Humboldt Questions

Thank you thats really good advice cause even though everyone I talked to said i should be fine its still kind of scary with all the missing people reports. Im definitly trying to make some money but not to the extent where i put my life in jeopardy ya know. And if anyone is reading this post and has trim work or any work in that field i would really like to learn dont even have to pay me top dollar more in it for the knowledge aspect. The only part I was wondering is someone said something about a 99 plant rule. Is that valid in all of california or just emerald triangle. Part of me feels like if i get pulled over with a pound in a area like that it would be different then if i get pulled over with a pound somewhere else. Like everyone says the cops know whats going on but I just wonder what the gray line is there. Acourse I am going to be as lowkey as humanly possible but I just wish someone from that area could jump in the thread and answer those questions just so I dont have to go through the trial and error phase. There is alot of information on growing and experience is definitly important but if someone really applies there self I feel like they can learn it especially with a mentor. But there is nothing but false information on the triangle or grow areas in cali. And thank you once again ruby fruit for the advice I really appreciate that buddy.
All gd man im in aust myself but talk regularly with some great guys from cali so I have a pretty gd idea of what goes on out there
But there are heaps more knowledgeable ppl out there
Got family in Humboldt.. Hope your prepared for high living expenses and every single price in the place raise by about half come October because they think all farmers are getting their pockets full.. It's pretty fucked up if you ask me.. They raise prices then drop them back to what they were first of the year just cause they know you aren't going to drive anywhere else to get what you need and they know you will pay the mark up..
if you are not tied down...go up and try to find a cheap job and just get to work....dont worry about what your making as the real value will be in long as you can eat, you're good.
If I was you i would stay out of the emerald triangle. It is as dangerous as they make it sound, but there are rippers everywhere come harvest time so if you do a big grow you better be sleeping with your plants and a 12 ga.
If I was you i would stay out of the emerald triangle. It is as dangerous as they make it sound, but there are rippers everywhere come harvest time so if you do a big grow you better be sleeping with your plants and a 12 ga.

Its a shame thieves exist but like u said that is everywhere. If someone were to fly out there not knowing anyone do they for the most part do good business or do u need to know someone so u dont get robbed.
Its a shame thieves exist but like u said that is everywhere. If someone were to fly out there not knowing anyone do they for the most part do good business or do u need to know someone so u dont get robbed.
It's definitely a who you know business. End of season do you want to hand over your years work to some wholesaler you don't know and hope he pays you because that's the other side of that coin. There are the rippers who will just stick a gun in your face then there's the con man wholesaler who will take your whole harvest and at 200 more than the other guy until you never get paid. That happens every where too.

Not saying it will never happen for you, I am the same age and just bought my own property this year and doing my first greenhouses on them has been such a large undertaking that doing this on my own simply wouldn't have happened. All because there are known unknowns like exactly how much dirt you will need and it will cost (seems like it should be easy to calculate but on a large scale it really isn't). Then there are the unknown unknowns like the fact that my whole season might be fucked because I am growing in the high desert on a mountain where water is scarce to the point I can't even offer someone with a well money to pump water. That's one of those situations where it pays to know people because I bet if I was a local i would find someone to sell me water no problem, but i get looked at as a scum pot grower or competition out here. And honestly prefer to be considered a scum pot grower to competition because I feel them sizing me up wondering how much they can take me for.... just something to keep in mind, friends usually have far more sinister intentions than enemies.
put your valuables somewhere safe, show up with a hundred bucks and a few changes of clothes.

people are always looking for cheap labor....use that as an "in" to get first round of knowledge and move up etc. like a normal career.
It's definitely a who you know business. End of season do you want to hand over your years work to some wholesaler you don't know and hope he pays you because that's the other side of that coin. There are the rippers who will just stick a gun in your face then there's the con man wholesaler who will take your whole harvest and at 200 more than the other guy until you never get paid. That happens every where too.

Not saying it will never happen for you, I am the same age and just bought my own property this year and doing my first greenhouses on them has been such a large undertaking that doing this on my own simply wouldn't have happened. All because there are known unknowns like exactly how much dirt you will need and it will cost (seems like it should be easy to calculate but on a large scale it really isn't). Then there are the unknown unknowns like the fact that my whole season might be fucked because I am growing in the high desert on a mountain where water is scarce to the point I can't even offer someone with a well money to pump water. That's one of those situations where it pays to know people because I bet if I was a local i would find someone to sell me water no problem, but i get looked at as a scum pot grower or competition out here. And honestly prefer to be considered a scum pot grower to competition because I feel them sizing me up wondering how much they can take me for.... just something to keep in mind, friends usually have far more sinister intentions than enemies.

Appreciate the advice and good luck on the water situation and i agree 100 percent on the friends usually have far more sinister intentions than enemies. So sad but so true.
put your valuables somewhere safe, show up with a hundred bucks and a few changes of clothes.

people are always looking for cheap labor....use that as an "in" to get first round of knowledge and move up etc. like a normal career.

Thats definitley a good idea but the money thing isnt the complete problem i was gonna prolly hire a grower n save some steps but thats a hard position to let someone fill when it comes to trust.