Hunter-Gazi: Giuliani and Russian propaganda scam to help Trump get re-eelcted.

Like from planes or is this some form of racist slang?

In Canada my wife joined a group to raise money and sponsor Syrian refugees to come to Canada. The first refugee to come was a 19 year old male who lost most of his family to extremists and bombings. When he first came to Canada we took him out clothes shopping and when I spoke with my mom the next day, she joked saying "don't get blown up". She also calls any brown person the word that states with pack and ends with E.

Fox News and Trump have made it more normal to be racist because for some reason in society we always need an enemy.

Well at least you and your wife are helping to right the world of the hate your mom's views represent.

Hopefully your society doesn't beat that kid into what your mom fears.

It reminds me of the old saying about the farmer's daughter. Shot 2020-11-02 at 3.13.05 PM.png

Donald Trump Jr. listened Wednesday night as Fox News host Sean Hannity scrutinized Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings, suggesting the son of former vice president Joe Biden had opportunities in other countries only because “they’re really buying favor with the father.”

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“Of course they are,” Trump Jr. chimed in. “When you’re the father and your son’s entire career is dependent on that, they own you.”

Trump Jr.'s Wednesday remarks sparked collective head-scratching and ridicule, but it’s a critique he and his brother Eric Trump have repeatedly voiced in recent days — much to the increasing annoyance of critics, including Comedy Central host Trevor Noah, who are vexed by the pair’s apparent lack of self-awareness.

“Now, let’s be clear, I’m not defending Hunter Biden,” Noah said on his show Wednesday. “All I’m saying is the last people who should be talking about the blurred lines of family names and political influence are the people currently running their home office from the White House.”

In a statement emailed to The Washington Post on Thursday, a spokesman for Trump Jr. pushed back against the criticisms calling them “nothing more than a straw man argument being used by Democrats and their friends in the media to protect Joe Biden’s failing presidential campaign.”

“Don isn’t attacking Hunter Biden because he has a famous father, he’s attacking him specifically for selling access to his father’s public office to enrich himself,” the statement said. “There’s a big difference between spending your entire life working your way up in a privately owned family business and leeching off the taxpayers to BECOME a family business based solely off your father’s political office.”

Bless his heart.
— Lincoln's Bible (@LincolnsBible) October 17, 2019
As President Trump continues to battle an impeachment inquiry linked to his dealings with Ukraine, conservatives have focused on the younger Biden’s foreign business connections — with Trump Jr. and Eric Trump emerging as two of the loudest voices. The Trumps’ latest attempts to ding Biden’s son over nepotism came not long after “Good Morning America” aired an interview with the 49-year-old on Tuesday amid ongoing allegations that he has benefited financially from his father’s influential position.

During the interview, Hunter Biden said it was “poor judgment,” but not unethical, to accept a paid position on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company while his father was still vice president, and acknowledged “there’s a lot of things that wouldn’t have happened in my life if my last name wasn’t Biden.”

Hunter Biden says role with Ukraine firm was ‘poor judgment’ but not ‘improper’

On Wednesday, Noah praised Biden for recognizing his privilege.

“That’s how the world works,” he said. “A lot of people get opportunities because of who their parents are.”

The host noted he has even been able to take advantage of his last name.

“I know the only reason I got to where I am today is probably because my great-great-grandfather built the ark,” he joked. “I accept that.”

Hold up, so the Trump boys wanted to attack the Bidens and the issue they chose was nepotism???
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) October 17, 2019
For the Trumps, however, Biden’s comments only fueled their belief that he had leveraged his father’s position in politics for financial gain.

“Dumpster fire at Biden HQ!” Trump Jr. tweeted on Tuesday.

Dumpster fire at Biden HQ! “It is impossible for me to be on any of the boards I just mentioned without saying that I’m the son of the vice president of the US. I don’t think that there’s a lot of things that would have happen in my life that if my name wasn’t Biden” Hunter Biden
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 15, 2019
Critics on social media instantly cried foul.

“Dude your name is literally your dad’s full name,” one person tweeted.
Another person wrote, “Imagine being *this* lacking in self-awareness.”

Donald Trump Jr.'s resume:

1. Ski bum

2. Executive Vice President for the Trump Organization, his father's company

3. Judge on the Apprentice, his father's TV show

4. Anti-nepotism activist
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) October 15, 2019
Several people also pointed to past instances of the Trump family appearing to express favorable viewstoward nepotism.

