I AIN't scared

unkle mouse

Active Member
light frame is 37 inches by 20 inches, grow room is 47 inches by 30 inches. I think I got it covered, I have 12 cfl 23 wt 5000k right now, gonna up it by 3 43wt 27k and 2 23wt 27k for now. just to give them some variety, they are growing about a inch a day as it is, ( will get pics), also have a tub that is about 7 cubic feet, it nearly covers entire floor , gonna do a SCROG, so ,, throwing them all in,, get any male's,, no biggie,, dig um out,, might wound them,, they will survive. (pics also to follow)
light frame aint complete, but you get the idea. I can add or subtract as needed


unkle mouse

Active Member
my mix is
1 bags MG 8qt perlite
15 bags 8 qt Hyponex potting soil
1 bag 1.5 cubic ft MG garden soil
5 gallon bucket "humus"?,, soil, from a long standing creek bed the black worm dirt rich smelling stuff
1 large coffee can of aged fire ashes
trying to get about 12-15 inches deep,, have 2x4 under tub ((which has 50 or so holes for drainage)) so air flows from bottom of door THEN straight under tub and will place ply wood on 2x4 up to doorway
as you can see the tub almost fills the entire room


unkle mouse

Active Member
have done a but load of reading and studying, was very interested in going MAINLINE, but this grow(my 1st 1), going SGROG with wires mostly, using CFL'S don't think I would get the depth of light penetration needed for mainline,, NEXT TIME----MAINLINE

unkle mouse

Active Member
took a butt load of pics today hope I get some instructions, if I can improve what I am doing
pic#11 dammit, I broke it, fix it? clone it? pudder mucker.. put it with the fan leafs add 2 eggs some honey and milk blend well drink till empty problem solved.


unkle mouse

Active Member
reinventing the wheel is not as easy as one might think,, the tub, is done,, just need plants in it,, will be later,,, the soil at the top measure's,
the reflective plastic is very removable if need be ,haven't found any research on that idea yet

ps. I added to my mix post



Well-Known Member
what do you mean 'broke it'? it will heal with tape or splint if you mean the stem, and scrog sog and mainline are the same regarding light penetration although the buds may be bigger with mainlining ;)) all the buds will be at the same level, but anyway theres no wrong or right way lol :)also how many plants are going in that tub? I thought you mean you were making a little grow box :)

unkle mouse

Active Member
it's Sunday here,so hardware stores open so no more (Y) splitters for extra lights, what you will see the 3 big one's down the center
are 42wt 2700k cfl, all of the others are 23wt 5000k, can still add quite a bit more, only posted the #1 and #6 plants,, popping order from germ, dam near root bound, calling 11-21-13 grow date,, put them in the dirt on 11-18,, yes that was a heavy sum bitch to drag in there,,the upper light shield is removable 1/4 inch Masonite white on one side
, the white plastic side curtain may or may not be of any use, just an idea I had,, up and running after 1 hour still at 79*


unkle mouse

Active Member
1st off I changed out the 42wt cfl to 23wt cfl, (2700k the one's down the center) way shorter bulb, dropped the lights almost 2 inches closer to plants where it should be. That's 1 Y covering the exact top of each plant,, after transplant I watered with 2 gallons, the RH shot up to 50%. then in 15hrs back down to 27-33% just about normal, then I started wire pinning the girls to the ground like VINES. got that IDEA from REDDIAMOND..
I ain't always the sharpest tool in the box, it occurred to me that I shouldn't be poking holes in the root system,, going to switch over to string and weights,... with the wooden light frame within inches from all sides of closet walls and a foam noodle or 2, I can adjust the lights front to back, or side to side as needed. Or continually move to correct for light bend.
I suspect seed sellers are kindred to fishing lure sales men.. the lures are made to catch fishermen.
Blue Cheese from MJ seeds Canada.,, if their write up is any where close, O-SHIT I'm fixing to have a small jungle that I am not exactly right this very minute sure how to handle.
and when I say pinning to the ground like vines I mean every single branch
currently on a 20 an 4 light schedule,, figure cfl = a little less intensity , give um more time then..
when it's time to flip, plan is to go with 15-42wt cfl 2700k, with the 23wt cfl 5000k at the Y split bottom is 9 inches across.. with the bigger 42wt it goes to 14 inches spread


Well-Known Member
nice looking set up. One thing I could tell you though, if you used the soil from outdoors and didn't sterilize it you might bring outdoor insects indoors with their eggs, so be prepared for any insect activity! your set up looks pretty good though, hope you get all girls!!

unkle mouse

Active Member
I did a fairly close sift and search for bugs an eggs.( did not do the oven bake your soil to sterilize deal) .. did a pre-bug spray in the closet about a week or so before putting anything in,,what I am running into now is captain says (LGC) go to 600wt cool tube hps/mh,,ok but dammit , ford.. chevy,, Toyota,,,Pontiac,, dodge...
we got
I power
maybe not for some,, but for me it IS a big ass decision



Well-Known Member
ok bro I live in Australia so I don't really know what your options are. I I were you i'd start a thread in newbie central. Best, value for money 600w digital ballast and cool hood/tube combo or something :)

unkle mouse

Active Member
had thought about going all the way up to 36- cfl"s, but dammit,, with 20, ya best be putting on your sun shades,, pics are in negative,,FYI


Well-Known Member
looks good, hope your ladies are all nice and green! I am using LEDs for bloom, so I couldn't help you there, you can keep the CFLs you are using now to veg, they give you good tight nodes (the spots where the leaves come out, and potential new branches/budsites) the HPS will make them stretch a bit more, but will give you nice fatty resiny buds, and about 1 gram/watt, if it is a big decision to you (I think you seem like the kinda person who would want to test drive everything in the lot lol) youtube will have several good videos, just search for the brand you are looking for, maybe add ______ HPS weed grow, or something like that. what you are looking for is a comparison between light penetration, total weight (weight/watts, and any other factors that YOU find important. Light penetration is how far the light travels, I have seen some lights that seem really good have terrible light penetration, where everything 1 foot away has a lot less light (meaning it grows less) You might want to check out some of the LED HPS side by side, and see how well they yield with the different lights