Hypothetical grow notes

I think I got the last of the drying bud bagged up this morning. Needed to have done some of it yesterday, but was late getting off the trail, and had a surprise lunch date, so no time before work. There was one bunch unlabeled. Not sure how that happened. Just hope there isn't any seeds in it.
I got the last of the Poly Shunk 1 {TKC X NC X Sh/Sk IBL} sprouts moved to the screen room last night. I had to give four pots {8-10 sprouts} of it away so it would fit. There was also one sprout each of PN X SMC X AC and PN X SMC X GdR. But neither of them looked very good. Would not be surprised if they had to be culled. {I chopped my spring crop early due to re-veg, and not many seeds of these two strains are mature}

There are 41 pots in there, many with 2,3 & 4 sprouts to a pot. About 6-8 of them are nearing size that I can transplant. I have many more strains I need to pop, so I have to make room. Luckily the next really good planting days are the 24th, 25th & 26th. That give me a couple weeks before I'm having to deal with new sprouts. I may plant again in November, but I don't want to race Spring again like I did last year.
I have picked up a few new paint cans. Since I had my trouble earlier, I have changed up everything, including how I store my dried bud. I had last year's full season and the Spring crop bud hid out in an old farm shed. Last night I took my new paint cans and canned up what I had room for. Sadly it took more cans for the leftovers from last year's and the Spring crop than it did for this year's harvest. I moved 90% of the full season bud to the oil pile. I will smoke on the spring crop for now, and see how long it takes for me to get tired of it. I had hoped for Christmas bud, but doing the math, mid January looks more realistic.
Wednesday after dark I got by the screen room to add dirt and water. I culled 3 PN X SMC X GdR. They had came up but hadn't grown any since. Really like the ones of that strain that I flowered this year. But the seeds were not really mature when I had to chop because of re-veg {in the Spring crop}. They looked black, but the black would rub off. Did not have a good germination rate.

Also culled a few more PS1 sprouts that had come up since they got moved. Trying to keep them down to 3-4 per pot. lol.
Will have to move the screen room soon. A couple old cars nearby are going to get scrapped, and I can't have folks seeing it. Not many safe options for good sun. I'm trying to slow walk the scrapping without drawing attention to it. There are 6-8 that could be set out now, but a couple more weeks of grasshopper protection would be nice too. And 24-26th are good above day planting days, so I will be putting more seeds in soil. Since space is so dear, I may go into cups. Will still have to transplant when I have to move the new sprouts. I lost so many of my full seasons that I over planted for this grow.
I ran one sprout to the screen room. Had to move 5 plants out. Most of them were grown up against the screen. Set them off near the PP. Will get them in the ground tomorrow.
Early Tuesday morning I got 4 of the 5 plants in the ground. 2 had balls showing already, and I killed one of those. Both were Poly Shunk 1 X Skunk Shunk. I started all the way over to the southeast of the other PPS plots, putting a Big Buddha in the eastern most hole, and an Eeyore beside it.

I put the male Poly Shunk 1 X Skunk Shunk {TKC X NC X Sh/Sk} X {Skunk X Sh/Sk} and a Too Slow in the next two holes. Can't tell from my pictures which is in which hole, but they will be easy to tell apart. {and I will be putting another plant in the pot when I kill the male}

This is the little male. The lack of lights and the loss of the STL with it's all day sun is going to cost me in size.

Tuesday night I tended the sprouts, adding soil and water. Took 5 of the taller ones to near the FP patch. Wednesday I got them transplanted. Starting in the eastern most hole {where the Af X Sh/Sk was} I put a Tatooine Dream.

From there going west I put a Big Buddha, Hurricane Head, another Tatooine Dream, I skipped the hole where the rotten Poly Shunk 1 was, and put another Big Buddha in the last hole.

This TD looks a little different than the other. I haven't done any research on the Lost River gear, so I don't know what the phenos are for this strain.

By zooming in on the photo above, and taxing my memory to it's limits, I will attempt to make the notes I should have when I planted.

10-24-17. I took an inch of the soil out of each pot, fluffed up the rest of the soil and planted the same strain as had been in the pot before, then putting the soil back on top. I think I put 2 seeds per pot. When I remembered, I added a little rooting powder to the soil. I planted B&S X CP1, (Af X Sh/Sk) X {PN X SMC X GDR), and possibly one more.

