I admit, I can't roll a J


Well-Known Member
I can't really "roll' either but my joints are bomb as hell. I just half roll it so one end is left open then I pack in more weed into the open end untill the joint is nice and firm then I close it up. Kinda hard to explain but it works really well (just takes a few minutes extra but makes for a good J every time).

mr j2

Well-Known Member
I can't really "roll' either but my joints are bomb as hell. I just half roll it so one end is left open then I pack in more weed into the open end untill the joint is nice and firm then I close it up. Kinda hard to explain but it works really well (just takes a few minutes extra but makes for a good J every time).
Nice signature lol


Well-Known Member
I have taught others to roll, The trick is to fold the bottom of the paper up to the middle and make a new crease. Then you have something that will hold the weed.

Pinch it between your index and middle fingers and push up with your thumbs as you slide out your index fingers.

Try it with a small amount and once you can roll a pinner add more.

I dont smoke pipes or bongs. Its doobies or I pass.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
I rolled this one in the picture but I want to roll a bigger one for 4/20. That bitch ran though which pissed me off but I rolled a 6 inch one 2 days before that and it was perfect but with JOB papers (I used ez widers for this one since I didn't want to waste all the decent papers....what a mistake). So I think it might've just been the papers. I hate ez widers!!!! They rip, burn like shit, and make your joint look like a nasty candle or something. I might just buy a bunch of schwag to roll a huge ass joint hmmm

EDIT: But of course have decent weed to hit off the bong and vape' :mrgreen::blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
:o *bows down*:weed: I have a good joint waiting for me but I can't smoke it right now (not nearly as godlike as that one though:( )


Well-Known Member
I recommend the dollar bill technique to anyone who...

a)can't roll for shit
b)doesn't want to be gay and buy a rolling machine
c)has a dollar bill available
d)wants to try something new
e)all of the above
f)any combination of the above

I too could not roll a decent joint at a point in time. Now all my joints come out looking like cigarettes. Check it out in the GrowFAQ at the top of the page. Different techniques are listed under joint rolling or something along those lines.


Well-Known Member
we have a rolling machine, but its mainly used for tobacco because its cheaper than buying cigs already rolled. I'm trying to learn how to hand roll these joints. The one last night was pretty good after it got going, but still wasn't great. I think I'm going to roll another one this morning to enjoy during the morning commute. lol


Well-Known Member
^^ Rolling a spliff & Smoking is the greatest....

i dont like joint roll'd by other ppl unless there even hardcore than i am ;)

Orange kush

Well-Known Member
We all know all rookies have the same problem, i rolled them loose when i was just starting out. They don't have to be very tight, they can be semi loose and still rip. I just rolled a looser one then usual and it only went out one time, and i wasn't even hitting it when it went out.


Well-Known Member

The white stuff on the mouthpiece is joint papers. It was so heavy we had to reinforce the mouth piece with um. :mrgreen::blsmoke::hump:


Well-Known Member
that is dumb! all that weed and you rolled a short stubby blunt. smh... 12.2 grams gone in 5 mins.

should have rolled a dutch!!!!!


Well-Known Member
you a 55 minute lie!!!!

especially not in no damn philly or whatever paper blunt that is!!! in a leaf maybe.


Well-Known Member
I can't roll either...except with my rolling machine...which I don't count.

My uncle can roll a joint one handed while driving a car...


Active Member
if you cant roll juss keep a pipe at hand before i started rollin i allways smoked out a pipe but now i smoke blunts to tha face