Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

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Been meaning to get myself some DOM for a while, do you guys like it? Only thing that concerns me about it is the long duration
I like it from what I understand it's a synthetic analog of mescaline. It lasts a long time but I found the experience to be pretty mild compared to other hallucinogens. I had a very nice goofy warm body high that lasted for about 8 hours with some mild visuals thrown in but keep in mind with psychedelics the experiance can vary person to person but if you've taken LSD before then you should be alright with DOM. I have heard from a lot of people that 5mg is the sweet spot just make sure you take it earlier in the day like around 12:00pm otherwise you may find it hard to sleep later it's definitely an all day thing. Back when they first came out with this stuff it was being sold as acid. People would eat way to much and end up tripping balls for days at a time which is why I think they now label it as being DOM so people don't try to sell it as acid. So stick with 5mg for your first time.
liquor aint cutting it for me either, need some damn drugs to take the edge off lol, how do ppl live like this? lol i literately have no idea what its to live life without drugs i've been doing it since such an early age, scary thing is i'd never be able to stop cause im so used to it
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