i am not sure what is going on with my plant (help)

Hey thank you for that chart! So earlier today I checked the aeroponics bucket and it absolutely wreaked of a foul fungus smell. I checked the plant and the stock I noticed was very loose in the rock wool under the hydraton. I found the smell coming from the rock wool and it was so overpowering with the worst smell. The roots weren't growing still and the ppm's were the same. I decided to rid the plant of the rock wool and see what it was festering. Pulling it apart slowly I noticed severe root bound right at the base of the roots to stem. Just a dense ball of brown dotted foul roots. I got rid of the dead brown roots and reset it in the net cup. I have it in a single gallon jug for now while I can monitor the ppm's and pH easier.

I started her at 646 ppms (lowest I could get with minimal nutes. Water level lowered later in the day but not the ppm's or pH at all which was weird. pH stayed right around 6 to 6.1 all day. Checked again latrr and the water level dropped and ppm's dropped 30! I got excited but a few hours later the ppm's gradually climbed up on the last three checks. I dumped half the gallon and added distilled and dropped it all they way down 180ppm or .36ec. I don't know what I should add if anything to the 180ppm water. Oh and the newest growth on the bottom sets of leaves looks like it was burned to a black crisp. I don't know much about the nutes but it has 4 bottles of base nutes. 1 is cal mag (equinox) and the other 3 (spring, summer, and autum) are said to be mixed at a 1:3 ratio with the cal mag so right now it says to use 3ml cal mag (equinox) with 9ml summer. The other 5 bottles are additives.

Lightning Start (promotes root growth) 1ml to 3ml per gallon every week.

Ruby Ful#$,% (elemental additive) which I'm just now reading will reduce salt buildup within growing substrates and mineral-based fertilizer systems without increasing EC PPM levels. It also conditions tap water and plant rhizosphere for optimal nutrition uptake and will increase catalytic effects in processes relating to elemental transfer within the plant system. 5ml to 10ml per gallon.

PK Apatite (bloom booster) which progressively increases your plants desire to eat more food specifically phosphorus and potassium and encourages a healthy root system throughout the flowering and fruiting periods. 1ml to 2ml to 3ml and so fourth used during flowering.

Winter Frost (ripening additive and oil production) which says it promotes heavier essential oil content in flour Mass expansion during the final 7 to 10 days prior to flush and harvest. 10ml then flush with in flowering stage.

Carbonaria (flavor enhancing carbohydrate additive) this is the newest additive to their lineup. Said to strengthen immunity system by supplying plant system with an abundance of natural elements. it's a mix of different direct plant extract and sugars that operate as plant and microbial food. It Complements oil and resin production with increased aroma and a spike in essential oil production when use during bloom. 2 ml to 5 ml per gallon used every watering.

Lastly I purchased hydroguard which is supposed to help prevent root rot but I haven't seen that actually work yet.
Photos of current roots, weird new growth on leaves, ppm and pH levels.


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