Why would you let some thing so petty bother you?

That is the prob with peeps.Any stupid thing is an opportunity to bitch and moan.How can you let how another person chooses to do things bother you so much?That is more pathetic than not brushing your grill.

Stop putting yourself through dumb shit.....it'll make you old before your time.

yea, man....... thats what i think about every single min of my life....... i carry baby wipes and purell with me at all times just in case.....i cant sleep at night someti.........ok, let me cut the shit. this thread came along 1 day after watching that doc, and having this topic going on outside where we party, and we all agreed on this, so i brought the convo to riu.... that simple... i dont sit around thinking how much these ppl should die or whtever..... relax hippy lovers....relax...
There's lots of effects various drugs can have on your personality, especially when administered at a young age. I first started smoking marijuana only a year ago but it has changed my personality immensely (in good ways, of course, but nevertheless). But I do agree that marijuana is harmless. Other drugs may not be (cocaine, mdma, meth, etc.). Not that I wouldn't do molly :)

Personality is not who you are. It is what others see. This in fact the very origin of this obfuscation.
I'd say it's more influenced by what goes on in their brain but that depends on who they are. Just because they are so much more influenced, doesn't mean you will know it. e.g. "Poker Face", "Acting", "LYING." If there is more going on in their brain, they are likewise more likely to posess (but not necessarily predisposed to using) such skills.

A good salesman comes off as a really nice and decent guy who has great information and opportunities to tell you about but that's just his personality, it's not who he really is. Who he really is wants to rip you the fuck off and actually has an excellent moral rationale to justify it if you would just take the time to attend the same pyramid scheming brainwashing pep talks he did (and got likewise got conned into ripping off your own family "just for practice" too).

Honestly if you want to hammer it out into the nth detail we'll come at the equal divison of consciousness and experience, aka the observer phenomenon.
I'd say it's more influenced by what goes on in their brain but that depends on who they are. Just because they are so much more influenced, doesn't mean you will know it. e.g. "Poker Face", "Acting", "LYING." If there is more going on in their brain, they are likewise more likely to posess (but not necessarily predisposed to using) such skills.

A good salesman comes off as a really nice and decent guy who has great information and opportunities to tell you about but that's just his personality, it's not who he really is. Who he really is wants to rip you the fuck off and actually has an excellent moral rationale to justify it if you would just take the time to attend the same pyramid scheming brainwashing pep talks he did (and got likewise got conned into ripping off your own family "just for practice" too).

Honestly if you want to hammer it out into the nth detail we'll come at the equal divison of consciousness and experience, aka the observer phenomenon.

I totally understand what you're saying, but someone's personality has only to do with what their own actions and external appearance (emotionally and physically). How they are perceived is something entirely different.
How they are perceived is something entirely different.
That's an ego trap. You can logically assume there is a distinction because there is. You will, however, encounter a quantum conundrum by being forced to choose between either knowing the location (i.e. Where a person's true nature lies in relationship to his personality) or the vector (i.e. where this person's personality will take them as it encounters social standards your external point of reference is privy to and what other people like this tend to become and deal with but not who they are and who they will really be and what they will really do).

The actual perspective occurs as a balance not an absolute because it is wagered on many abstract fronts of complicated interdependent variables of definition and perspective. SO we can possess a little bit of knowledge of who someone is, how they're coming off and where it's going to take them moreso the more information about the environment you have. Conversely, the more information you have the more dependent your understanding of the subject becomes dependent on that information moreso as observation progresses.
That's an ego trap. You can logically assume there is a distinction because there is. You will, however, encounter a quantum conundrum by being forced to choose between either knowing the location (i.e. Where a person's true nature lies in relationship to his personality) or the vector (i.e. where this person's personality will take them as it encounters social standards your external point of reference is privy to and what other people like this tend to become and deal with but not who they are and who they will really be and what they will really do).

The actual perspective occurs as a balance not an absolute because it is wagered on many abstract fronts of complicated interdependent variables of definition and perspective. SO we can possess a little bit of knowledge of who someone is, how they're coming off and where it's going to take them moreso the more information about the environment you have. Conversely, the more information you have the more dependent your understanding of the subject becomes dependent on that information moreso as observation progresses.

No you're just overcomplicating things to make yourself sound right.

Which you're not.
Sarcasm,,,I don't judge people on looks,status,smell,color,etc...but obviously the op does,,,so he must know what to do "He's New school",,,I judge people on there attitude if it's good it's good if it's bad your bad...Simple concept but work's for me. Never Judge a book by it's cover OP,,,You might not like the final outcome.
traptwonder i know what your sayin, nobody likes smelling other peoples odors. at least brush once a day and shower when your ass stinks. i think its more bieng fucking lazy and a waste of life to not take care of yourself. i dont give a shit how you look but at least get your smell up to par. Now that ive been thinking about it deep down i have a slight hate for hippies but i would never say anything just to be an asshole (maybe when i was 17) now adays im on the "live and let be" train. just wash your nasty asses!!