I am NEVER going on vacation again. I might have to kill someone.


Well-Known Member
Some people dont give up huh:mrgreen:

A search warrant, in law, written order by an official of a court authorizing an officer to search in a specified place for specified objects and to seize them if found. The objects sought may be stolen goods or physical evidences of the commission of crime (e.g., narcotics). The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, provides, in effect, that a search warrant may be issued only on oath or affirmation that a crime was probably committed. In Mapp v. Ohio (1961) the U.S. Supreme Court mandated states to exclude from trial evidence obtained in illegal searches, such as those without a proper warrant. This “exclusionary rule” has been the subject of great controversy and subsequent litigation. In recent years, the Supreme Court has narrowed the scope of the rule, in many circumstances permitting the introduction of any evidence gathered in “good faith.” Courts have ruled that a wiretap and the use of a thermal-imaging device to examine a private home from a public street constitutes a search that requires a warrant. Warrants are not required for the gathering of evidence in some circumstances. These exceptions include evidence gathered after a lawful arrest, inspections by customs or border officials, searches made with the suspect's consent, searches of items in plain view, and searches of the belongings of secondary students on school property.

I rest my case noob:mrgreen:
noob? lol, there's a reason why people hate you on this forum - and i think you just found out why. that little paragraph doesnt explain shit, and you basically just made yourself look like a total asshole. find me instances or examples of this, cus theres no way a cop could get a warrant simply by some random person making a claim.

i always see you fighting with EVERYONE, but im not gonna go back an forth with someone as ignorant as you. you fight with just about everyone that i see you post near, heh you even recently said "im sorry that everyone wants me gone, what did i do!?" - always constantly apologizing to people because 10+ ppl get fed up and tell you to be quiet & go away. you really shouldnt talk shit to people online kid, its pretty pointless and noone wins. im just letting you know that alot of us see how you act and look down on you for it.

so here we go again, natmoon stirring up more bullshit - this time IM the one involved instead of a spectator. anyway, you arent worth talking to. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If you try to make me look like a fool then i will of course retaliate.
Your advice could compromise people and as far as i know only 2 people dislike me here and i have apologized to them already publicly and asked for peace for my angry outbursts.

If people are telling lies about me i have every right to expose any pms that deform my character in a public forum.

If you want to try to make me look dumb and and say that i have no right to reply to something that your wrong about then wateva.
But other people here dont know and they should know that if a witness gives a sworn statement that your growing thats all they need and can get a warrant in some case in hours usually 24 hours.

Calling you a noob with a :mrgreen: symbol is not imo being mean to you or detrimental just calling you out on the fact that you are misinformed about police procedures and the fact that you seem to think that i have no right to reply:peace:

A search warrant is a judicial document that authorizes police officers to search a person or place to obtain evidence for presentation in criminal prosecutions. Police officers obtain search warrants by submitting affidavits and other evidence to a judge or OpenDNS to establish probable cause to believe that a search will yield evidence related to a crime. If satisfied that the officers have established probable cause, the judge or magistrate will issue the warrant.


Well-Known Member
If you try to make me look like a fool then i will of course retaliate.
Your advice could compromise people and as far as i know only 2 people dislike me here and i have apologized to them already publicly and asked for peace for my angry outbursts.

If people are telling lies about me i have every right to expose any pms that deform my character in a public forum.

If you want to try to make me look dumb and and say that i have no right to reply to something that your wrong about then wateva.
But other people here dont know and they should know that if a witness gives a sworn statement that your growing thats all they need and can get a warrant in some case in hours usually 24 hours.

Calling you a noob with a :mrgreen: symbol is not imo being mean to you or detrimental just calling you out on the fact that you are misinformed about police procedures and the fact that you seem to think that i have no right to reply:peace:
first off, youre the one who's misinformed. you're saying EVERY instance of 1 random person making 1 random claim will 100% ALWAYS result in a warrant. that is pure bullshit, it all depends on the situation.

second, i dont care about your drama. i read enough of it just trying to help ppl. alot of us are tired of you turning situations aggro with your little tough guy attitude. noone cares about your issues, stay relevant or just be quiet.

third, "if you want to make me look dumb" - no, you make yourself look dumb by posting what you just posted. i dont think i ever said you dont have the right to reply? you percieve it that way, and you show everyone how defensive you are when you do. so then, you can stay defensive & aggro if you want - but i have no intention of becoming part of your drama.


