Hypochlorous acid? Can it be used for…..


Well-Known Member
So I’ve recently switched to Athena nutes and they have a product called “Cleanse” which the main ingredient is “Hypochlorous acid”. I understand that it’s not harmful to humans or plants and can be used as a insecticide.. Does anyone have experience using Hypochlorous acid as a pesticide against spidermites and if so, how effective was it against those little bastards? I know there are a ton of different pesticides for spidermites, but it’s almost like they are becoming resistant to a lot of them so thought we might try something new (ps… this will be tried on outdoor ladies)
So I’ve recently switched to Athena nutes and they have a product called “Cleanse” which the main ingredient is “Hypochlorous acid”. I understand that it’s not harmful to humans or plants and can be used as a insecticide.. Does anyone have experience using Hypochlorous acid as a pesticide against spidermites and if so, how effective was it against those little bastards? I know there are a ton of different pesticides for spidermites, but it’s almost like they are becoming resistant to a lot of them so thought we might try something new (ps… this will be tried on outdoor ladies)
It’s worth a try. You can get a hypochlorous generator for cheap to make as much as you want but the half life is very short so probably not worth making much at one time. But it is way cheaper to make yourself then too buy it. It’s only water and salt and I found the generators for as low as 30 bucks
Hypochlorous acid will only be effective against microorganisms, I wouldn’t have thought (polite way of saying IT DOESNT) it would have any efficacy against spider mites.
Depending on concentration & how your HOCL is made (ie:chemical acidification of Sodium hypochlorite or an electrolytic process using sodium chloride solution)
it may have residual salt left behind which some would argue is not helpful for plants.
However, a small amount in low concentrations can be enough to work for Mildew or root rot, and salt would be negligible IMO and it’s probably the safest most effective biocide available.
Cleanse is for sterilizing your root zone and keeping micro organisms out of your resovoir. It also cleans scale from salt build up. If you are looking for a product for mites you would want to use the IPM product from them which is made up of oils
HOCl is a weak acid that is formed when chlorine gas dissolves in water. It is used as an active ingredient in sanitizers and disinfectants because of its ability to break apart cell membranes, similar to the mechanism of action of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) or hydrogen peroxide.

It works by oxidizing lipids that make up the cell membranes of microorganisms.