I got arrested


Well-Known Member
But seriously, I would like to see the "cool head" crew react to a guy treating you like a bitch in front of your woman. All I can do is accept you say you would walk off, but IMO there is hormones and 300k years of evolution waiting to switch on.Fight or flight.. you gonna be treated like a bitch and then run off like one ? I have my doubts


bud bootlegger
I guess your just pretty damn alpha already then racer, no proving your manness required :-)
lol, nah, i wouldn't say that puff.. i've been in two fights my entire life, and what did i learn from them? hitting someone in the face hurts one's hand, lol, that's about it..
i've never understood the thinking of a fighter.. i used to work with this guy who was an am. boxer, and w/e we went to the bar after work, he'd have to sit facing the door to see who was coming in.. all sorts of people would want to fight him to make a name for themselves, i just don't get it.. all beating someone up does it prove tha you are stronger then them, and big surprise there as i'm pretty whimpy, lol.. getting into a fight does nothing to prove how much of a man some one is imo, as it takes a bigger man to turn the other cheek and be the bigger person, especially today, people call the cops and you get arrested and spend time in jail and have a record, and for what? because some pos talked some shit to your girl? i've been in jail enough, it's so not worth it, unless of course someone attacked my family or something along those lines, then it's game on, but to me, idk, words isn't enough for me to wind up behind bar again..


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you and ty should hang out, puff. You both seem to be like a couple of frat brothers.
The guy wasn't making him look like a pussy, he was making himself look like a fool.
I stand by my theory, that his woman was into the guy.


Well-Known Member
You got me all wrong, I just empathise with the op to a degree. I see no reason to bash him for acting instinctively . we are just evolved apes at the end of the day, we are animals with reflexes that are often beyond our control


Well-Known Member
Dude must have smelled some pussy in the air or something. I don't claim to be the baddest mutha fucker on the planet, but I just don't see anyone saying that to my wife while I'm standing there. That only happens if dude sees some bitch in you in the first place. But what do I know.

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I have to agree with this one. Not some macho man but also can't imagine someone saying that to my wife (she'd kill him before i did:)

ALSO....either the wife was into it or was being an irreparable butthole and deserved it.


I don't know, it would have been tough for me to walk away a decade or so ago.

Nowadays, I would just reply with some sort of condesccending smart ass remark. Of course I'd have to make sure there were witness' in case the mentioned big, bad bully decides to punch a paraplegic. Now that would be EPIC!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
U guys are looking at it all wrong the guy offering his BBC ruined a trip to Walmart ...A fuck en trip to Walmart i would normally agree with buck but in this case ...I would have knocked his ass out got my girl to safety then returned to suck his dick.


Well-Known Member
What if the guy had a hearing impediment and because of this mis-pronounces things and just asked "You seen rick?"


Well-Known Member
i like the improvisation (use of keys) in the heat of the moment
respect the street fighting techniques right there
