hydro VS soil


Well-Known Member
what's crazy? Thinking that soil grows better plants than hydro...lol
noway soil is far and away better. its hows weed grew for thousands of years. its how weed was ment to be grown. you dont mess with that. you just accept the way it always has been done without question. who are we to think we can do a better job than mother nature? you act like we can just up and make thing better if we tried. get real lol


Well-Known Member
oh i've got plans my friend, i've got plans

you know........up north.......greenhouses........tables.........outdoors .......hydro......they just really started getting into it a few years ago. i've heard stories. blackout clothes. summertime flowering. flood tables outside. huge yields. i had the pleasure of trying some last year. tasted like sh*t. hahahhahahaha:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
noway soil is far and away better. its hows weed grew for thousands of years. its how weed was ment to be grown. you dont mess with that. you just accept the way it always has been done without question. who are we to think we can do a better job than mother nature? you act like we can just up and make thing better if we tried. get real lol
well see that's part of the problem. it's time to question old practices. we fight mother nature all the time and we're doing a damn fine job of it.


Well-Known Member
you know........up north.......greenhouses........tables.........outdoors .......hydro......they just really started getting into it a few years ago. i've heard stories. blackout clothes. summertime flowering. flood tables outside. huge yields. i had the pleasure of trying some last year. tasted like sh*t. hahahhahahaha:blsmoke:
that's because your hands are covered in guano from playing in the dirt. you contaminated the good stuff.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well see that's part of the problem. it's time to question old practices. we fight mother nature all the time and we're doing a damn fine job of it.
maybe you do,, im not a sinner. i still ride a horse to work and live in a mud hut. on my day off i like to whittle wood and drink moonshine. lmao


Well-Known Member
i've always wondered. how do they get video of things getting destroy inside the blast radius of a nuke?


Well-Known Member
Dumb Human:" Duhh here is some of our best hydro"

Alien:"We will destroy all human life"......."hydro sucks...soil rules"
hmmm..you're right. we should have let the alien have some of your soil bud. then it would have gagged to death and we'll all be saved.