Hypothetical grow notes

I removed some rot from about everything still out. One Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X GdR in the PP patches was in full melt down and I had to chop. Wasn't able to save any of the smoke. Also killed the CP1 Squared male. He had opened a few pollen sacks so there might be a few seeds.
I worked on it 3 nights this week, but finally I got all the dry buds trimmed. The Hurricane Head was a little harsh, but everything else is smoking out alright. I did eat half a brownie in the afternoon, and the other half when I went to the camp, but I got so high Thursday night smoking a hit or three of each strain I had trouble walking. Thank God for trekking poles.
I moved all the sprouts to the screen room. Planting two seeds per pot has one major drawback. That is when one sprouts and gets tall before the other sprouts. You have to add soil, but try not to get it deep in case the other seed pops. So the moral of the story is, if your seeds are high value, plant them one per pot.

I have 20 pots left with no sprouts, so about 20 of them have sprouted. Some of them have cashed already. Grasshoppers and just random seedling death. None of the PS1 are up. I will replant more seeds in same pots. I'm soil poor right now due to transport and laziness issues.
I got to the HG patches late yesterday afternoon. So late that it was dark by the time I got to the Hurricane Head and Little Sister. And I didn't have a light. I took all of both B&S X CP1's. Too much rot for me to wait another week on it. I learned my lesson and bucked all the buds off the stems. I had some big cola buds that I thought were rot free go bad on me because I didn't strip them down.

Also took all of the deer ate plant. I think I may have messed up on the name on this one. I had thought it was Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X GdR, but when I got back to the camp, I used a light on the label and it was really Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X Ass Cheese. I'm pretty good about labeling in the drying bin, so I hope I can figure out for sure which one it was. I only bring the label in when I have cut the whole plant, so it just about had to be the deer ate plant. I have a Pn SMC X GdR that I took a few buds from, but not the whole plant, so it wasn't it.
And the seeds on the TKC cross are ready. I took a few of those buds, as it had a few spots of rot too. And it is TKC X NC X SM X Sh/Sk, which is the same as the Poly Shunk 1 from the FP patch. I had thought it was the other cross. The pollen I used was PN X SMC X GdR [from the possum hole}.
Had the first Poly Shunk 1 sprout. I got it moved to the screen room yesterday. But I had done about 8-10 seeds of it, so not happy with the germ rate. They have not had the full month dry that I like to give them. I may do about 25 seeds in a tray and transplant into pots if I get a lot of sprouts.
I got some more bud dried this week. The Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X GdR is my new favorite. I smoked a couple of one hitters last night before going to check on a patch. Tastes really good, and stoned me. There were a couple more strains dry, but I didn't get around to smoking any of them.
I did some more planting late Wednesday/ early Thursday. A handful of PS1 seeds, 20'ish CP1 Squared seeds, and 6 each of 8-9 other strains. Also 7 seeds of Lost River's Ghost Light {since there were only 7 seeds left in the pack}. Strains include AC, GdR, CP1, PN X SMC X AC, PN X SMC X GdR, and PN X SMC X B&S X CP1. I'm sure there were more that I can't think of now.

And last night and this morning I planted two Tray Jumper seeds that are most likely from the PN X SMC X GdR bud, and until I look back at my notes, I'm not sure who the daddy is. These two seeds are in one pot. All the others are in trays. I did reuse the soil from the pots of PS1 that didn't sprout {for the tray of PS1 seeds}. I used used tomato soil for the base of all the others. I have a little bit of soil left over, but until I get a load of mushroom compost to start a new mix, I'm hanging on to it to spruce up the holes for the winter crop.
Last night I went to PPS and chopped the last plant there. My notes tell me it is Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X Ass Cheese. I dug down and coudn't find a label, so that label I saw at the camp may have come from this one. I will go back and dig down with a shovel just to make sure there isn't a label there. But all the strains in the drying bin checked out as they were labeled, so I don't think it is one of them.

I think these seeds are Blue Shark X Blue Shiva X PN X SMC X AC, but it was really late last night when I was looking back on my notes. {and I was really high at the time} I will look back again.
Forgot to mention last week when I posted, there were a couple of really small worms in the B&S X CP1 buds. I was going to buck all the buds off the stems anyway due to losing some big colas to rot, but this allowed me to give it all a good look. Also found two buds that had some PM on the leaves. It was really late, and I was way too high to remember what strain it was. I pulled the leaves off and tossed them. Didn't see anymore. Not much left, but I will try to get there before dark next time. Got lots of rain coming, so I will most likely chop the RSB, HH and LS first chance I get. The TKC cross and PN X SMC X GdR will be a game time decision.
What I have been calling Poly Shunk 1 down in the FP patch is Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Shit/Skunk. I think I was saying it was TKC X NC X Sinmint X Sh/Sk, but that is what the one in HGw is. I will change any wrong labels in my seed collection.
Alright, I have spent the last half hour looking back on my threads. I can safely say the bud in my drying tray right now that is labeled PPS is Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X Ass Cheese, and I used Blue Shiva X Blue Shark pollen on her.

And the seeded Ass Cheese bud from the three hole spot in PP was also hit with BS X BS pollen, but from a different male.
The pictures in the old threads are a big help to me. Not sure what I'm going to do when I don't have any to look back on.
Yesterday I noticed several sprouts were up in the trays. The AC was 6-6 and the LR GL was 7-7. They were in two separate trays with three strains in each tray, so I had to take all of them. I only transplanted those two strains. There were a few GdR sprouts, but I wanted to let them get a little bigger. And it was after 0100 when I finished anyway. {it was 80F at midnight, so I did the transplanting in my underwear. Lots of deet, but still got a few bites}

This morning I looked at the other trays. About 25-30 of the handful of PS1 seeds are up. Also several CP1 IBL. Didn't have time to deal with them today. Maybe I can get up at daylight and go "hiking" in the morning.
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Chopped the last four plants in HG and HGw last night. Hurricane Head looked really good, but lots of rot when you broke down the big cola buds. The other three were Little Sister, TKC X NC X SM X Shunk. and PN X SMC X GdR. Some rot on all of them, but the HH was the worse.
Set the alarm for 0615, which is hard to do at 0200. But I was able to roll out and hike to the PP patch. Took the last three plants there. Best looking one was PN X SMC X GdR. Also took two really small and not even close CP1 IBL. Not enough for me to worry with going back to tend them.
So other than drying and curing, my '17 full seasons are history. If you don't think about the plants still at STL. Everyday I change my mind about what I'm going to do with them. Today my thinking is let them die. Too much risk to fuck with what may be rotten bud anyway. Tomorrow I will be wanting to sneak in there and chop them all.
I've been hiking for 3 days, but I did get some more sprouts potted and moved to the screen room before I left. There were so many of the Poly Shunk 1 that I put them 3 and 4 to the pot. Culls and males took care of the big numbers in some of the full season plants, so I should be alright.

The screen room is full, so I will have to cull or transplant some before I add anything else.. And the GdR sprouts that were too short to transplant all got grasshoppered. I really want to run some, so I'll pop more seeds the next good above ground day.
I've been smoking the TKC X NC X SM X Shit/Skunk {HGw}, PN X SMC X GdR {PPS} and PN X SMC X GdR {HG} all week. Really liking all of them. Also took some Little Sister on the trail. Kind of harsh, and not as hard hitting as the others. Might have to shelve this strain for now.