I AIN't scared

unkle mouse

Active Member
still learning, still a bit un-decided, can ya tell?,, I'm doing this for ME,,, but as MR 420 done blew my cover, dam rite I wanna test drive EVERYTHING
yuk yuk
here they are, somewhere between scrog and manline and the twilight zone.


unkle mouse

Active Member
yea I watered just after I trimmed them.. my RH been staying low %25-27,, the most I have watered the tub in 1 time was on transplant day,, 2 gallons,,, I would rather inch by inch get to best water level than drown them,, I think ,, best math I got,, I have about 33 gallons of soil,, used LWH =cubic foot, then ..divide that out with MG label of 1.5 cubic foot =42L I think that was it.. then do conversions,, who cares.. rite.. yes I will be watering daily till I get a bit of drainage

unkle mouse

Active Member
I just got up and put a gallon of water on them,, only 2 hrs light left for today,, also changed light to 19/5,,, figure will probably veg 8wks min


Well-Known Member
they are looking beautiful! You should think of some way to keep the roots separate though, the roots will entangle with each other and choke the plants. Instead of watering daily, check the soil, dig about an inch or two with your finger and check. if the soil is damp no water! if dry or drying, then water. hopfully they will explode with growth soon after the trim, good looking ladies, they should recover


Well-Known Member
that's what I thought might happen, the choking. other plants are grown in little planter boxes or in close proximity all the time, but I'm unsure how cannabis handles it.

unkle mouse

Active Member
Ok,, how about Plexiglas cut to fit and make little cubicles outta tub?
If I knew then what I know now,,,,,,,,,,


Well-Known Member
would you consider transplanting into separate pots? because they are going to be very big after 8 weeks veg and another 8 or 9 flowering