I dont think I can say I have ever experienced the Medical effects of Different Strains

Are the pills called Xanax bars or do you make that with the pills?
They can be split into thirds and are rectangular, looking like little bars. Highly addictive. To the point where your brain forms it's own receptors for it. Or some shit like that lol. Just imagine how much you're fucking up your nerves and not being able to handle stressful situations if you pop a xanax everytime. I could not imagine trying to get clean off of those.
They can be split into thirds and are rectangular, looking like little bars. Highly addictive. To the point where your brain forms it's own receptors for it. Or some shit like that lol. Just imagine how much you're fucking up your nerves and not being able to handle stressful situations if you pop a xanax everytime. I could not imagine trying to get clean off of those.
Never tried them. Thanks for the info though. I know they're addictive and I'm easily addicted to anything that feels good, :bigjoint:
Viiox was an amazing drug as far as pain control went it was just incredibly bad for your heart as well.

Most shit like that is due to heavy, prolonged use or outright abuse. People blow their livers out with Tylenol type drugs as it's in so many formulations many people are taking an overdose every day because they aren't being educated by their docs or the pharmacists.

Take a couple Tylenol for the headache, shot of cough syrup and something else and you're way over the daily limit with your first doses of the day and may do lots more before the day is done. A lot of people take way more stuff than they should or need.

I've taken Robotissin DM before. One of my friends friends went to the hospital after drinking it since he was tripping out so bad, :lol:

Used to get Benalyn(sp) cough syrup with codeine at the drug store. Just had to ask the pharmacist for it. Couple oz of that would mess you up. Turns out I get hives from codeine and violently ill from morphine so those are off the table for me. Going to grow some opium poppies next year thanks to the hemp farms screwing up my pot grows. Might just grow some indoors this winter and extract the opiods which are all thru the plant and not just in the tops.

Used to get Benalyn(sp) cough syrup with codeine at the drug store. Just had to ask the pharmacist for it. Couple oz of that would mess you up. Turns out I get hives from codeine and violently ill from morphine so those are off the table for me. Going to grow some opium poppies next year thanks to the hemp farms screwing up my pot grows. Might just grow some indoors this winter and extract the opiods which are all thru the plant and not just in the tops.

You have to be careful when messing around with poppy pods because they have an undetermined amount of codeine and morphine plus whatever other alkaloids are in them.
You have to be careful when messing around with poppy pods because they have an undetermined amount of codeine and morphine plus whatever other alkaloids are in them.

I'm planning to make good old black tar opium out of any I grow. You need to do further refining to make codeine or morphine out of that and I don't want either of those.

When heroin was created it was touted as a cure for opium addiction and we know how that worked out. Then Oxy was invented and they lied the same lies about that too.

In case anybody doesn't know yet. Big Pharma is not to be trusted. :D

There are procedures on the interweb on how to extract the goodies from the whole plant and it's not much more involved than making RSO. I have a diploma in chemistry that's pretty old but this won't be hard to do for me. Making silver nitrate was more dangerous than this but easy-peasy too.

I could grow a couple dozen indoors to experiment with then grow a few hundred outside next summer so I can dry them and make batches when I need them. Mom used to grow them back in BC just because they were pretty flowers and 25 years ago I sharpened up the tines on a dinner fork to score the pods and scrape off the sap that oozed out. Just got a little bit I smoked with some hash and it was great. Basically I want to get all that sap out of the plants and have raw opium to ease the pain. With my luck it will just make me sick like morphine but worth a shot.

I have been using weed for 34 years. I have a bad back and I have had cancer. Neither has ever been made better by cannabis.

Then why are you still using pot? You're not . . . one of those stoner people are you? lol

I used pot for 34 years just for the buzz then switched to medicinal use 20 years ago. It's about the only drug I've ever used that I like the side effects. :)

I think the side effects might be a clue as to why pot is so popular. ;)

I'm planning to make good old black tar opium out of any I grow. You need to do further refining to make codeine or morphine out of that and I don't want either of those.

When heroin was created it was touted as a cure for opium addiction and we know how that worked out. Then Oxy was invented and they lied the same lies about that too.

