 3 days ago
My Grape Krush is begining first week of a 3 week flush.
The other plants are Mandala Safari Mix and 2 HazeXSkunk just LST'ed on the right side of the cab.


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The Safari Mix Solo Shots

These were put in the cab after a 1-2 weeks veging under CFLs. They were about 3 inches when put into flower on 3/10.


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Here are my girls using a 400W CMH. Day 11 @ 12/12:


I was told they won't work with a digital ballasts because they require a hard strike to fire up.

Legalize It, Looking good, you really have that tub full!
Seems interesting, thanks for the information but it has turned into a pissing contest.

Looks to me like the pissing contest is over. Last week I pm'ed a bunch of those people from eariler in the thread letting them know my pics were up, as you can see, none of them have anything to say anymore. They thought I was trying to sell them light bulbs, I wasn't. I'm not in the lighting business, never was. :mrgreen: They just didn't want to believe it.
Looks to me like the pissing contest is over. Last week I pm'ed a bunch of those people from eariler in the thread letting them know my pics were up, as you can see, none of them have anything to say anymore. They thought I was trying to sell them light bulbs, I wasn't. I'm not in the lighting business, never was. :mrgreen: They just didn't want to believe it.

you PM'd me and i never thought you were in the light bulb business.
is your claim that the pics you provide prove that ceramic MH bulbs beats the rest?
you PM'd me and i never thought you were in the light bulb business.
is your claim that the pics you provide prove that ceramic MH bulbs beats the rest?

You're right, you never made any comments suggesting anything like that. But you did post a few comments that showed you were open minded and maybe wanted to know more. It was out of respect that I PM'ed you. There were a few people that were interested, or wanted see first hand info, I pm'ed them too. You suggested that I do a grow report, I did, just not here at RUI.

Yes, my pics are proof that it's better then HPS. I'm still waiting to see 400 watts HPS in 8 square feet without an air cooled hood or a cool tube 6 inches off of the canopy....... once we get to that point, we'll start comparing. I put a HPS bulb in my set up....for about 10 minutes when it got up to 98 degrees and was still climbing, I put my CMH blub back in. I tried it again a few days later with the hood raised all the way up, still to hot, it was at 96 degrees.

So yes, those pics are my proof and you do see a comparision, maybe not what people were looking for but, My CMH bulb is doing something MAJOR that a 400 watt HPS bulb can't.....grow weed in my cabinet at a tempature that doesn't fry the plants.:mrgreen:
You're right, you never made any comments suggesting anything like that. But you did post a few comments that showed you were open minded and maybe wanted to know more. It was out of respect that I PM'ed you. There were a few people that were interested, or wanted see first hand info, I pm'ed them too. You suggested that I do a grow report, I did, just not here at RUI.

Yes, my pics are proof that it's better then HPS. I'm still waiting to see 400 watts HPS in 8 square feet without an air cooled hood or a cool tube 6 inches off of the canopy....... once we get to that point, we'll start comparing. I put a HPS bulb in my set up....for about 10 minutes when it got up to 98 degrees and was still climbing, I put my CMH blub back in. I tried it again a few days later with the hood raised all the way up, still to hot, it was at 96 degrees.

So yes, those pics are my proof and you do see a comparision, maybe not what people were looking for but, My CMH bulb is doing something MAJOR that a 400 watt HPS bulb can't.....grow weed in my cabinet at a tempature that doesn't fry the plants.:mrgreen:

i try to stay open-minded but you do realize that people grow with higher wattages and use HPS and don't fry their plants. as far as i can tell it is just another bulb in our arsenal and certainly not better than HPS (one grow can't even tell if it is just as good as HPS - let alone better). if you want to make it your favorite, sounds good to me. heck - i'm thinking on giving CFLs a try to see how they do.

Ed Rosenthal would really piss you off - he says MH is a waste of money - just use HPS!
i try to stay open-minded but you do realize that people grow with higher wattages and use HPS and don't fry their plants. as far as i can tell it is just another bulb in our arsenal and certainly not better than HPS (one grow can't even tell if it is just as good as HPS - let alone better). if you want to make it your favorite, sounds good to me. heck - i'm thinking on giving CFLs a try to see how they do.