“I like nepotism,” Trump told Larry King in 2006. “I think, you know, a lot of people say, ‘Oh, nepotism.’ Usually these are people without children. But I like nepotism.”

Eric Trump has also described nepotism as “kind of a factor of life,” later adding that it is a “beautiful thing,” the Hill reported in 2017.

In a Tuesday interview with Fox News’s Laura Ingraham, Eric Trump stressed his family was not like the Bidens.

“The difference between us and Hunter is when my father became commander in chief of this country, we got out of all international business, right?” he said. “When his father became vice president of the United States, he got into international business.”

Trump Jr. echoed his brother’s remarks on Wednesday.

“I’m not going to say that I am not part of who I am because of my father. That would be foolish,” he told Hannity. “But the difference is, we did it as capitalists. We did it as businesspeople. We didn’t do it pretending and under the cloak of ‘Joe’s this great public servant, well here son, here’s every job you’ve ever had.’”

The Trumps, both top executives within the Trump Organization, say they stopped pursuing new foreign deals once their father became president, but they have continued to operate and promote family businesses overseas, the New York Times reported this month.
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have also maintained their foreign business ties while serving as White House advisers, The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin wrote. On Monday, GQ published a lengthy article titled, “How Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric Trump Have Profited Off Their Dad’s Presidency,” which included golf course and real estate deals among the family’s sources of income.

Trump Jr.'s comments did little to sway detractors on Wednesday, as a short clip of his interview quickly went viral. By early Thursday, the 26-second video had been viewed more than 1.25 million times.

“Local arsonist lectures on fire safety measures,” one person tweeted.

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WASHINGTON (AP) — A subpoena seeking documents from Hunter Biden asked for information related to more than two dozen entities, including Ukraine gas company Burisma, according to a person familiar with a Justice Department tax investigation of President-elect Joe Biden’s son.

The breadth of the subpoena, issued Tuesday, underscores the wide-angle lens prosecutors are taking as they examine the younger Biden’s finances and international business ventures.

Hunter Biden’s ties to Burisma in particular have long dogged the policy work and political aspirations of his father, Joe Biden, now the president-elect of the United States. It’s unclear whether Hunter Biden’s work at the Ukrainian company is a central part of the federal investigation or whether prosecutors are simply seeking information about all his sources of income in recent years.

The person was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

A lawyer for the younger Biden, George Mesires, did not immediately return a phone message seeking comment for this story and a spokesman for the Biden transition team declined to comment.

Hunter Biden confirmed Wednesday that his taxes are under federal investigation. The revelation comes at a delicate time for the president-elect, who is building out his Cabinet and will soon decide on his nominee to run the Justice Department, the same department overseeing the investigation into his son.

In addition to the Burisma-related request, the subpoena issued last week also seeks information on Hunter Biden’s Chinese business dealings and other financial transactions.

The probe was launched in 2018, the year before his father announced his candidacy for president. At one point in the investigation, federal prosecutors were also examining potential money laundering offenses, two people familiar with the matter told the AP.

Hunter Biden said he only learned of the investigation on Tuesday.

The younger Biden joined the board of Burisma in 2014, around the time his father, then vice president, was helping conduct the Obama administration’s foreign policy with Ukraine. President Donald Trump and his allies have long argued, without evidence, that Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine influenced the Obama administration’s policies toward the Eastern European nation.

Senate Republicans said in a report earlier this year that the appointment may have posed a conflict of interest but did not provide evidence that any policies were directly affected by Hunter Biden’s work.

The president-elect is not believed to be a focus of the investigation. He has not weighed in on the merits of the investigation, saying only to reporters on Friday that he was “proud of my son.”

For months, the U.S. attorney’s office in Pittsburgh has also been collecting information from Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and others as part of the Justice Department’s process to receive and analyze information related to Ukraine, including documents Giuliani wanted to present to prosecutors that he had been gathering in Ukraine about Joe and Hunter Biden.

In announcing that process in February, Barr cautioned that the department had to be careful about any information coming from Ukraine, saying: “There are a lot of agendas in the Ukraine, a lot of cross currents. And we can’t take anything we received from Ukraine at face value.”

The former New York City mayor was a main character when the House voted to impeach Trump. The impeachment inquiry centered on Trump’s dealings with Ukraine’s president and whether he abused his office by seeking the investigation into the Bidens. Giuliani pressured officials to do the investigations and has been pushing unsubstantiated corruption allegations against the Bidens.

