I have a rant. I think you should Read it.


Well-Known Member
This does NOT sound like you appreciated what you received from your parents.

It's pretty cruel and heartless to say children shouldn't get gifts for christmas. What would it be like to return to school on the day after Christmas break to see and hear all the other children talking about their gifts, which you got none of? Some askes "hey what did you get"? and you answer "energy saving lightbulbs" I think you would receive a few taunts, wouldn't you agree?

I'm not saying people should go into debt, but damn, for kids to not really get anything, especially if you can afford to buy it is just mean.

You need to read again. I never said don't give children Christmas presents. Not even close. I said don't go into debt over it by spending hundreds on pointless gifts. I have enjoyed many a video game. I'm not saying they are bad really, i'm saying they are over played. I never said by the kids light bulbs. I said if you have money that you need to waste, buy something useful like a energy efficient light bulb. It was an example of what to buy if you need to spend money. It was not talking about getting them those for Christmas. Come on seriously???

Tell me where in that entire thing I EVER said DON'T GET kids anything for Christmas. I'm going to get Christmas presents for people, and I think everyone should get something for their kids.


Well-Known Member
If people want to buy they're kids lots of shit let them, they worked for it.
And as for pokeing at the fat kids, Most fat kids are fat because of the way they're bodies work, we're not all the same.Now they're are some kids that are bumps on a log.

I'm fucking 6'3'' and i played xbox live alot in the last 3 years and i'm not fat.

And for the telling people to jog and walk and shit, If they want to good for them, not everyone likes to walk aimlessly.

Just saying your not going to change America.

It sucks for a reason.



Well-Known Member
If people want to buy they're kids lots of shit let them, they worked for it.
And as for pokeing at the fat kids, Most fat kids are fat because of the way they're bodies work, we're not all the same.Now they're are some kids that are bumps on a log.

I'm fucking 6'3'' and i played xbox live alot in the last 3 years and i'm not fat.

And for the telling people to jog and walk and shit, If they want to good for them, not everyone likes to walk aimlessly.

Just saying your not going to change America.

It sucks for a reason.


I'm not poking, as you said (no pun intended), at fat kids. I'm more poking at the parents who allow them to sit in front of video games and enable them to get fat. There are a lot of parents who are very shitty people. There are also many parents who are really good. If you are a good responsible parent thats wonderful; I'm not talking to you. This is for the parents who let their kids sit in front of the tv for more hours a day than they spend doing school work, playing outside, and talking combined. It happens.

Anyone/Anything can change. I'm not trying to change America. I'm trying to put some light on a subject that many people don't want any light on.

IF AMERICA sucks.....It sucks because people aren't willing to try to change. If you decide that its not going to get any better then it won't.
Someone has said it much better than me.

Be the change you want to see in the world- Gandhi


New Member
Right here, first post "don't buy toys, buy lightbulbs"

. Toys are great for kids for a couple of days, but they get tired of them. Heres an idea don’t buy useless toys for your kids. By them something useful. . . something they can use for a long time. If you have so much money that you do need to spend some, spend it on a good charitable organization, or buy some more efficient light bulbs.

You also admit that YOU are tired of video games, seems mommy and daddy have raised quite the spoiled little jerk. Just because YOU are tired of video games doesn't mean OTHERS are tired of them. You are trying to dictate what others do based on your spoiled, bored little life.

How about until you have kids of your own, you shut the fuck up about other people and their kids.

Shit I had rules in my house, if the weather was good, you took your ass outside to play with the neighborhood kids. There were big wheels, and bicycles, footballs, all knids of stuff. Neither of my kids are anywhere near overweight, they are both very fit adults.

Guess what, even though they are adults, with jobs and lives of their own, I'm still buying each of them a video game, and I know this will really piss you off, I bought one for my husband too.


Well-Known Member
Right here, first post "don't buy toys, buy lightbulbs"

You also admit that YOU are tired of video games, seems mommy and daddy have raised quite the spoiled little jerk. Just because YOU are tired of video games doesn't mean OTHERS are tired of them. You are trying to dictate what others do based on your spoiled, bored little life.