Ed Rosenthal would really piss you off - he says MH is a waste of money - just use HPS!

Henery Ford said all cars will only ever run on gasoline.....then diesel engines came out, now electric, solar, hybrids......

The most knowledgable people in the world at one point thought the world was flat....they turned out to be wrong.

Old Ed, has smoked, grown and seen more weed then I could ever imagine, but that doesn't mean he knows it all either....
I'm certainly not going to knock his knowledge but everyone has thoughts and opinions on what's best, they only last so long because they only look at what is in front of them. Light bulbs, like everything else, keep changing. The more we buy, the more companies dump into R&D.

I haven't seen much success from LEDs but, I'll bet that's where things end up (or some variation of an LED/plasma type of bulb)

Evloution happens. Whatever is made today, there will be someone tomorrow improving on it. It's Ed's time now, later on someone else will come out and say where he has been wrong. Then they will be the top dog until the next person comes along.
Henery Ford said all cars will only ever run on gasoline.....then diesel engines came out, now electric, solar, hybrids......

The most knowledgable people in the world at one point thought the world was flat....they turned out to be wrong.

Old Ed, has smoked, grown and seen more weed then I could ever imagine, but that doesn't mean he knows it all either....
I'm certainly not going to knock his knowledge but everyone has thoughts and opinions on what's best, they only last so long because they only look at what is in front of them. Light bulbs, like everything else, keep changing. The more we buy, the more companies dump into R&D.

I haven't seen much success from LEDs but, I'll bet that's where things end up (or some variation of an LED/plasma type of bulb)

Evloution happens. Whatever is made today, there will be someone tomorrow improving on it. It's Ed's time now, later on someone else will come out and say where he has been wrong. Then they will be the top dog until the next person comes along.

Absolutely and completely agree. Part of being an expert means being wrong sometimes - can't avoid it (and shouldn't want to)! I think we will be seeing LEDs (or some form of them) in our future.

I would mention only one small, insignificant quibble. And I only point this out because you are a good sport and I believe you'll understand that I mention it with kind intentions. The flat-earth thing - not very many knowledgeable people ever bought into that. I understand you completely and using it as analogy did not undermine your argument at all. But you may find it interesting that not many folks bought into the flat earth (or at least anyone who thought about it at all). Any culture that lived near a seashore figured the Earth was round (or at least curved) since they saw the hull disappear and then the masts as ships sailed towards the horizon. A flat Earth would mean the ship would disappear all at once. Heck - the ancient Greeks had the circumference of the Earth figured out pretty close. They were off since they didn't know the Earth bulged. More proof of a round Earth available to the ancients was the circular shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse (which happen 2 and sometimes 3 times a year).

I would humbly recommend replacing flat-earth with earth-centered solar system and you'll have a great and accurate analogy.

Again, please do not take this personal - i am just passing along some info that i've gathered and thought you might enjoy it. I realize it is very trite and has no bearing on our discussion.
Absolutely and completely agree. Part of being an expert means being wrong sometimes - can't avoid it (and shouldn't want to)! I think we will be seeing LEDs (or some form of them) in our future.

I would mention only one small, insignificant quibble. And I only point this out because you are a good sport and I believe you'll understand that I mention it with kind intentions. The flat-earth thing - not very many knowledgeable people ever bought into that. I understand you completely and using it as analogy did not undermine your argument at all. But you may find it interesting that not many folks bought into the flat earth (or at least anyone who thought about it at all). Any culture that lived near a seashore figured the Earth was round (or at least curved) since they saw the hull disappear and then the masts as ships sailed towards the horizon. A flat Earth would mean the ship would disappear all at once. Heck - the ancient Greeks had the circumference of the Earth figured out pretty close. They were off since they didn't know the Earth bulged. More proof of a round Earth available to the ancients was the circular shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse (which happen 2 and sometimes 3 times a year).

I would humbly recommend replacing flat-earth with earth-centered solar system and you'll have a great and accurate analogy.

Again, please do not take this personal - i am just passing along some info that i've gathered and thought you might enjoy it. I realize it is very trite and has no bearing on our discussion.

LOL, I'll just leave it and be wrong. I'm okay with that. :mrgreen: So I'm guessing you, like myself, spend some time stoned watching the History or Discovery channel.