HulkNugs Medical Indoor Grows


Hope everyone got to enjoy today to the fullest, i sure did :-P.

Well besides the site being down then when i finally got on, well ya know. In time it should grow on me hopefully.

Plants are doing OK been checking on them when i can and noticed a few little buggers around so i am dealing with that, trying to get rid of them.

Also running into humidity problems with lights off even with the 40pint dehumidifier i get in the 70's high 60's grrr hahaha will have that figured out soon i hope

Oh yea no big deal yet but i switched over to Flowering last Saturday, another reason i need to get the humidity under control. After doing some research and checking all the info i have(since i did not right down the date of birth grrr notes are always nice to have) figured out to have vegged these girls 95 days! They have been topped and LST'ed.

Also did a trim job on them everything low, cleaned up the bottom for air flow and to get rid of small bud sites, will be doing her last trim after two weeks of flowering and should have some nice bud sites to show off by then.

Have a great rest of the day!!!!!!! :leaf::leaf::leaf:Happy 420 :leaf::leaf::leaf:bongsmilie
i think i like the new style.

hang in there bro, tweak a little at a time to get it all dailed. sometimes you gotta go a few crops, just fucking shit up royally, to learn. you will have a bout with bugs this time of year cuz its warm, and they can have like 1000 babies, those little fuckers! yeah, i got a bug problem, but i'm gettin 1500 ladybugs in the mail tomorrow, so those lil fuggers better be packing and saying goodbyes!!! later bro, and good luck!
Thinking all my circulating fans is whats causing the problem with the humidity, so put those two fans on a timer. They go on 3 mins after lights on and go off 3 mins before lights off. Checked the humidity right before lights went off and the humidity dropped to 38 so that's a good sign for lights off.

Also figured out the 40 pint dehumidifiers tank empty schedule. Two times a day right before lights off and after lights come on. When lights are off the tank fills up almost full if not full. With lights on it can get up to half way full. So the money spent is being put to work, always good to know.

Nice grab on the ladybugs been checking out all the good bugs we can put in are grows. The praymantis looks nuts wouldn't mind having one of them hanging out in there taking care of my girls.
thanks for your help again hulk nugs... I think the megarip garden kit will have to wait for a little longer. Still working on setting up a a good room for the girls. Dude I was so stoned for 420 it was unreal, idk about the new site it is having a lot of problems on my firefox with having to reload literally every page I try open up... Speaking of 420 though, I showed my friends a picture of that INSANE bush of a tree you call a weed plant on 4/20, they were saying it was fake it shocked them so hard!
munchin on muffins listening to kid koala and playing asassins creed II>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: smoking cheese, psychosis and alaskan ice, pretty hammerd lol:joint:
Its a sleeepy mix lol its only the sugar in the muffins thats keeping us from sleepin lmao lol yawn yawn lol but its fast approaching midnight so i spoze its fair lol
Its a sleeepy mix lol its only the sugar in the muffins thats keeping us from sleepin lmao lol yawn yawn lol but its fast approaching midnight so i spoze its fair lol

midnight is a good time to call it if not passed out by then. Unless its going to be a early 2 am morning then just stay up. Night cap for me is a few shots of JD and a nice tasting Indica 30 mins of relaxing and i will be passed out.
damhow did i miss the start of this. dam bro gettin you green on arn't you....LOL lookinggreat bro.. kep it up
damhow did i miss the start of this. dam bro gettin you green on arn't you....LOL lookinggreat bro.. kep it up

Thanks bro

Just did a water change, girls are taking the aggressive feedings with little to no nute burn.

They look almost the same as last week just little more bigger buds, hairs are perky and white