I Found a Secret Room In My House!

After the video I tore the door completely off and threw it away. I've had to cut 2 doors here already, my table saw makes quick work of them :razz:. Yeah currently I got 7 ladies in my flower room and 1 mother in the veg room and 2 in my cloner.

Hi again dude, Man its been a while.. I had nearly forgot about this thread until it popped up in the Grow-room Design Section :) ... How is it coming along ?? have you manage d to clear out any of the rubble etc yet ?? ..I wish our house had a secret door :) I did think about ripping up some floorboards whilst the Mrs was out shopping :) ...But decided not to, I very much doubt I'd find anything except a shit-load of Spiders and dirt lol... especially not a secret room thats just wishful thinking :)

I cant wait to see more pics.. and am psyched to see how the 'secret' room transformers.. good luck !!! - STELTHY :leaf:
you all gotta admit everybody thought it was a bluff until he actually posted the vids at around page 25... I read the whole thing until the vids, good entertainment, thx for the tread! unlike everybody though, I dont think it's a big job to clean it all up! just a lot of fun! I like Silversun's idea of hotbox/smoking room! Cheers either way I hope you do something cool with it!

A smoking chill-out room or a Hyper Grow-Room would be great... I'am still subbed and can't wait to see his progress :) !! - STELTHY :leaf:
Brick, Maines the shit...there ain't a fuckin soul here after October...'cept me....

Hey Seasmoke...I was just catching up in this thread (since I'm pretty new to RIU) and ran across this post. Just had to say HI:leaf: It's October and I'm in Maine too. Soon as the peepers go home, I'll be happy.:twisted:
Hi again dude, Man its been a while.. I had nearly forgot about this thread until it popped up in the Grow-room Design Section :) ... How is it coming along ?? have you manage d to clear out any of the rubble etc yet ?? ..I wish our house had a secret door :) I did think about ripping up some floorboards whilst the Mrs was out shopping :) ...But decided not to, I very much doubt I'd find anything except a shit-load of Spiders and dirt lol... especially not a secret room thats just wishful thinking :)

I cant wait to see more pics.. and am psyched to see how the 'secret' room transformers.. good luck !!! - STELTHY :leaf:

Whats up Stelthy, and everyone else for that matter. Long time no talk mate. As far as the secret room goes I have done nothing unfortunately. As it turned out, I got a raise and promotion at work and have been consumed by the workload that has followed. Not to mention all the other little things that life throws at you such as my wife losing her job and being strapped for cash, she has since found a new one but a fraction of what she was pulling in before. The wife and I are leaving Oct 24th for a month long excursion through China, so that has also been weighting on my mind and time. I actually completely shut down all my grow ops acouple months ago as I wouldn't have enough time to finish before we leave. This winter I should be able to atleast get inside the secret room again and assess what I want to do, whatever that shall be. I hope this post finds you, and all the other posters out there in cyberspace, well. Happy growing your brother Neosapien out.
Great to see you haven't given up on the room! I totally understand things getting in the way! Take your time with it I'm subbed just to see the results, I live in a land where Basements are apparently outlawed (not really but they don't exist here) so until I'm able to convince my wife to move I'm stuck with my cabinet grow :)

LOVED the Blair Witch ref... I totally thought BWP when I saw it! Funny shit.

Good Luck and keep us updated... oh and have a good time in China
lol just watched the video, I would of did the same thing if there was some bigass spider. Hate those things :P
Lucky bastard. We use to have a room under our staircase but it got sealed up

It would be cool if you decided to say....... un-seal it :) :) :) would make for an equally interesting thread if you documented every little thing :) !! - STELTHY :leaf:
does the name :


spring to mind.

I only read a little bit past the the post of the videos. If that was my house Id brick that doorway in solid and fill that whole room and shit with concrete or dirt or something. I see that shit just caving in eventually!
You fuckers bumped this thread AGAIN!
Let it die already!


we hit a nerve......

have you had your name changed by deed pole by any chance......

was it neosapien.......he seems to have disappeared and you seem to have sprung up as a defence agent/solicitor for little miss muffet.