I am proud of rollitup.org and it's politics forum.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Rollitup.org Your politics forum is functioning and strong opinions are interacting well without an iron fist enforcement.

It is vitally important that we the people have a venue to experience a wide range of opinion and information.

And to the members. Be it that you swing left or swing right or don't swing at all this forum is growing in a way we can all be proud of; freedom works!
^^^ Freedom works. Well Ernst that's true. That's why I am a fan of free and consensual transactions absent coercion or unaffected third party intervention. You seem to embrace some kinds of freedom but reject others, why the inconsistency?
Thank you Rollitup.org Your politics forum is functioning and strong opinions are interacting well without an iron fist enforcement.

It is vitally important that we the people have a venue to experience a wide range of opinion and information.

And to the members. Be it that you swing left or swing right or don't swing at all this forum is growing in a way we can all be proud of; freedom works!

I agree, I might not be in line with your politics but would be proud to smoke with you.
Thank you Rollitup.org Your politics forum is functioning and strong opinions are interacting well without an iron fist enforcement.

It is vitally important that we the people have a venue to experience a wide range of opinion and information.

And to the members. Be it that you swing left or swing right or don't swing at all this forum is growing in a way we can all be proud of; freedom works!

Agreed wholeheartedly. It is nice to see a place that is not swayed by the owners/mods in one direction or another. +
Yes indeed.. It's a roller-coaster for sure but looks like people find gravity and chat off into relative conversations.
Now, if we could only get the growing forums under control...

I feel so sorry for people in the sick plants forum.
Now, if we could only get the growing forums under control...

I feel so sorry for people in the sick plants forum.

Gosh I have over 10,000 posts to my credit and it's been grow related however, I'm stocked here so I am not visiting grow forums at this time but I will start reading that one. Thanks
It has been 15 days since I created this thread.

Can you believe it?

Again I have to say I am proud of this politics forum.

Just look at the series of events that have unfolded and other than those realizing that reality was a little too real with so many things happening all at once we mostly have been civil.

Again I am grateful to spend these days here and I hope that my contributions of content reach people who might have missed it otherwise.
Another 8 Days have gone by.

If you are like me then you have read a majority of the posts and at least most of the threads.

We have a chance to be a group who may well remember where we were during the largest political change this world has seen in modern times.

Brotherly love is something that may well be the hardest struggle we face but if we are to grow as a community we have to find the love.

I have contributed content at the pace that equals my mind. I know some see it as interference but I am a lowly lonely man. That's my motivation.

So, again I admire this group and I find it is an honourable and very Google-able forum.

Together we can Legalize in 2012 and beyond!
Another 8 Days have gone by.

If you are like me then you have read a majority of the posts and at least most of the threads.

We have a chance to be a group who may well remember where we were during the largest political change this world has seen in modern times.

Brotherly love is something that may well be the hardest struggle we face but if we are to grow as a community we have to find the love.

I have contributed content at the pace that equals my mind. I know some see it as interference but I am a lowly lonely man. That's my motivation.

So, again I admire this group and I find it is an honourable and very Google-able forum.

Together we can Legalize in 2012 and beyond!

Ernest! You opened a pretty big can of worms by creating a thread calling me out. I hope you're not running away from it now that I've responded to it. Don't be scared.
Ernest! You opened a pretty big can of worms by creating a thread calling me out. I hope you're not running away from it now that I've responded to it. Don't be scared.

I just posted in your thread. Are you lonely? Awwww...

I'm watching Al Jazeera and working on code. I'm here.
I just posted in your thread. Are you lonely? Awwww...

No. I indulged you and posted what I think legalization should be. Now it's your turn to do the same. Fair is fair. I'm not the one who asked for that debate, you are. You publicly called me out. Don't run away now. It's your turn.
i have to admit theres some pretty good views in the politic forum and as well good place to educate your self about way things work
i like having the politics forum here..its good to have people list and debate information about whats going on in the world.
my only issue with it is seeing 25 threads or more a day posted thats taking space away from the reason the site is here...marijuana cultivation.they are obviously on limited bandwidth here which is why at least once a week the site is down almost all day to upgrade to another server.all these politics threads are gumming up the works.and it also seems that the vast majority of these politic threads are here to nothing more then start arguments....we have enough of those in the growing threads as it is.some people should try and get the best of both worlds...use the politics threads and the growing threads.
i feel that if you dont grow..or have any input on growing and are here just to post political threads then your here for the wrong reasons and are taking up much needed space.