I dont know what it is looks like white fuzz


Active Member
I got a plant thats in like the 5th week of flowering. And all of a sudden yesterday I noticed one of the small little buds had like this white fuzz almost looked like a real fine spider web. So me being a first timer I just sprayed it down with a mix of the neem oil or whatever its called. But now today it looks like my plant is getting taken over by this shit. It looks like its rotting the leaves where ever the white fuzz is. Can anyone help? :confused:


Well-Known Member
I got a plant thats in like the 5th week of flowering. And all of a sudden yesterday I noticed one of the small little buds had like this white fuzz almost looked like a real fine spider web. So me being a first timer I just sprayed it down with a mix of the neem oil or whatever its called. But now today it looks like my plant is getting taken over by this shit. It looks like its rotting the leaves where ever the white fuzz is. Can anyone help? :confused:
Sounds like mold. You'll have to remove any part that has it - DO NOT try to smoke anything with mold on it. Sorry man.


Well-Known Member
IF you haven't notice bugs... It's probably mold, I had the same thing. If your buds are rotting there is much you can do except remove the affected part.


Well-Known Member
If it looks like spider web chances are it is spider mites. A pain, but treatable. When you spray it you have to get every bit of the plant, be thorough and you will get there. If it is just mould follow the previous posters advice. Geo


Active Member
If you have what looks like small white powder like some one put icing sugar on your plant?? That is called mealy bug and it has sap on it as shit from the insect. If you have webs all over the plant that is spidermite. If it's mealy you can dip a Qtip in alchol and touch each bug and kill them like that. Spidermite you can use 1 cigarette in 1 bottle of water let it sit over nite. I also put some cyanne pepper in it aswell. You could also use peppermint. Spray underside of leaves. remove mother leaf, spray till satisfied. peace out Headband707


Active Member
I got a plant thats in like the 5th week of flowering. And all of a sudden yesterday I noticed one of the small little buds had like this white fuzz almost looked like a real fine spider web. So me being a first timer I just sprayed it down with a mix of the neem oil or whatever its called. But now today it looks like my plant is getting taken over by this shit. It looks like its rotting the leaves where ever the white fuzz is. Can anyone help? :confused:

Im new to growing....I was wondering if you could post some pics of this so called mold. I usually keep the humidity down but would like to see what it looks like for future reference. Good luck with getting rid of it.


Well-Known Member

Did it look something like this? Thin white fibers that sort of bond the bud together.

If so, you have mould. The best way to deal with this is to chop off any affected areas and reduce the humidity (and possibly temperature) in your room.


Active Member
what about powdery mildew?
This is a different story the whole leaf will be covered . Remove the whole leaf and any leaf that may have the mold make sure no mold falls into soil. Be safe remove first inch of soil and throw out. Buy benolate or anything like this that will deal with powdery mildew and stop over watering. Peace out Headband707:blsmoke:


I look at my plants everyday, but damn.. I am not sure I would see mold if it was that deep in...