How about until you have kids of your own, you shut the fuck up about other people and their kids.

Shit I had rules in my house, if the weather was good, you took your ass outside to play with the neighborhood kids. There were big wheels, and bicycles, footballs, all knids of stuff. Neither of my kids are anywhere near overweight, they are both very fit adults.

Guess what, even though they are adults, with jobs and lives of their own, I'm still buying each of them a video game, and I know this will really piss you off, I bought one for my husband too.

Geeeeeeeeet em!!


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Socialproblem.

I live in the UK, consumerism has taken over Christmas here as well.

I, like you, am MIDDLE CLASS (wealthier than some, poorer than some.......how is it that some people here don't seem to get this?).

All these folks riding you don't seem to understand what you're saying, but then I guess this is why our countries are running up so much debt.

Gifts are good, gifts are a way of showing love and appreciation to your loved ones. However, gifts CAN be EXCESSIVE (that's what you're trying to say right?), and just like all the other ways in which people live EXCESSIVELY, is damaging the world.

Misshestermoffit, not being funny, but you were obviously quite poor growing up judging by the way you keep refering to SP as 'spoiled', no one is saying you shouldn't be allowed to buy your kids whatever you want for christmas, but even you must agree that excessively spoiling children is a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Socialproblem.

I live in the UK, consumerism has taken over Christmas here as well.

I, like you, am MIDDLE CLASS (wealthier than some, poorer than some.......how is it that some people here don't seem to get this?).

All these folks riding you don't seem to understand what you're saying, but then I guess this is why our countries are running up so much debt.

Gifts are good, gifts are a way of showing love and appreciation to your loved ones. However, gifts CAN be EXCESSIVE (that's what you're trying to say right?), and just like all the other ways in which people live EXCESSIVELY, is damaging the world.

Misshestermoffit, not being funny, but you were obviously quite poor growing up judging by the way you keep refering to SP as 'spoiled', no one is saying you shouldn't be allowed to buy your kids whatever you want for christmas, but even you must agree that excessively spoiling children is a bad thing.

Holy crap yes. You understand.


Well-Known Member
Right here, first post "don't buy toys, buy lightbulbs"

You also admit that YOU are tired of video games, seems mommy and daddy have raised quite the spoiled little jerk. Just because YOU are tired of video games doesn't mean OTHERS are tired of them. You are trying to dictate what others do based on your spoiled, bored little life.

How about until you have kids of your own, you shut the fuck up about other people and their kids.

Shit I had rules in my house, if the weather was good, you took your ass outside to play with the neighborhood kids. There were big wheels, and bicycles, footballs, all knids of stuff. Neither of my kids are anywhere near overweight, they are both very fit adults.

Guess what, even though they are adults, with jobs and lives of their own, I'm still buying each of them a video game, and I know this will really piss you off, I bought one for my husband too.

READ. I never said don't buy toys, buy light bulbs. ...
Notice that in the rant, it is several sentences later that I say if you have money to waste(not even on the topic of Christmas, just if you have it to waste and need to spend it) then go out and buy something useful (not for your kids. again we aren't talking about christmas anymore). I don't understand why you are attacking me and using profanities.

And by saying I'm tired of video games, I'm referring to being tired of the way kids spend all their time on them. AND not just kids, but adults too. I know people who spend ten hours a day on the some type of gaming system or online computer game. THAT is crazy to me. I never said I am tired of playing video games. Your assumptions have angered you and got you telling me to shut the fuck up, when really all you need to to is take a chill pill and quit making assumptions. I have said it over and over again and this is the last time. I THINK ALL KIDS SHOULd GET GOOD CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.

AND you are completely missing the point still. I think its fine for you to go out and buy your husband and kids games. I don't think its fine for them to not ever get out in front of the tv. I'm not saying that they are like that, and if they aren't then once again this isn't for you or them. Thanks


Well-Known Member
And by saying I'm tired of video games, I'm referring to being tired of the way kids spend all their time on them. AND not just kids, but adults too. I know people who spend ten hours a day on the some type of gaming system or online computer game.