10-25-17. I did the same as above with the pots where I had planted AC and GdR earlier. Two seeds per pot. Also replanted the tray with three strains. The same three that were in it before. Left to right, (Blue Shiva X Blue Shark) X Ass Cheese, B&S X CP1, and (Blue Shiva X Blue Shark) X (PN X SMC X AC). 6 and 8 seeds per.

10-26-17. I did this planting down at my new camp. I looked through some of my stash and planted the seeds I found. In the 5 square pots I planted 10 more of the (Af X Sh/Sk) X (PN X SMC X GdR). I planted 16 PN X SMC X GdR seeds in the 8 small round pots. These seeds are not the best, so I put one good seed and one iffy one in each pot. But I had 7 iffy seeds left over, so I planted all of them in the low, wide pot. Also planted 3 The Finger seeds in a low wide pot.

This well may be my last planting of the season. Space is running out for the sprouts, as well as holes in the patches. Will have to dig a few new ones, but don't really want to spread out too far.
The cold snap we had a week or so back did touch up one of the plants in the FP patch, but all are still kicking. Of the 9 plants I had out, the Too Slow looked the best. Those old sativa heavy strains are hardy. No rain to speak of, and not much in the forecast.

The cold weather slowed down the sprouting. I saw my first sprout on Thursday, a full week after planting. I transplanted 6 B&S X CP1's from a tray into two pots. Carried them and about 5-6 more to the screen room. There were a bunch more sprouts this morning. Will get them moved as soon as I get a chance.
I took 10 pots {most with multiple plants} from the screen room, and got half of them transplanted. I ran out of daylight, and just sunk the others in the spots they are going.

Starting in HGw going from north to south, I planted 4 Poly Shunk 1, 2 Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X GdR, and 1 Poly Shunk 1 in the three holes where the B&S X CP1's were. Then right around the corner to the south, I put 3 CP1 IBL.
The plan had been to put the 3 pots of Lost River Ghost Light in the southern part of HGw. But there were too many weekend fliers in the sky. Not enough cover for the amount of air traffic, so I went to the HG patch instead. I transplanted the first pot of GL, but running out of daylight, I just sunk the others in the pot from the full season plants. I put them in the 3 holes where the Rotten Stinking Bastards were. Also put the other 3 pots {of Ass Cheese, Tray Jumpers and something else} in the holes where HH, Little Sister, etc, had been. Still one hole open in that patch. 3 or 4 open in the southern part of HGw. I wil get back to do the transplanting, and may have to move out more plants when I move the sprouts. Not sure if there will be room or not.

After thinking I had my old camp cleaned out, and finding more smoke about three times, I finially got up the nerve to chop the STL patch. The CP1 IBL looked like they were all three males, so no loss there.

The plot of Saint Valentine 2 had 2 males and 3 females. All the bud had been dead a good long time. I collected it and shelled out the seeds.

The plot of The Finger X Bug Topped looked the best. There was some bud on a lower branch that had a touch of green to it. I did cut off the dead and smoke it. Got me pretty toasted. There was no male, so the seeds are SV2 X TF X BT. Unless one of them was a hermie. No real way to tell as everything was dead. Just a refresher on my strains. The Finger and Bug Topped were two Hurricane Head plants from the fall/winter seed testers last year. {not sure if they were HH FP or HH GN} The Finger was a hermie. Lots of frost and what not, so not sure if it is hermie prone, or if it was stress induced.

But as good as they did with no care after mid July, I will give them another try. I haven't thrown it away yet. I did shell out the seeds. It's really hard to clean seeds from dead pot. It is so dry, it slides down the tray as easy as the seeds do.

Food and water to the FP patch. The Tatoonie Dream male had got rooted around in the pot and broke over. I killed him. The Big Buddha {in the westernmost hole} also got rooted around, and it's also a male. It was fresh, green and unbroken, so I replanted it. If it cashes, it's just sooner I can reuse the pot.
Last night I got the sprouts moved to the screen room and dropped off two plants near the FP patch. Hiked them in this morning, and saw I should have brought 3 plants. The other male that had been rooted up had died.

Also got over to the PPS patch. The Too Slow that was looking so good looked good to the grasshoppers too, I guess. It was mostly stripped. The one hurt by the cold is still looking mighty poorly. And the male Poly Shunk 1 X Skunk Shunk is just about ready to unload. The females are starting to bud, but are not ready for pollen yet. I'll try to get back over there tomorrow and collect it.
