I Hate Moles!


Well-Known Member
I'v got a bad mole problem, this guy has seen every inch of my yard, including raping my garden last year. There's gotta be more then one cause they're doing work. Does anybody know the best way to get rid of them(kill them)? Does anybody have experience with this? I'll use pesticides, i dont give a damn, they gotta die. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.


New Member
i forget the name but the have this shit were it puts out a super strong sound that the moles hate you put them around your yard ,,,,or maybe a 22 and a lawn chair


Well-Known Member


Active Member
I dont understand, how does a small brown growth on somebodies face fuck with your garden? Whos mole is it? How is that possible?

Hahaha im just kiddin... if i were you id set up some traps or like he said above put down some poison... but im not a big poison guy if i were you id stick with the traps.


Well-Known Member
Lowes sells these yellow battery operated devices that vibrate every 3 minutes or so. Moles hate those things. My neighbor pushed all his moles over to his neighbors....he didn't like the neighbor so it made it extra funny. No more problems with those things though. Getting a few this weekend myself.


Well-Known Member
I got a yorkie this winter. Dam dog kills moles, squirrels, birds any small thing that comes in my yard. She stays dirty as a pig. She stands in the window and starts to shake when she sees something. Out the little cat door like a flash. She is a killing machine.


Active Member
Yes I would recomend a small terrier type dog or a bird dog ....get one from the pound then bring it back when your done.

Give Me

Yes I would recomend a small terrier type dog or a bird dog ....get one from the pound then bring it back when your done.
B that was funny but still bad :) can't bring um back -just rent out to neighbors as needed to help offset costs LoL Also to OP I get them here and there and worst is that they bring skunks! If you ever had to deal with the spray you can appreciate the need to remove there food- Moles and also Grubs-Hope you get your situation cleared up ASAP :)


Well-Known Member
well we got rid of ours using poison pelets, but the danm cat got it after it died and it died too :(


Active Member
Damn, we got one (or more) going bat shit crazy in our yard right now. We've had them before, and I would just call "The Mole Man" and he'd come out and catch 2 or 3 every time ... worked great. Well, except for $65 bounty for each mole. My wife would be in disbelief that there were 2 or 3 moles and not just one mole in the yard. She thinks The Mole Man would catch one and pull the others out of the back of his truck. She swears he raises that damn things at his house. This time my wife said no-way to The Mole Man, so we've been raiding the pest section at both Lowe's and Depot. So far, The Mole Man is looking pretty cheap, and my yard looks like the surface of the Moon.

Come on, someone has got to have some wild ass method that whacks these bastards!


Well-Known Member
You can try gassing them with carbon monoxide. Just attach some tubing to your tailpipe, stick the other end into an entrance to their tunnel system, and run the car for a while.

If there are a lot of "entrances" in your yard, you might have to plug some of 'em up for this method to be effective.


Active Member
I'm liking the carbon monoxide idea. I will get my lawn tractor out today and give that shot. The jack russell idea I know would work. We doggy-sat a jack while a buddy of mine was deployed. Never had a mole the whole time. The problem was, the jack liked digging so much, I'd rather have the moles! The jack actually trenched under an alder tree so much, that one day it rained pretty good and some wind kicked up, and down came a 30' tree.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
LOL yeah JRTs dig alot...i just dont let my dogs dig for no reason

If you wanna gas em out easiest way is to take a chainsaw or some type of small 2 stroke engine...and put a hose on the exaust end..jus put it in the hole and yul smoke me out. It works good for rats..but you usually need a dog or two to catch the runners lol

i guess you could get abuddy to smash em with a shovel when they come out to..who would wanna do that? LOL