I am still so completely clueless about the finer things in growing. I plan on using my Christmas money to step up a test run on growing. I have already choose to use CFLs Ans im going to be using my 2nd bathroom as my own personal grow room. No one uses it anyways. I was going to make my own worm bin out of a rubber maid tub to make castings and tea which I will use for all my plants and herbs. I was thinking of using that but do I still need fertilizer? Im trying to cut costs I don't make a whole lot and currently supporting 3 ppl. All by myself. What wattage would be good? I was thinking of one or two plants. And watering can I get an appox. On a watering schedule. Also helpful tips would be great. I am a complete blonde so please put it into a language i know
For now at least. Thanks
For now at least. Thanks