Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

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what u guys up to tonight? having a few drinks of white rum


it's been the best days long binge ive ever done, beginning wednesday evening's road trip.

while I didnt get super high as I thought at once, the amount I did was consistent enough to make everything seem like a blurr.

Today was fucking awesome dude, I cant even describe how it felt, it was like I did three days worth errands and activities in one period. Fucking epic dude.

While chillin with my Sensei, I realized that i smoked so much but have such a clean, managble high that, even tho my mind was essentially functional, the brain was racing thoughts about what to do while high at that moment

so after coming to realize I had stopped and asked myself three times if I was high enough or not, I noticed the Metallica song hadn't even finished and I had plenty of time left till I did errands uptown

Walmart sucked this evening, but damn dude I wanted to fuck and talk to this fellow tweaker woman, I bet if I drove my ice cream truck to town and was alone she would have rode my vanilla snow cone while on an ICE cold snow cone

after walmart, went to an American buffet with the mom.

It was a blast dudes. I honestly thought I wouldnt be down to eat cuz of dope but HOLY titties

not only did I feel my high kick back in while zooming around the serving area, I ended up eating more than I would have stoned on mmj alone. I mean, I ate.

here I am, pretty much riding my plateau till the half lives die and I begin legit withdraw most likely tomorrow around noon. Ill might be a little bitchy at worst but thats it.

I just, I just, im fucking blown guys...i totally understand a new compassion for people who become addicts and go through some really rough shit.
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addiction aint pretty guys,

I almost died donating plasma my second time ever, back in 2014 and wanna do it again just so I can score me some candy today, 6 hours of easy money followed by shame and fun

im sure its silly talk but i wanna just spend my bank savings today and get some needles, candy and call it good, make it a fun sunday and go out to a very long deep sleep at dusk tonight
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Fuck yeah man, well spoken advice. Just sticking to mmj, went for a walk with the dog around the block, and felt human again

I think im kicking the habit for good this time. There is other things I know I can come across :idea:

this thread can serve as a withdraw rant area.

Im not physically feeling any urge to dope up but im getting little mental triggers here and there

aint nothing wrong with dope itself it just really does change people, like, a good 95% at least lol

I been trying candy since beginning of year, began with trying some coke cola then straight up ice-cold pepsi

I used to lots of dabs only, with little drinking here and there. I used to come home from work, make myself meals, and dab the fuck out playing my xboxone or watching anime and keeping up on series'.

i do none of that shit now, all I do is work, eat on the go, and come home bitching about everything in life trying to get as high as I can on combinations of everything avaliable

got behind on some minor bills but never truly fucked off

my cheekbones are more noticeable due to cheek fat being used up (I was skinny to begin with)

my forehead feels like it gained a years worth of wrinkle to its appearance

but ill be alright and make it thru.

On the bright side guys, I did get geeked out at times and did many quality home improvement tasks like me at 2AM working and listening to Metallica- end up calling off work at 6 am cuz you wanna finish the kitchen tile grout

Pissed off that the mailman waved at you? Late to work because you spent the past 18 hours sleeping? Eat an entire jar of peanut butter after being reacquainted with the concept of "appetite"? Can't shit because you ate an entire jar of peanut butter and your meth fucked GI tract can't digest anything other than bananas anyway? Sort of glad you can't shit because you're out of toilet paper and have lost the will to leave the house to buy more
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Fuck yeah man, well spoken advice. Just sticking to mmj, went for a walk with the dog around the block, and felt human again

I think im kicking the habit for good this time. There is other things I know I can come across :idea:

this thread can serve as a withdraw rant area.

Im not physically feeling any urge to dope up but im getting little mental triggers here and there

aint nothing wrong with dope itself it just really does change people, like, a good 95% at least lol

I been trying candy since beginning of year, began with trying some coke cola then straight up ice-cold pepsi

I used to lots of dabs only, with little drinking here and there. I used to come home from work, make myself meals, and dab the fuck out playing my xboxone or watching anime and keeping up on series'.

i do none of that shit now, all I do is work, eat on the go, and come home bitching about everything in life trying to get as high as I can on combinations of everything avaliable

got behind on some minor bills but never truly fucked off

my cheekbones are more noticeable due to cheek fat being used up (I was skinny to begin with)

my forehead feels like it gained a years worth of wrinkle to its appearance

but ill be alright and make it thru.

On the bright side guys, I did get geeked out at times and did many quality home improvement tasks like me at 2AM working and listening to Metallica- end up calling off work at 6 am cuz you wanna finish the kitchen tile grout

At least your getting some constuctive stuff done.
I was giving my friend some 2cp, his car hit a bump so half the bag spilled so I scooped up what I could and gave it to him. I love these texts like
I took too much
Bro I'm still flying
Etc lmao hope it was fun for him! He's still flying
I've got an ass load (ok probably only 2 g but you could still feasibly load it in your ass) of Dom should be good for a while like years if you store like me, cool dry very dark air proof place
Been meaning to get myself some DOM for a while, do you guys like it? Only thing that concerns me about it is the long duration
I been blowing lines like crazy. Fuck leaving me feeling like shit today.

Going to take it easy and go sober I reckon. Bu that I mean just liqour and green.

I think I should go crawl back jnto bed and throw in some game of throwns
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