I dont get high anymore


New Member
well i noticed that it takes a lot of weed for me to get high. it takes at least a gram for a wake and bake just to feel a buzz. i live in cal and i smoke the cream of the crop bud. if i truly want to get stoned i need to smoke at least a quarter. this shit is killing me especially when my plants arent even close to harvest. has anyone had this problem?:weed: i just think i smoke way too much weed and i ned to cut back.


New Member
I'm in exactly the same boat. I've been smoking non stop for so many years i cant remember. It takes me the same sort of amounts as you to start feeling it, but i dont want to quit to get my tolerance down coz it only shoots straight back up again. It's just time to start growing more bud to keep in supply.


Well-Known Member
take a break for a few weeks and ur tollerance level will go down man. how long till ur crops ready? if u can, dont smoke till its finished and u will be getting alot higher faster!


New Member
ive been smoken bud everyday for about 5 years now and ive been smoken bud since i was 14 and im 26 im pretty sure i have some kind of dependece trust me 2 days of not smokin bud im a fucken ass hole


Well-Known Member
That just dont sound right.. i've been smoking each day evryday of my whole 1/3 of my life.. so 7 years... non stop.. might of missed one day in a year cuz of bad connections at the time and no weed.. maybe.

Maybe you should try some better weed, or try a diffrent dispens. or how you spell that, and try some other growers stuff, or grow ya own and get blasted :)

idk. maybe your tolerance has realy just been pushd up so high that you realy do need 1 gramm to feel a bit.

if i smoke 1 gramm im defenitly high ! But not that i would say no to another... Also, 1 gramm is allot man.. i mean if a casual toker smoked that i bet he would be high as fuck ! :leaf:

sorry to hear that, but as i said try diffrent dealers and growers.... maybe they can grow it better and maybe the stuff MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE there strains just suck. :P

idk. sorry for your loss of gettin high ! must be bummer !


have you tried to smoke less a day and then smoke allot in a week, might help ya.:shock:


Well-Known Member
if i smoke 1 gramm im defenitly high ! But not that i would say no to another... Also, 1 gramm is allot man.. i mean if a casual toker smoked that i bet he would be high as fuck ! :leaf:
Well i only smoke about 3/4 nights a week and if i had a 1 gram :joint: i would be on a another planet!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
move on to edibles and toke on top but you'll just be extending the dependency

its like trying to quit smoking using a patch and having a cigarette on top. you'll be over the edge faster than you can say geronimo


Well-Known Member
move on to edibles and toke on top but you'll just be extending the dependency

its like trying to quit smoking using a patch and having a cigarette on top. you'll be over the edge faster than you can say geronimo

I agree.
Weed brownies stay with you a long time.


New Member
Yeah he should be about, i need to pay him a score anyway, although i aint got it. I had to put a steely on my back right hand side ... it's too bald now hahahaha so the alloys off - im getting new alloys now too.... 3rd set! hahaha


Well-Known Member
im glad im not the only person who cant get high anymore.. LOL been smoking since i was 12... daily smoking since i was 16... so 9 years now... and yea.. it seems i dont always get high.. ill smoke and smoke and smoke and nothing... i think i have a few ideas why tho...

first it seems if i smoke the same weed for an extended time it loses its affect on me... so i try to constantly find new strains to smoke or at least rotate through the ones i do... this seems to help a lot...

second i smoke from a 3 ft bong.. this is my normal smoking device... not a fan of bowls and joints... but if i do change how i smoke sometimes it does affect me getting high... so maybe its like the weed and i need to change it up.. i also want to get a vaporizer.. i have one for a while and swear by it.. 1 bowl would last me 1/2 the day or better... plus it tasted like the first hit every hit.. wow.. i miss it...

third is scenery... ive noticed if i just am sitting at home vegging on the couch no matter how much i smoke i dont feel high.. but if i do somewhere, anywhere, all of a sudden everything i smoked hits me at once and i feel happy.. very very very very happy... my smile increases while the openess of my eyes decreases...

i am a big fan of consumption to.. the problem is.. i eat a brownie... then i eat another... then i get the munchies and eat a couple more... then after 1/2 the pan is gone im damn near in a coma.. LOL its great tho...

anyways.. just a couple personal thoughts as to why this occurs for me.. maybe it will help you figure a way to get where you want to be again!


Well-Known Member
quit for 3 days... it's the only way.

you can try slowly weaning yourself off of it, but I'd say 90% of people can't seem to do this by themselves. so you might as well go all out tough it out for 2-3 days and you'll be getting high again.

to prevent this from happening again, never try to smoke past your peak, and don't try to reach more than 2 peak highs in a day. otherwise your tolerance will go up rapidly.


Abuse anything and it'll eventually lose it's fun. Cut down a shitload or stop smoking for a couple days.

It's all in your head.


Well-Known Member
Just follow the high. They day after you smoke you will still have afterburn where you still feel lingering effects after the high is worn off. Don't smoke again till the afterburn is gone. For you this may take a while. I still get high EVERY time I smoke and I enjoy the high for much longer.


Well-Known Member
The weed high is dependent on many things, the most important of which is the contrast of sensation, if your body feels that same high for too long its never going to feel as strong after a while because you haven't givin your body enough time to come down to base line.

Take a break. It will come back, trust me.


Well-Known Member
I have the exact same problem! Like someone else said, too, by the time I get to the end of a bag it seems like it takes a lot more to get me high. I've gone from smoking a quarter a week to a half an oz in less than a week, which just isn't sustainable for me due to the prices around here.

It also seems like I can only really get high the first time I smoke in a day, so I've been trying to wait until later in the day to smoke - but man, it's hard!

I just finished up a 1/2 oz I bought last Friday, and there won't be any more until at least Saturday. What I'm going to do is ration it when I get some more. Like one joint per day or something. That way it will last me longer, and maybe my tolerance will come down a bit.

Quitting for a while is really the only way to lower your tolerance significantly. Cutting back, waaaay back, might be good enough though if you don't think you can quit for a while.