I am NEVER going on vacation again. I might have to kill someone.


Active Member
Me and my roommate both went out of town for the christmas holidays. He didn't get back until about the 5th of January. I got back yesterday. We found a mutual friend to take care of our 5 very healthy, in the last few weeks of budding, females. We told her how to prepare water (all she really had to do was adjust the ph as we are flushing) and everything. I left town the 28th.

I get a call on the 5th.

She hadn't been by, or if she had, she didn't water the plants. So our plants went a little over 8 days without water, and nearly all the leave have died. The buds look good, but are really dry feeling. To top it all off, there is evidence that entire branches have been snapped off.

We were going to cut down around the 15th. Is there anything i can do at this point to improve their condition? We cut down one because it had to be held up with string and stuff, and I think the buds on it were premature.

Words do not describe my anger. This is my first grow, 3 months and over 500 dollars seem wasted. I am on my way to get my key back from her right now, and we are going to have a little chat. :evil:


Well-Known Member
Uh yea, unfortunately I think you need to cut em down...will still be a good smoke, just not as good as it could have been...

and it's not really 500 dollars wasted. Most of the stuff can be used in your next grow (and many after that), plus you gained experience. Frustrating, I'm sure, but just keep on growing.


Well-Known Member
yea bro, you gained experience. you learned a harsh lesson, and ive read ALOT of posts recently about friends/roommates causing problems. in this case it was your friend, but keep in mind your roommate could be the next one to bane your garden - unless of course this was a mutual operation where you both put in equal effort, if hes your partner in growing then its up to you to determine whether hes trustworthy or not. i speak about trust because you said there was evidence of branches being cut off, do you think that girl snapped off some for herself? i would cut her off completely, she could have atleast called you and told you that she couldnt come by to water them - atleast that way you could have perhaps made an attempt to find someone else to water them.

no worries though, just remember that even your most trusted friends can betray you.


Well-Known Member
Every thing's a learning experience, and I'm sure you learned a lot about whats right and wrong, who not to let water you baby's, all that good stuff. Don't be too harsh on friend that was supposed to water you plants. you never know if she'll get pissed and rat you at, many people have got caught that way. Take what you learned and make your next grow even better.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Mould usually only occurs in weed from panic after this kind of thing has happened.
People tend to drown the plants after they have been so dry.
You have to as with all dehydrated living things bring them back to health with sips.
Give them daily sips of clean pure water increasing these amounts slowly with common sense.
Use a dehumidifier to combat any mould from even being able to form and do not spray the plant.:blsmoke:


New Member
Every thing's a learning experience, and I'm sure you learned a lot about whats right and wrong, who not to let water you baby's, all that good stuff. Don't be too harsh on friend that was supposed to water you plants. you never know if she'll get pissed and rat you at, many people have got caught that way. Take what you learned and make your next grow even better.:mrgreen:
hell no, he should be harsh on the girl. that is some ignorent shit of what she did...obviously the girl agreed to help him out but then forgot to water the plants....and i am pretty sure anyone else but u would get pissed if some one messed ur plants up right before harvest


Well-Known Member
He wasn't saying don't get pissed. He was saying be careful about it because she could rat you out and screw you over if she wanted to (doubt she would...but it's not a risk worth taking).


New Member
that would b even more messed up that she destroyed the plants..and snitches because he got mad about it?? i would kill some one


Well-Known Member
If shes ripped chunks of your plants and not fed them,exactly how trustworthy do you think she is???:confused:


Well-Known Member
just cut her off, like i said - ppl like that arent worth being around. think how much of a liability she poses; didnt water the plants + stole branches. do you really want to keep her around? just stop answering her phone calls, completely ignore her until she stops calling. even if she tried to rat you out, not every accusation results in dramatic investigation - i highly doubt cops would search your place simply because 1 chick said you grow. i doubt she'll say anything even if you do cut her off, next time you talk to her be like "im really busy with school and work, i dont even have time to talk or hangout for a long time" - and then just slowly ditch her. the only reason for her ratting you out would be if she gets pissed off by you yelling at her, its a shame how ignorant and illogical/irrational ppl can be - those types of ppl arent worth being around.


Well-Known Member
just cut her off, like i said - ppl like that arent worth being around. think how much of a liability she poses; didnt water the plants + stole branches. do you really want to keep her around? just stop answering her phone calls, completely ignore her until she stops calling. even if she tried to rat you out, not every accusation results in dramatic investigation - i highly doubt cops would search your place simply because 1 chick said you grow. i doubt she'll say anything even if you do cut her off, next time you talk to her be like "im really busy with school and work, i dont even have time to talk or hangout for a long time" - and then just slowly ditch her.
Every complaint results in investigation.
This is something you should never forget:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Every complaint results in investigation.
This is something you should never forget:blsmoke:
i said "dramatic investigation", as in searching your place or anything sketchy - hence the word "dramatic". its common knowledge that complaints result in atleast some degree of checking up, no need to reiterate the obvious by commenting on semantics..


Well-Known Member
A signed witness statement is all they need to get a warrant.
Nothing dramatic just a signed and sworn testament from any member of the public that any kind of grow exists.
Dont watch to much telly and read proper police regulations and procedures manuals like i have:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lots of evidence is required before the police will spend all those taxpayer dollars to allow a team of detectives to investigate. plus, our indoor grows are far too smalltime for them to even care. i also agree that you should let this be YOUR grow and noone elses, dont tell a soul.

A signed witness statement is all they need to get a warrant.
Nothing dramatic just a signed and sworn testament from any member of the public that any kind of grow exists.
Dont watch to much telly and read proper police regulations and procedures manuals like i have:blsmoke:
uhh, yeah right. read up on your law books, thats a load of bullshit. think about what you're saying, i could go get a warrant for my neighbor just because i claim he grows herb? yeah right, that whole signed & sworn testament crap might allow the investigation to begin - but it certainly wouldnt give them a warrant. a JUDGE has to grant warrants as far as i know, or atleast some type of procedure that PROTECTS us from people who are incorrect or lying.

i really think you're taking a specific situation and applying in a generalized sense. there is absolutely no way what you're sayin is true.


Well-Known Member
Some people dont give up huh:mrgreen:

A search warrant, in law, written order by an official of a court authorizing an officer to search in a specified place for specified objects and to seize them if found. The objects sought may be stolen goods or physical evidences of the commission of crime (e.g., narcotics). The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, provides, in effect, that a search warrant may be issued only on oath or affirmation that a crime was probably committed. In Mapp v. Ohio (1961) the U.S. Supreme Court mandated states to exclude from trial evidence obtained in illegal searches, such as those without a proper warrant. This “exclusionary rule” has been the subject of great controversy and subsequent litigation. In recent years, the Supreme Court has narrowed the scope of the rule, in many circumstances permitting the introduction of any evidence gathered in “good faith.” Courts have ruled that a wiretap and the use of a thermal-imaging device to examine a private home from a public street constitutes a search that requires a warrant. Warrants are not required for the gathering of evidence in some circumstances. These exceptions include evidence gathered after a lawful arrest, inspections by customs or border officials, searches made with the suspect's consent, searches of items in plain view, and searches of the belongings of secondary students on school property.

I rest my case noob:mrgreen: