I call it: The BillyBob scrOG.


Well-Known Member
Oh, wow, you weren't kidding when you spent a lot of time trimming... That looks great man!

I'm so excited to do a scrog... I just read the entire SOG/ScrOG bible straight through and have so many new ideas, haha...

Keep us updated! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Oh, wow, you weren't kidding when you spent a lot of time trimming... That looks great man!

I'm so excited to do a scrog... I just read the entire SOG/ScrOG bible straight through and have so many new ideas, haha...

Keep us updated! bongsmilie
i havent read the sog/scrog bible. i have just done some research here and there and had some prior knowledge and just kinda dove into this thing.


Well-Known Member
i havent read the sog/scrog bible. i have just done some research here and there and had some prior knowledge and just kinda dove into this thing.
I would've done that about a week ago, but I'm moving back to school in ...5? days. And there's no way I'm gonna grow in the dorm...

So instead i just research, research, research. If you're stoned, it's a great read. :bigjoint:

Also. once i actually DO my scrog grow, I'm coming to you for advice :mrgreen:

Sog/Scrog Bible. Best guide I have ever read - The Garden's Cure


Well-Known Member
ive been researchin for about 5 years b4 i started growing. and always had a knowledge base of how scrog works. its really fun to train the plants. but it sucks cause sometimes u break branches. but if u put em back in place with tape they grow back. it sure as cramped trimmin all them banches. i went in there, couple fruit flies. i dont think its a big deal cause the undercanopy was just so thick. now its nice and open and they have nothing to feed on.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
yesterday i trimmed like 5 lbs of fan leaves off. i opened up the canopy so much and so many new colasites are now ganna hit the screen and become juicy spears. im really exctied about this screen. the whole thing is ganna be FULL of nugs.
Im 6weeks into flowering and the white hairs are slowly forming into buds. Is it ok to trim the fan leaves to allow more light to the buds. And if so whens the best time to start trimming.


Well-Known Member
Im 6weeks into flowering and the white hairs are slowly forming into buds. Is it ok to trim the fan leaves to allow more light to the buds. And if so whens the best time to start trimming.
in a scrog it is imperitive to trim fan leaves out of the screen. not all of them of course. but the ones blocking alot of light. ive noticed that the growth tips have enough vegetation that they dont need the fan leaves. also i think about 1-2 weeks into it u should trim, after that dont touch a damn thing


Well-Known Member
today i did a rough count on the far left 2x4 section of the screen of how many busites were there. i counted nearly 50. and that is kinda a less dense area than other parts. do the math and thats over 200 colasites.


Active Member
I mean that I missed a couple of budsites under the canopy, and now they are looking pretty pathetic.
expending a lot of their energy on buds that tried to grow in the dark.

could you place small cfl's under the screen just for thouse buds?
...just a thought.


Well-Known Member
you could, but whats the point? in a scrog u want main top colas above the screen. the buds below the screen just take energy away from the plants and turn out to be underdone and small. personally i like big juicy spears. i run 1200 watts of hps and 250w of mh. you wont ever fucking catch me feeding my girls cfl light lol. unless their clones of course lol. theres so much growth in the screen that u dont want the shit below it. plus underneath the canopy is a dark, damp place. ideal for mold and other issues. thats another reason i trimmed everything up. now its much cooler, drier and air flows much better under there.


Well-Known Member

50 colas! that's awesome man... I could go back and check, but how far into flowering are you? Total time since sprouting/rooting?

So, uh, you're gonna walk me through my scrog.... right?! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
50 colas in the left 2 feet of the screen. theres still another 7 feet of screen. if the whole screen is like that 2 feet. which it isnt cause some parts are denser. thats over 200 colas in the screen. i am 15 days into flowering. i let them grow 2 weeks b4 they got into the screen. they were probly 12-14 inches tall. then i topped right b4 they hit the screen and then vegged for 4 weeks to fill the screen. so they are 8 weeks old. sure man i'll help ya out with yours


Well-Known Member
yes i started my seeds in small rockwool cubes. once they rooted i placed them into the big ones where they vegged in my ebb and flow vegbox.