I realize now that pot heads are not all spiritual peopple and a lot of pple can still be negative and wrong thinking.
But my opinion on piss , is Thumbs up.
I read a long time ago pee human hair . ect is all good for plants , and has no difference then other fertilziers.
Pee is good source of nitrogen, and i dont do it at the moment , i usally pee before i go to my patch
But if your worried about taste , just like any other fertiliser , Flush your plants , i dont think id want to foilar feed my plants but applying it directly to the ground why not , pee is pretty diluted with water already , maybe you can start a buisness , evaporate your pee toa concentrate.
And for more information , if you want a stronger nitrogen pee , eat more vegetables , if you ask why , ask your self this , why do mushrooms grow from cow shit , its beacause they eat grass , and mushrooms grow from grains, grass can be a grain , soooo.....
well lets hope you all thinki positive and use your pretty little brains , and may god and pot and love be with us all.