Well-Known Member
Ye ok smurfer wateva you say.:mrgreen:
I didn't say or imply any of what you said and your still the only really angry one in this conversation but i have no more time for you.
If people hate me here thats up to them.
I dont deserve it.
Ban me or put up with me these are your 2 choices.
I am an asset to this site even if you hate me:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ye ok smurfer wateva you say.:mrgreen:
I didn't say or imply any of what you said and your still the only really angry one in this conversation but i have no more time for you.
If people hate me here thats up to them.
I dont deserve it.
Ban me or put up with me these are your 2 choices.
I am an asset to this site even if you hate me:blsmoke:
i dont hate you lol, i dont feel any aggression at all toward you - and im actually NOT the angry one here. first off this is a forum, second i dont encourage people like you by feeling anger, you simply arent worth the emotion :mrgreen: funny though how you "have no more time for me", i gaurentee you'll post again - OR you wont simply to spite this very message right here haha. go ahead an stay pissed, you should be banned though if this is how you talk to your grow brothers. i think if you saw how you act from a different perspective, you'd see that you do actually deserve ALL of the shit you get.

you can call me smurfer if you want, i dont even know what that means lol. throughout this entirety, you have clearly shown your aggressive tendencies and lack of patience / self control. just by the way you type and words you choose, and some of the things you say (like "noob", "wateva"), show more about yourself than you think. anger is a destructive thing, so is hatred - i hope one day you understand these things.

its questionable as to whether you're an asset or not, but you're definately an ass :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if she has stole from you and been bad to your plants, bring them back or if you cannot then just harvest, but plants normaly come back, there weird, one min. dead looking, then give it water and it comes back to life.
anyway when it comes to harvest, invite her round, and give her fuck all, not even the shit off your fingers. she sounds a good friend.


Well-Known Member
As in i am to busy talking with other people that
me to argue with you:blsmoke:
To obtain a search warrant, an officer must personally appear before, or speak directly with, a judge or magistrate. The officer must present information that establishes probable cause to believe that a search would yield evidence related to a crime. Probable cause exists when an officer has either personal knowledge or trustworthy hearsay from an informant or witness. The officer must fill out an affidavit stating with particularity the person to be seized and searched, the area to be searched, and the objects sought. The warrant need not specify the manner in which the search will be executed.


Well-Known Member
To obtain a search warrant, an officer must personally appear before, or speak directly with, a judge or magistrate. The officer must present information that establishes probable cause to believe that a search would yield evidence related to a crime. Probable cause exists when an officer has either personal knowledge or trustworthy hearsay from an informant or witness. The officer must fill out an affidavit stating with particularity the person to be seized and searched, the area to be searched, and the objects sought. The warrant need not specify the manner in which the search will be executed.

there, see? i wish you had posted that from the beginning. i was saying it takes a judge, plus the situation itself can be different depending on each individual scenario. now we can agree! dude seriously, next time you get into an "altercation" with someone - try being positive, cus youre gonna KEEP getting negative replies if you call ppl names and act childish.


Well-Known Member
I did post that in the first place.
I forgive you though.
Let me know when you forgive me ok:peace:
A signed witness statement is all they need to get a warrant.
Nothing dramatic just a signed and sworn testament from any member of the public that any kind of grow exists.
Dont watch to much telly and read proper police regulations and procedures manuals like i have:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I did post that in the first place.
I forgive you though.
Let me know when you forgive me ok:peace:
you *just* posted it lol, but i see you're still acting like a little child. just the phrase "wateva noob" alone will get you laughed at. i can see youre the type of person who is probably so closed minded and perceptionless that ANY amount of talking wont have any effect on your underdeveloped mind. atleast i made the mature attempt, but you're just flapping in the wind at this point.

werent you too busy to talk to me? go back to being "busy", so far theres 2 other people who are saying you need to chill out too. so yea, just be quiet. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I didnt just post that its on page 2 of this thread.
I said i was to busy to get into an argument with you i never said i wouldnt post facts to clear my name of bollox:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i checked, page 2 has the initial paragraph - but it doesnt include what you just posted. it doesnt matter though, judges are the catalyst between the cops and the warrant - thats what i wanted established. now, lets drop this please - perhaps a more important issue would be the appropriate action for the girl in question.

id still say cutting her off would be wise, just do it slowly so she doesnt think youre ditching her. untrustworthy ppl are bound to break your trust more than once.


Well-Known Member
natmoon is at it again!!!!!....chronicle very nice bro...you handled him.....
just my opinion natmoon...you should stop posting and just go through all your old posts, man i just did....your an aggressive lil guy.


Well-Known Member
natmoon is at it again!!!!!....chronicle very nice bro...you handled him.....
just my opinion natmoon...you should stop posting and just go through all your old posts, man i just did....your an aggressive lil guy.
lol yeah i know how to handle internet aggression. ive been online coding for over 13 years, i see his type daily. hes nothin special, and i agree - i think he should review his posts to see exactly how he acts.


Well-Known Member
Yes i am just so offensive.:mrgreen:

someone who is new to a game, or website, online game, or something


Well-Known Member
no one is ganging up on nobody. I agree with natmoon when he says hes a asset to the site, he provides some good info. but with that good info comes alot of bullshit arguments. its cool though everyone needs to let out aggression, but fighting on the internet, come on man. go beat up your kids or something.