In case anybody doesn't know yet. Big Pharma is not to be trusted. :D

There are procedures on the interweb on how to extract the goodies from the whole plant and it's not much more involved than making RSO. I have a diploma in chemistry that's pretty old but this won't be hard to do for me. Making silver nitrate was more dangerous than this but easy-peasy too.

I could grow a couple dozen indoors to experiment with then grow a few hundred outside next summer so I can dry them and make batches when I need them. Mom used to grow them back in BC just because they were pretty flowers and 25 years ago I sharpened up the tines on a dinner fork to score the pods and scrape off the sap that oozed out. Just got a little bit I smoked with some hash and it was great. Basically I want to get all that sap out of the plants and have raw opium to ease the pain. With my luck it will just make me sick like morphine but worth a shot.

It may make you alittle sick but your body will get use to it in time. Even though morphine and codine are to two that cause you problems theres a good chance that opium wont bother you as much because of all the other alkoloids have a symbiotic roll with each other.. for example the thiebane(very small amount) thats in there is a stimulant and helps counter acked other alkiloids.. theres also alkoloids that are in there that are proving to fight cancer.. i think its narcanine* or papaverine*
I can't substantially differentiate effects between different strains/plants. If the plants are harvested right when trichomes are milky and a few amber show here n there I get around the same effect.. I will say though some 14 week sativa weed will give me much more energy than a indica. It's not a huge difference in the benefits though. I'm a heavy smoker and honestly get the same effects from most weed if grown the same.

I will say though some earlier harvested weed will give me more of an uppity giggly buzz vs stuff that was let to go really ripe and amber which usually gives me a sedative cognitive impaired high.

I think some people are more sensitive to terpenes and different cannabinoids than others.
For those in the thread who do experience the medicinal benefits for pain relief I would like to know 2 things.

1 what strains are they.

2 more importantly exactly what about those strains help you. I would like to understand the science behind it.
For those in the thread who do experience the medicinal benefits for pain relief I would like to know 2 things.

1 what strains are they.

2 more importantly exactly what about those strains help you. I would like to understand the science behind it.

I second this, I do not get pain relief smoking weed nor nausea relief.
I think a lot of people don't "notice" what cannabis does for their pain for a couple of reasons. If you are in a lot of pain, and dose frequently, just stop using it for a few days and you'll get a sneak peak into your pain level without cannabis. I guarantee it will be 30-50% worse. If you aren't in a lot of pain, and you dose daily, but infrequently, you probably won't notice a difference. For a lot of people, a 30% reduction in pain is enough to be able to sleep passably well at night.

It's definitely hard to test strains objectively for pain, I have my own method and try to stay as objective as possible. Two standouts are Panama Red and Chocolate Thai. Both have a wide variety of cannabinoids and terpenes so I have no idea what sets them above others that I've relied on for pain relief in the past-like strong OGs and Chems.
For those in the thread who do experience the medicinal benefits for pain relief I would like to know 2 things.

1 what strains are they.

2 more importantly exactly what about those strains help you. I would like to understand the science behind it.

I don't find much physical pain relief with THC strains but did get emotional pain relief from chronic depression.

For physical pain relief I need lots of CBD with some THC. A 2:1 ratio at least.

These days it's about the medicinal value like shrinking my prostate from 75cc down to 55. Possibly there is some cancer going on in there so hopefully that is also being reduced or slowed tho I'm not to concerned and supposed to be getting an MRI of it in early Dec. Going for bloodwork including a PSA test and if that's the same or reduced even a bit I'm not driving 6 hours each way for the MRI. Hopefully it'll be snowing and I can cancel due to the weather.

A few years ago my wife was found with tumours in her liver so I got her going on RSO. A year later they had shrunk to half size and many had disappeared. They are pretty sure that they are just fatty cysts and not cancer now tho she's never had a biopsy. Another scan next year to check on them.

I have seeds for a strain called Paonia Purple Paralyzer that's supposed to be near narcotic and good for nerve, joint and muscle pain so will need to grow some out soon. Some 20:1 CBD seeds too so those two are next on my list.

Smoking doesn't work for pain as good as the same strain in edibles. Toking is more effective for mental health issues like anxiety, depression and a host of others. Fast relief if it works for you and if it helps in edibles even better as that lasts a lot longer than tokes and doesn't stink the place out. :)

Every chronic toker I ever met is toking for underlying issues even if they don't know it. Better that than a bottle or needle.
