HulkNugs Medical Indoor Grows

There you go, the man with the PPM skillz got yer back....ah wissnae far off with ma ane prognosis like.
Yea i go by a nute cheat sheet says the exact same thing, so i have been backing off .5 mls each gallon of base nute mix

Had some time this morning before lights out so i started cleaning up and getting ready to flush the girls. I pulled out my pump that feeds the girls and it was caked in a build up slime and hard. Honestly i couldn't believe the water could flow through the pump like it was.
Ok lets get on to the grow, like i was saying last week the numbers on the nutes have been high, and this is with normal dosage of nutes. Even in the res where i mix up all my nutes first, normal 8 gallons of ro with nutes as listed below(with dropper) ppm/ec was going to high, adding 2 gallons of ro still did not drop the numbers down. Long story short i cleaned all my pumps, cleaned the mix res tank,control bucket, and flushed the girls. Mixed up a new batch of nutes and with out adding any ro water my numbers were almost right on to what i believe they should be, waited a day and no flux well nothing like before just a ph jumped .2. Also instead of mixing up 8 gallons of water i just went with 6 gallons, figured the roots were so big i didn't need to drowned them all, so saying that i believe that the waterfarms water tanks are only half full. That's about it, looking forward to the harvest hope i pull something decent. Grow strong!!

New Water
Aqua A/B 11.5 ml to gallon of ro water
Drip Clean .4 ml to gallon
Bud XL 3.8 ml to gallon
Top Booster 5.7 ml to gallon
New Water PH 5.5 PPM 1090 TDS 2180 Temp 72
Basic cheat sheet: Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes. Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes Ec stable, PH goes up=Equilibrium=Good thang.

.............................Bubba Kush.....................F13
Temps ...............low68 high85...................low70 high86
Humidity ............low59 high43...................low51 high43
Height.................39 1/2" tall.......................31 3/4" tall, topped her in veg
Light info:...........10"..................................18" away..Templow68high100Humiditylow41high50
Trunks................1 3/8" .............................1 1/8"
Buds...................1 5/8"..............................1 5/8"
Leaves.................9 fingers max...................7 fingers max

Shooting Powder this week and the next three weeks should be seeing some tails start popping up and the buds getting bigger. In this video they have had shooting powder for two days. The water has been chilling not to much of a flux going on just the temp shit the temp, it should be getting better now since the heat wave has passed, hopefully. Just my experience with the Ice bottles to keep the temps down works great!!!BUT there is a process to it i believe to make it work with out messing it all up, so yea it can get more annoying then beneficial. Since the bottles start getting a lot of frost on them and maybe even have some nutes from before when they were in the res, i suggest to have a bucket or to rinse them off with your feed water out side of your res before adding them. Doing this its like prepping them for the water and my water seemed to like it tons more then when i just put the frost frozen bottles in. Also found out something i should have read/known when i first started using H&G is that this nute brand does not really like oxygen in the water with the nutes, it really messes with the nutes and does not allow the plants to get what they need. Reading that i took out all my air stones right away, want my girls to be as happy as possible. Checking my Calender and the trichomes the harvest is just around the corner, like i was saying before the F13 looks like its going to finish first maybe a week before the Bubba, so that just means the F13 does not get any dark time in the flush before the harvest and the Bubba will, oh well.

New Water
Aqua A/B 7.5 ml to gallon of ro water
Drip Clean .4 ml to gallon
Bud XL 3.8 ml to gallon
Shooting Powder .4gram to gallon
New Water PH 5.5 PPM 540 TDS 1100 Temp 72
Basic cheat sheet: Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes. Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes Ec stable, PH goes up=Equilibrium=Good thang.

..........................Bubba Kush.....................F13
Temps ...............low68 high86...................low70 high86
Humidity ............low43 high58...................low54 high43
Height.................40" tall............................32" tall, topped her in veg
Trunks................1 1/2" .............................1 1/8"
Buds...................1 5/8"..............................1 5/8"
Leaves.................9 fingers max...................7 fingers max
Light info:...........12"..................................20" away.......Temp-low68high103 Humidity- low41high54

First time poppin in, must of been an accident. Your ladies look happy so they prolly won't divorce you befor you kill them. Great job man.
Very longs trichomes on the first one (the Bubba?) Aweseom stuff, looking forward to it filling out.

Peace bru,

Very longs trichomes on the first one (the Bubba?) Aweseom stuff, looking forward to it filling out.

Peace bru,


You got it right, the bubba has tons of trichomes compared to the F13. I was going to put all my trimmings together when i make hash but after seeing how the bubba packs on the trichomes might as well two different mix of hash for each strain.
You got it right, the bubba has tons of trichomes compared to the F13. I was going to put all my trimmings together when i make hash but after seeing how the bubba packs on the trichomes might as well two different mix of hash for each strain.
I would def go for the two different hashes! will be interesting to see what you think of them as far as effect....when the time comes naturally.

