I Found a Secret Room In My House!

Hey spiderman whats happening with the secret grow room !!!!
I think it was a good idea and would make one awesome grow room, but the time money and effort that would be needed is enormous, plus he just got married. So maybe someday, but i don't think anything gonna happen soon.
but thats just my opinion i might be wrong
I bet the secret underground grow room has hundreds of huge spiders in it when it is finished, spiders love to live under ground...... they feed on black fly, green fly, white fly and gnats and other grow room pests.
it makes me scared thinking about the size of them.

I had something similar happen in my last place. Three times! Mind you, it had 25 rooms. I'd been there 3 months before i found the first one. Walking down a dark passage one night, trying to find a light, I hit a switch and heard a humming coming from what I assumed was a cupboard, opened the door and it was yet another bathroom (8 in total!). Shower, toilet, sink and all! Lonely rattling about in that big house all alone all winter though!
i was waiting for zombies to come out of that door and we would be first witness to the end of the world!

Pretty cool anyways
Did u really just read this whole fuckin thread corners... LoL
and Damn you for making me think he updated this shit, i was all psyched like im bought to see the BudCave, after three months of renovations...... But nah its just anotherr post about zombies poppin up outta spidermans killer basement.... Come-on Spidey where u at already, i know you got some shit Veggin down there right now.. stop holdin out on us...... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH its a SPIder... LoL lets go spidey!!!!
I find it funny that some people are hating on this thread because good intentions didn't go as planned. This thread is titled "I found a secret room in my house" not "I'm building a grow room in the secret room I found in my house". If I where in his shoes wouldn't spend my time and money on building a second smaller grow room just because I found a room.

OP, the first thing I thought of when I saw that room was, DAMN that would make an awesome hotbox/smoking room. Water proof it, drape some fabric on the walls and ceiling, throw some bean bags in there, a shag rug lol, and maybe a small HTPC for music purposes (gotta have Pandora radio lol). You would have the best chill spot ever lol. GL with your future endeavors, stay high.

Edit: Meant to put Shag rug not sag lol.
Very nice find there! I took you some time to get through that plastic sheeting haha. If I was you I would have put the crowbar in there and pulled the damm thing open. +rep
Fuckers bumped this thread for no reason..
Got me stoked too.

Can somebody point me to the video of him stepping on a mouse? I have to see this.
you all gotta admit everybody thought it was a bluff until he actually posted the vids at around page 25... I read the whole thing until the vids, good entertainment, thx for the tread! unlike everybody though, I dont think it's a big job to clean it all up! just a lot of fun! I like Silversun's idea of hotbox/smoking room! Cheers either way I hope you do something cool with it!