I am NOT the oldest person here !


New Member
We seem to be leading parallel lives!! I'm in the sunbelt as well. Yes, northern NJ was really some place to grow up.

Back then, I'd spend my summers in Florida at my Grandparents house. I can still remember watching Jaws up in Jersey and then going straight down to them. It was a full three weeks till the movie hit the Florida theatres. Not like today, back then NYC was the real hub and things took time to cross the country.


Well-Known Member
We seem to be leading parallel lives!! I'm in the sunbelt as well. Yes, northern NJ was really some place to grow up.

Back then, I'd spend my summers in Florida at my Grandparents house. I can still remember watching Jaws up in Jersey and then going straight down to them. It was a full three weeks till the movie hit the Florida theatres. Not like today, back then NYC was the real hub and things took time to cross the country.

Coincidence or what??? LOL

My Grandparents also lived in FL...Sarasota.
NYC was truly the hub of the universe in those days...I loved going to ganja fogged concerts in Madison Square Gdn...
I saw the Knicks win it all there in 1969...Yankee Stadium... Mickey and Roger and Whitey and Yogi.

And I think that Jaws was the last movie I waited in line for...around the damn block...and the girl I took to see it with me...wow what a fabulous babe!!!! I should have married her!
Coulda shoulda woulda!


New Member
hahah freaky.... St. Pete Fl. was where my Grandparents lived. :lol:

Yah, here to with the NYC experience. My dad worked for an extremely large company in NYC and I had access to everything. The company seats at Yankee stadium was the 4th row over home dugout. Islanders was right on the glass, rangers too.


Well-Known Member
Hold on this is getting way too weird....hahaha
My Dad also worked in NYC and loads of tickets were supplied to him and then passed on to me!

But the best Dad supplied material was from my best friends Dad who was the police commissioner of White Plains NY...
He would bring home a station wagon full of confiscated fireworks and then give a huge amount to my Dad.
Cherry Bombs, ashcans m-80s crackerballs helicopters...what pyrotechnic fun!
This was back in the early sixties when cars had no seatbelts and metal dashboards...fireworks were safe...lol


New Member
Hold on this is getting way too weird....hahaha
My Dad also worked in NYC and loads of tickets were supplied to him and then passed on to me!

But the best Dad supplied material was from my best friends Dad who was the police commissioner of White Plains NY...
He would bring home a station wagon full of confiscated fireworks and then give a huge amount to my Dad.
Cherry Bombs, ashcans m-80s crackerballs helicopters...what pyrotechnic fun!
This was back in the early sixties when cars had no seatbelts and metal dashboards...fireworks were safe...lol
hahaha, okay step away from the pipe!!!

My dad had a way (ahem) of bringing home the BIG stuff every year. Ever hear of Silver Salutes? Twice an M-80, straight from China, ...totally illegal. My dad knew through someone else each year where to meet a Semi trailer full of bootleg fireworks. Some of the stuff was downright dangerous!! I LOVED IT!! :lol:

This is too freaky!!


New Member
Ahahah! I'm not raising my hand!

You are most welcome here as the "elder". All of us on this thread have moved past the youthful disregard for time and experience of a life lived. We know you deserve a reserved seating at the table of discussion and playful banter.

Welcome aboard sir/madam!! :wink:


Elite Rolling Society
When is the last time you heard someone say

Well, I am going to be truckin over soon.

Got any grass?

Sell me a lid.

The pigs got him.

Is he turned on?

Turn On, Tune In and Drop Out!

I saw trails.

I was popping and frying.

Can you dig it?

I 'm going to go crash at my pad and blow this scene.

That tie-dyed shirt is cool. Yea, he always wears cool threads. Yep, he is a far out head.

Lets scarf down some munchies.

Hey, dude, peace out and chill.


Well-Known Member
Is anyone old enough here to remember the creation of the phrase "Back in my day...!". I heard Roseman is so old that when he was a kid the dead sea was only sick!!


Well-Known Member
Is anyone old enough here to remember the creation of the phrase "Back in my day...!". I heard Roseman is so old that when he was a kid the dead sea was only sick!!

Oy, that is henny youngman/milton berle kind of old. Maybe for the superduper-senior thread!:shock:


Elite Rolling Society
How about 'smokin' banana's?
far out
nice 'fro


we scraped the inside of the banana peelings, that stringy part out, and dried it in the oven, and smoked it. Not sure if we really got a buzz ro not.

Only cheap drug we did that worked was morning glory seeds.