hps vegging

can i veg. with my hps? i have t-5s on em now 2 actinic an 2 daytimes, will the hps help or it for flowering only i have 5 purple star, babies 11in tall an i have two 150 watt hps light availible in my flowering room


Well-Known Member
Yes you can veg with it, but I'd advice you not to because a HPS puts out alot of lumens in the red spectrum and doesn't promote tight internodal veg. growth like say a MH or flos which provide a bluer spectrum and does; and you don't necessarily need alot of lumens for plants in their vegetative stage like you do in flower. Plus if you used your 2 HPS lamps for veg you may have to add more lights on your plants when they flower.
got u but im runnin the 2 4foot actinic bllue t5s isnt that enough blue? i set it up an it seems more blue then orange sooo??


Active Member
yes, HPS is great for veg. they are even better than MH. i didnt believe it until my friends actually showed me. i do use t5HOs though also. sometimes heat can be a problem, even with cool tubes.

if you veg with a mh, then go to flower with a hps, the plants will stress and stretch, they're not used to that change in spectrum. dont get me wrong though, i've vegged with mh and flowered with hps many times and always had spectacular results, but i noticed since getting rid of my mh, i've gotten even better results. i think its because the hps has more lumens per watt.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can veg with it, but I'd advice you not to because a HPS puts out alot of lumens in the red spectrum and doesn't promote tight internodal veg. growth like say a MH or flos which provide a bluer spectrum and does; and you don't necessarily need alot of lumens for plants in their vegetative stage like you do in flower. Plus if you used your 2 HPS lamps for veg you may have to add more lights on your plants when they flower.
this is bullshit and you have obviously never used an hps in veg or you fucked up somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
I've vegged with 2 400 hps for a while. it works fine. Node spacing really depends on the strain and how close you have the light. My lemon og and sfv og stretch a little under it but all my other strains have tight nodes. They actually end up very bushy. the more lumens compare to the t5 just makes them veg faster. So it works fine. I have 55k lumens hortilux on one and 60k lucalux on the other. The one difference I don"t like is a couple hours before they go to sleep, they get more droopy than under a t5. When they wake up, they are very perky for about 15 hours then droopy again. oh and way more heat than off the t5's


Well-Known Member
For One I don't speak BS, NEVER! If I say it I can back it up, learn to read Irieie I said "you can veg with a HPS", It's my opinion through what I've experienced/noticed in my grows (2) in specific where I used my 600 HPS for veg and flower. Plants gradually need more light the older they get,PERIOD put a clone under that HPS how far will you have to hang it so it doesn't burn? How many lumens and how much electricity is wasted in the process? Do they still eat the same amount of food or do they need more up until a certain point, same with lighting a plant in springtime (veg.) grows under less intense sunlight then in August (flower) the intensity picks up, temps too, and the spectrum changes to a reddish hue in the skys noticed at dawn and dusk stimulating flowering hormones. I've flowered under every light but LEDs and I've been growing more than 2 decades you're not commenting on some wet behind the ears newbie.
evryone keeps saying "before they go to sleep" i veg 24-0 is that not correct? lolnice to know now ive been doing it for this grew n my last,


Well-Known Member
i run 2 150w HPS in my veg cab on a 20/4 light cycle. the HPS give super tight node spacing and like someone said above about less stretch when ya go to 12/12 is true too.


Well-Known Member
same with lighting a plant in springtime (veg.) grows under less intense sunlight then in August (flower) the intensity picks up, temps too, and the spectrum changes to a reddish hue in the skys noticed at dawn and dusk stimulating flowering hormones.
the "reddish hue" does not cause a plant to flower, a changed cycle to 12/12 changes a plant to flower.
also have you ever taken a third grade science class? if you did you would know that the sun is strongest during the summer solstice and gradually lessens in intensity there after. oh and in case you did not know the summer solstice is june 21 not in august when you said the suns light is most intense. have any other bullshit you wanna spew?


Active Member
well Hps wasn't men't for veg stage and you might see an increase in light usage but not everyone can get what they need here are the opition bellow

400 watt - (HPS / MH) i will say getting a 400 watt MH for a 4 x 4 veg room is great

600 watt - ( HPS) good for flowering room 4 x 4 as well

but in your case you will want a lower watt for the veg room such as 400Watt since they need to grow even still so the tops can even up well


Well-Known Member
the "reddish hue" does not cause a plant to flower, a changed cycle to 12/12 changes a plant to flower.
also have you ever taken a third grade science class? if you did you would know that the sun is strongest during the summer solstice and gradually lessens in intensity there after. oh and in case you did not know the summer solstice is june 21 not in august when you said the suns light is most intense. have any other bullshit you wanna spew?
Have you passed third grade reading and comprehending? Spring doesn't start in June, DUH! springtime starts March 21 the sun is less intense then, it's also less intense during June than it is in July/August; if that's not the case people would be using air conditioning less during that time of year. If it's not as intense, transplant your plants outside in direct sun during early spring vs August (see how fast they'll fry). The reddish hue "stimulates" the flowering hormones in the plant, phosphorus promotes floral growth too, but without a change in photoperiod like say 12/12 they won't flower. You really showed me how much you know the summer solstice is the longest day of the year not the hottest day and the hours of the day decrease afterwards....... I never said people couldn't use a HPS in veg. (IME) the plants respond more like outdoor plants with the switch of lighting that's (IME), your experience maybe different. Bullshit spewed?