I dont want to mess anything up. help with everything plz.


I am still so completely clueless about the finer things in growing. I plan on using my Christmas money to step up a test run on growing. I have already choose to use CFLs Ans im going to be using my 2nd bathroom as my own personal grow room. No one uses it anyways. I was going to make my own worm bin out of a rubber maid tub to make castings and tea which I will use for all my plants and herbs. I was thinking of using that but do I still need fertilizer? Im trying to cut costs I don't make a whole lot and currently supporting 3 ppl. All by myself. What wattage would be good? I was thinking of one or two plants. And watering can I get an appox. On a watering schedule. Also helpful tips would be great. I am a complete blonde so please put it into a language i know
For now at least. Thanks


Bloodrose if can swing $13 grab a bag of maxibloom. You can use it from seedling to flush and is real easy to use! Watering schedule depends on alot but rule of thumb is pick your plant with fairly dry soil! Then water and when your plant is about the same weight in a couple days its time to water again! just dont let it start drooping! Bsafe

really comfy slippers

Active Member
I'd say get atleast 100+w of cfl in both spectrums, 6500k for veg then throw some 2700k in for flowering.. Some people use both spectrums in flowering, guess thats up too you. Props on the worms bin! I would just buy the Fox Farm Nutrient Trio pack, its fairly cheap and works amazing for the money. Wait til your soil gets BONE dry to water, then completely soak your soil. and repeat... Good luck


Well-Known Member
You have gotten some good input cfls are tricky but for a test run you can't go wrong. If it works and you fall in love with growing such I know you will lol, a mh/hps is really not that expensive and you don't need a 1,000 watt for a few plants. Just passing on something I learned really not telling you what to do just some friendly advice good luck on your grow remember to have some din with it it really is a blast.


Well-Known Member
Great info from everyone I use cfls to veg and hps to flower and I wait until the soil is dry before I water I usually just feel the weight of the pot when its dry and watered that's the easiest way for me.


Well-Known Member
6500 for veg and 2700 for flowering are the colors you need....go to the home depot or wal mart...keep the blubs less than 4 inches away from the plant intself at all times, your probably going to use about 10-12 23watt bulbs for the two plants to get nice all the way around. and remember, shit should be easier than you think, its a plant, just exchange the air, water it every few days, and you usually barely need any ferts if using soil. And if you are using cfl's get some fans to blow directly onto the bulbs themselves or you will have a heater directly burning your plants.... this is really all you need to know, do you know your light schedules? oh and when you water your plants, if you use water out of your faucet, let the water sit out without a top on it for over 24hrs so that the chemicals evaporate out..