Giuliani himself had also been under federal investigation, with federal prosecutors in Manhattan examining whether he failed to register as a foreign agent, according to people familiar with the matter. It was unclear whether that investigation remains active as Trump has discussed the possibility of preemptive pardons for some of his family members and close associates, including Giuliani.
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It's not like Joe is going to be appointing him to run the Covid vaccines or middle east peace.
Nope. He and his turd friends are true believers. Right down to the baby eating.
He should be here defending Trump's right to be president and protesting the "stolen" election. In fact he should have PM'd Buck his account password by now. They all have no character, though so he's probably back as a sock, but still a racist and a bigot, somethings never change, even if the user name does, same sick ego behind it.

I dunno how most American's really feel about his shit ( just how they voted this time with this clown), it's come to a head, one side must be destroyed, or the constitution must live. It has become a binary choice like never before, if you lose your fight I will lose mine and my country, of that I'm certain. Such things are not confined to national borders if fascist take over, they need enemies and when they have their final solution in America, their eyes will roam North and South. History does not repeat, but it often echoes and with the likes of Trump and those who support him any depravity imaginable is possible given total power. People will be forced to do unspeakable things or die, your children would be educated as "Trump Youth" and be taught "values" that are not yours, the list of shame is endless and bottomless. If they can make them believe absurdities they can make them commit atrocities.

Call me a fanatic if you wish or someone with extreme views on fascism, but fascism has one purpose, power and it often involves doing away with people who are a problem. The Jews of Europe were almost indistinguishable from Christian Poles or Germans or others nations who surrounded them and look what happened. African Americans are easily targeted and a majority of white Americans view them as a problem to be solved, not as people like them, they are the "other" and so is anybody brown or different. Such attitudes lend themselves to a "final solution", though the press won't be allowed to see the process, like the kids on the border, except there won't be any free press, just propaganda.

Texts from this guy and the Boballino(?) guy that were from 2017.
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Then Graham cries about how people 'went after Trump and his family' and thats why they are going after Hunter.

1. Trump ended up under investigation because he fired come for 'the Russia thing'. And bragged about it to the Russians the next day, actually asked for Russia to hack his political opponent, and hired a bunch of Russian linked morons.

It is not anyone's fault but his own that his family got caught.

2. Trump was in a political race when all this was going down.

He was asking and receiving Russian military's help while actively running in a American election. At worst based on the texts Fox is showing, Hunter was trying to make some money on Joe Biden's name in 2017 when Biden was a private citizen who had never cashed in on his long political career. He was in no way in a position to trade on a political office.

Funny how they gloss over that acting like somehow it is in anyway the same as what Trump and his family had done.

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BUmmer for the Trump cult, I guess gnarly morning after dic pics of a private citizen with no ties to a election, are not enough reason for a special counsel.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Outgoing Attorney General William Barr said he saw “no reason” to appoint a special counsel on potential election fraud or the tax investigation into the son of President-elect Joe Biden.

Barr said Monday in his final press conference that the investigation into Hunter Biden’s financial dealings was “being handled responsibly and professionally.”

“I have not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel and I have no plan to do so before I leave,” he said.

Barr also told The Associated Press in a previous interview that he had seen no evidence of widespread voting fraud, despite President Donald Trump’s claims to the contrary. Trump has continued to push baseless claims even after the Electoral College formalized Biden’s victory.

Trump has been weighing whether to push the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel, which would make it harder for Biden to shut down either investigation. But it’s not clear how he would do it without buy-in from Justice officials.
BUmmer for the Trump cult, I guess gnarly morning after dic pics of a private citizen with no ties to a election, are not enough reason for a special counsel.
View attachment 4774214
WASHINGTON (AP) — Outgoing Attorney General William Barr said he saw “no reason” to appoint a special counsel on potential election fraud or the tax investigation into the son of President-elect Joe Biden.

Barr said Monday in his final press conference that the investigation into Hunter Biden’s financial dealings was “being handled responsibly and professionally.”

“I have not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel and I have no plan to do so before I leave,” he said.

Barr also told The Associated Press in a previous interview that he had seen no evidence of widespread voting fraud, despite President Donald Trump’s claims to the contrary. Trump has continued to push baseless claims even after the Electoral College formalized Biden’s victory.

