(HS) Jibber Jabber Thread

lol we got drunk not too long ago and called up our buddy at like 2 in the morning asking if he could rob some pills off his family

had a pretty good buzz after that benzo and mild opiates
When I did ketamine with my friend
I was completely sober had just woken up and was buying some assorted skittles. He offered me a free line of ketamine since I was a frequent buyer and I couldn't say no...
He proceeded to line out a rail the size of my thumb.
What the wtf bro? I've never done this I'm scared.
He takes a bump out the size of a pea


I proceed to leave over to snort it...

Bro. That's your line this is what I'm putting back.

OK Man. Deep breath. Nice long snort.

I sat on the bed and proceeded to talk to my friend. I soon found myself standing up.
But when I looked down, I saw myself sitting on the bed talking to my friend.

I literally walked around the room and got to a place i couldn't walk and popped back into my real body. I told my friend I wanted to look in the mirror and so I got up and went over and couldn't tell who was me and who was he, or anything like that. I didn't know either of us and then he helped me back to the bed. We talked more and I saw a circle of light and color in my vision. If I closed my eyes it was really powerful but if not it was at least there. It lasted for a while, even after he left I felt beside myself, sleepy, and out of my own realm/body/familiar it wasn't uncomfortable at all though it was like whatever was me was now outside of whatever was my body.
When I did ketamine with my friend
I was completely sober had just woken up and was buying some assorted skittles. He offered me a free line of ketamine since I was a frequent buyer and I couldn't say no...
He proceeded to line out a rail the size of my thumb.
What the wtf bro? I've never done this I'm scared.
He takes a bump out the size of a pea


I proceed to leave over to snort it...

Bro. That's your line this is what I'm putting back.

OK Man. Deep breath. Nice long snort.

I sat on the bed and proceeded to talk to my friend. I soon found myself standing up.
But when I looked down, I saw myself sitting on the bed talking to my friend.

I literally walked around the room and got to a place i couldn't walk and popped back into my real body. I told my friend I wanted to look in the mirror and so I got up and went over and couldn't tell who was me and who was he, or anything like that. I didn't know either of us and then he helped me back to the bed. We talked more and I saw a circle of light and color in my vision. If I closed my eyes it was really powerful but if not it was at least there. It lasted for a while, even after he left I felt beside myself, sleepy, and out of my own realm/body/familiar it wasn't uncomfortable at all though it was like whatever was me was now outside of whatever was my body.
that'd freak me out man holy shit