Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

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meth deteriorates the brain and cause psychosis after long term use

cocaine fucks up the pleasure sensors in your brain after long term use, which sucks cause i love the absolutely shit
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meth deteriorates he brain and cause psychosis after long term use

cocaine fucks up the pleasure sensors in your brain after long term use, which sucks cause i love the absolutely shit

Meff does the same but more intense. You go in dry , meaning sober..2 good rips of some nicer quality. ..ur gonna wanna walk sideways to keep ya from flying away...dopamine going insane....now on the other hand, there is some straight bunko bullshit out there.

After 4 days is when you start talking to the leprechaun.
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wopwend09рц30крй0вйзцтвжйщгмуа79й83паизуц98сщш ттщштЩГИШМЩАЦГШВ

think im dumb? Challenge me to chess
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i have no idea what your talking about


no lie, a dude I knew very well and spent a list full of years with, tried burning my house down and killing me with my own samurai swords because he couldnt handle the REAL cat nip that exists...you guys gotta try sometime in life.

its 9:11 PM and like, 911 was terrible n shit yo.

never had so much fucking fun jibber jabbering before.

I totally fucking forgot shit I wanted to say and that

fucking fuck, FUCK guys, fuck. The world is shit. I fucking dislike adult world, but its iite.

We aint gonna be smart humans enough to figure WHAT THE FUCK happens after death or if Karma exists n shit, things like that

People in our world videotape them torturing all sorts of living shit

Some people work you like as if their perception of you is "cheap labor nigger for our dirtiest cotton picking"

So for like, a little bit lol, FUCK, get along everyone. Lets all share the peace pipe.

ISIS would fucking melt and boil no pun intended into a state of mind thats so fucking clear and curious, theyd probably open their fucking eyes and stop being evil fags, mmkay

North Korea would open its borders and sell sell sell like hot cakes mother fucker, I know those crazy mofos would love to offer tourists "supreme leader yaba"

Maybe if we all did KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, America would nation wide, raise minimum wage to 15 like NY and Cali are doing here soon enough.
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break it out for a good occasion- stick to boring cheap normal wine till then.

probably gonna have kitty over there, sober up from here on till the space mission comes.
soon enough gents, spring party fever is about to be on everyones minds, shroomhippies to ganjatweakers alike

last night was a great sample taste of life to come, but gotta work for the benjamins and freetime first tho

returning to the rat race sucks but keeps me outta trouble
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