Trump has been weighing whether to push the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel, which would make it harder for Biden to shut down either investigation. But it’s not clear how he would do it without buy-in from Justice officials.
Edit your quoted text response, the original was taken down and yours is the only copy in the quoted text.
Hunters not running for potus. The investigation has been ongoing for almost 2 yrs. Thats when the recieved the laptop. So when Barr was asked recently if there will be an investigation into the laptop..and he says no. Then yes , its a no because its already under investigation for awhile now.
How many times did Trump say Hunter's name? And that was after all his attacks on Joe bounced off his clean as hell 50 year record as a politician who never chased in on his political office.

Barr saying there won't be an investigation means they know it is bullshit. The 'investigation' that is in the news now is about Hunter's doesn't really matter anyways. Like you said, Hunter is not in office, Joe Biden is the one that is elected POTUS, and he already said he will have nothgin to do with the investigations and the law will do what the law will do.

And once Trump pardons the rest of his criminal enterprise it will be on states to do the legal work would be my guess.
How many times did Trump say Hunter's name? And that was after all his attacks on Joe bounced off his clean as hell 50 year record as a politician who never chased in on his political office.

Barr saying there won't be an investigation means they know it is bullshit. The 'investigation' that is in the news now is about Hunter's doesn't really matter anyways. Like you said, Hunter is not in office, Joe Biden is the one that is elected POTUS, and he already said he will have nothgin to do with the investigations and the law will do what the law will do.

And once Trump pardons the rest of his criminal enterprise it will be on states to do the legal work would be my guess.
Holy hell..i have to stop at 50 yrs clean as hell. Who you kidding?! Lmao
92 crime bill?! Where he incarcerated his " super predators". How did Joe become a millionaire owning 4 mansons and an island next to Epsteins..pretty sure he doesnt get paid that much.
How many times did Trump say Hunter's name? And that was after all his attacks on Joe bounced off his clean as hell 50 year record as a politician who never chased in on his political office.

Barr saying there won't be an investigation means they know it is bullshit. The 'investigation' that is in the news now is about Hunter's doesn't really matter anyways. Like you said, Hunter is not in office, Joe Biden is the one that is elected POTUS, and he already said he will have nothgin to do with the investigations and the law will do what the law will do.

And once Trump pardons the rest of his criminal enterprise it will be on states to do the legal work would be my guess.
Ok i read the end lol. Look at Obamas pardons before he left office. It will blow your mind who he released. Serious criminals to run his terror organizations
Instead of asking for trumps tax returns who was a billionaire before he ran for should be asking how these ppl in office for 50yrs are multi milti millionaires
Holy hell..i have to stop at 50 yrs clean as hell. Who you kidding?! Lmao
92 crime bill?! Where he incarcerated his " super predators". How did Joe become a millionaire owning 4 mansons and an island next to Epsteins..pretty sure he doesnt get paid that much.
Is there any right wing propaganda you don't swallow like it is mothers milk?

You know you can actually see Biden's taxes for decades right, it wasn't until after he left office (hence no political power to trade favors from) that he made real money.

Ok i read the end lol. Look at Obamas pardons before he left office. It will blow your mind who he released. Serious criminals to run his terror organizations
Did any of them murder kids?

Instead of asking for trumps tax returns who was a billionaire before he ran for should be asking how these ppl in office for 50yrs are multi milti millionaires
If by 'billionaire' you mean owed billions then sure, maybe.
Is there any right wing propaganda you don't swallow like it is mothers milk?

You know you can actually see Biden's taxes for decades right, it wasn't until after he left office (hence no political power to trade favors from) that he made real money.

Did any of them murder kids?

If by 'billionaire' you mean owed billions then sure, maybe.
Better to cut it off at the valve than get wet dealing with the nozzle.
How many times did Trump say Hunter's name? And that was after all his attacks on Joe bounced off his clean as hell 50 year record as a politician who never chased in on his political office.

Barr saying there won't be an investigation means they know it is bullshit. The 'investigation' that is in the news now is about Hunter's doesn't really matter anyways. Like you said, Hunter is not in office, Joe Biden is the one that is elected POTUS, and he already said he will have nothgin to do with the investigations and the law will do what the law will do.

And once Trump pardons the rest of his criminal enterprise it will be on states to do the legal work would be my guess.
Fox is basically Hunter Biden Investigation ground zero today.
How long do you have to investigate a stupid man? They just drag it out when need be.