Take is easy bru,

Peace, DST
Plants and water seem to be doing good no big problems or flux going on. I have noticed the Bubba's top colas leaves are starting to cup guessing the heat is getting to her up there max of 89 not good. The kink in the ducing is probley making the temps that high, and with 155cfm for 800watts is not to good either. Will be fixing the kink definitely before next grow but not to sure if i can get the bigger fan yet, all in time. Any one thinking about going RDWC or something similar think about the roots and your water flow!!!!!! This water changed was my worst after filling up girls and control bucket with new water, i always hang out with them for a hour or so checking on them and other shit that needs to be done, then back to the water and all the connections to see if there is any problems. The dam return line on my Bubba is full of roots i know it, water just kept on filling up the bucket and my orchid pellets were floating in water even the trunk was in water. Turned off my pump and let it drain out to all buckets even and that took awhile. Just pissed thinking of what could be done, i almost just said fuck it and chopped her down. I thought of trying to push some water through the drain line to maybe clear up some roots and have better water flow, that worked a little but not enough water was still up in the orchid pellets just not as high as before. Then like a smart guy i just checked my pump and there was waterflow adjusting on it and bam that did the trick. Not to sure how high the water is but i can not feel it when i put my finger into the pellets like i could before. Cleaning up the girls dead leaves i noticed all around the dehumidifier the plants are just getting really bad wind burn and heat burn so the dehumidifier will have to go back up on the wall for next grow. Been reading up more on House and Garden and noticed my feedings for shooting powder are off, not to sure what it is. I have read 2.6grams per gallon but from my old chart i got from there site it says .04 hahaha way off so yea that sucks. Didn't want to mess with the water after i already made it and ph'd it so next week the bubba 2.6g per gallon and the f13 starts her flush no good powder for her.

New Water
Aqua A/B 7.5 ml to gallon of ro water
Drip Clean .4 ml to gallon
Bud XL 3.8 ml to gallon
Shooting Powder .4gram to gallon (do not follow my shooting powder its off)
New Water PH 5.5 PPM 540 TDS 1100 Temp 72
Basic cheat sheet: Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes. Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes Ec stable, PH goes up=Equilibrium=Good thang.

..........................Bubba Kush.....................F13
Temps ...............low68 high89...................low69high90
Humidity ............low40 high58...................low51 high42
Height.................41" tall............................34" tall, topped her in veg
Trunks................1 1/2" .............................1 1/8"
Buds...................1 3/4"..............................1 5/8"
Leaves.................9 fingers max...................7 fingers max
Light info:...........11"..................................19" away.......Temp-low68high105 Humidity- low41high52
Co2 test kit - Did two test, PPM is around 1000 to 800, turned up the bubble counter a little

Harvest is just around the corner few more days of flush for the F13 and she comes down wooo hoo. Then why shes drying the Bubba will get a good flush 5 days in light 2 days in dark. Checking the trichomes i do not notice to many amber trichs on either strain, tons of perky milky ones, and the nugs are just rocks on both plants well depending where the nug is, bottoms ones are little fluffy only on the F13, bubba is solid top to bottom. Been noticing some of the leaves are changing color to yellow, not to sure if this is the normal yellow you see or not its juming around to different leaves, and a few of the leaves are turning them self's over so the bottom of the leaf is on top trippy shit. Not to sure how i did it but the girls are really dry right now to the leaves are almost crisp to break not that bad but almost, any ideas what would cause some of these problems? Other then that rooms going as normal, been working in the little veg area i have fixed it up to be a dry room for now, really wanted to jump into the next grow right away but yea, looks like i will have to put it off for a little bit sucks. Thank you all for watching and subscribing. Drop a video response if your growing, always looking for a new grow to watch and learn from.

New Water
Bubba Kush Water
Aqua A/B 7.5 ml to gallon of ro water
Drip Clean .4 ml to gallon
Bud XL 3.8 ml to gallon
Shooting Powder 2.6gram to gallon
PH 5.5 PPM 800 Temp 72

F13 Flush Water
Clearx 30 ml a gallon
PH 5.6 PPM 36
Going to add more water or switch out the water every 2 days for 7days
Basic cheat sheet: Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes. Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes Ec stable, PH goes up=Equilibrium=Good thang.

..........................Bubba Kush.....................F13
Temps ...............low66 high80...................low69 high82
Humidity ............low45 hig69...................low46 high57
Height.................41" tall............................34" tall, topped her in veg
Trunks................1 1/2" .............................1 1/8"
Buds...................1 3/4"..............................1 3/4"
Leaves.................11 fingers max...................7 fingers max
Light info:...........11".....................­.............19" away..Temp-low68high105 Humidity- low41high52
Co2 is done, no more this grow.
