Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

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my Cat Whiskers saw herself in the mirror using this, and gave herself a long lecture about smoking cat nip.


lmfao a pet store gifted Whiskers this as a generous act of kindness. Woulda never thought it would end up serving a more serious, important function at this point in the 9 lives left. Probably 7 at this point due to age and use. She should have cleaned it out a month back when it evolved

Turns out Whiskers isnt the only cool cat with overclocked glass


epson salts or whatever those things are. Sadness, Whiskers cousin Tina packed up and left for train station so that we can ultimately return to the mon thru fri rat race bullshit

till we meet again, Milk
how much is a gram of blow over there?


Over on my side usually $400+ over east is about $300, I've seen people selling 'silk road coke' for $650 and people still buy that shit. If you have any kind of decent drug here just name your price and people will pay. Even on darknet markets and such its $200-$300 for domestic shit
Crackpipe resin and sugar wax is exactly what I needed to not have such a shitty come down- for morning sunlight hasnt even arrived and im already feeling like I did a whole Mondays worth of bullshit and just wanna chill the fuck out at home, sleep, eat.

I wish I could be geeking-tweaking-spun N' Run and meet the two new coworkers today, fuck them they dont deserve shoes or toilet paper

Hmm. oh I think Im gonna be feeling it again, I didnt realize how much resin I had available

duuude..talk about an addictive state of mind.
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Over on my side usually $400+ over east is about $300, I've seen people selling 'silk road coke' for $650 and people still buy that shit. If you have any kind of decent drug here just name your price and people will pay. Even on darknet markets and such its $200-$300 for domestic shit
wow thats expensive as shit! 75$ usa here for a gram, 100$ cad
You know you're a tweaker when u walk 5 blocks past the dude


starting to feel the need to beat a mutha fucka- with a mutha fucka

guns, drugs and food seems to be Whiskers priority
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Fuck heron

Best friend died of that shit back in 05 .....I found out while on my deployment in Afghanistan
most overdoses are from the crap cut with it apparently, either that or being stupid, and theres usually a severe reason why ppl go for herion in the first place
most overdoses are from the crap cut with it apparently, either that or being stupid, theres usually a severe reason why ppl go for herion in the first place
Oh is that what it is, apparently? Shit I wish more people knew that, you should share that information with people man cos they're obviously not figuring out the same clever, well informed conclusion that you have and that shit could save lives.
Yes ! Hit the nail on the head.....it is what it's cut with

I've had shit catch on fire in the middle of inhaling and tasted like pure gas in my mouth

I mean we was really fucked up and um......yeah...FIRE FIRE FIRE
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