You know now'a days you can make quite the career out of video games.


Well-Known Member
So, after redaing the first part of yoru rant about kid's, i'm gonna assume you don;t have kid's, or know anybody with kid's.. you can take teh game away from 'em, you can stick 'em outside.. but that doesnt mean they're gonna burn calories or anything.. they can sit on their ass just as easy outside as they can nisde.. kid's don;t just obey commands like trained house pet's..

and that stupid spending that you're ranting about si what keep's the economy some-what stable.. or did.. but then gas prices shot through teh roof and we stopped spending on all that "stupid shit", and now we're suffering.. so yeah.. buy everything you can for x-mas.. even if you don;t want or need it


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Socialproblem.

I live in the UK, consumerism has taken over Christmas here as well.

I, like you, am MIDDLE CLASS (wealthier than some, poorer than some.......how is it that some people here don't seem to get this?).

All these folks riding you don't seem to understand what you're saying, but then I guess this is why our countries are running up so much debt.

Gifts are good, gifts are a way of showing love and appreciation to your loved ones. However, gifts CAN be EXCESSIVE (that's what you're trying to say right?), and just like all the other ways in which people live EXCESSIVELY, is damaging the world.

Misshestermoffit, not being funny, but you were obviously quite poor growing up judging by the way you keep refering to SP as 'spoiled', no one is saying you shouldn't be allowed to buy your kids whatever you want for christmas, but even you must agree that excessively spoiling children is a bad thing.

Lol@ countries going into debt by way of consumer spending. LMFAO!!!


Well-Known Member
So, after redaing the first part of yoru rant about kid's, i'm gonna assume you don;t have kid's, or know anybody with kid's.. you can take teh game away from 'em, you can stick 'em outside.. but that doesnt mean they're gonna burn calories or anything.. they can sit on their ass just as easy outside as they can nisde.. kid's don;t just obey commands like trained house pet's..

and that stupid spending that you're ranting about si what keep's the economy some-what stable.. or did.. but then gas prices shot through teh roof and we stopped spending on all that "stupid shit", and now we're suffering.. so yeah.. buy everything you can for x-mas.. even if you don;t want or need it

How about taking your kids on a walk in the park and let them appreciate nature and outdoors. I actually do have friends with kids, as well as work with kids. Another assumption. Another wrong assumption.

Our economy will straighten back up without you buying everything you can for x-mas. I think Christmas is a great time to boost the economy. All i'm saying is don't go into debt just to spoil your kids. Once again, if you are one that doesn't go into debt for Christmas, wonderful, I'm not talking to you.


Well-Known Member
Lol@ countries going into debt by way of consumer spending. LMFAO!!!
Yeah man where does a lot of the shit you buy come from?......

Developing countries.

Both of our countries import a lot more goods than we export, which means more money goes out than comes in....its basic maths.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man where does a lot of the shit you buy come from?......

Developing countries.

Both of our countries import a lot more goods than we export, which means more money goes out than comes in....its basic maths.

*shakes head*...There is commercial banking, and investment banking.

They're two separate entities. Oh, and you're 100% wrong. Developing countries purchase goods from developed countries at inflated rates, that's why they remain poor. Not the other way around. If you think China is a developing country you need to head back to school.


Well-Known Member
*shakes head*...There is commercial banking, and investment banking.

They're two separate entities. Oh, and you're 100% wrong. Developing countries purchase goods from developed countries at inflated rates, that's why they remain poor. Not the other way around. If you think China is a developing country you need to head back to school.
Our banking systems are going down the shitter.

'Money' in itself, doesn't actually have a use. It represents assets (e.i. food, materials, labour, skills) The world banking system doesn't fairly represent this.

I think the worlds 'financial system' is going to keep changing untill it does. As will our standards of living have to.

We can't keep consuming more than fair share of the worlds resources forever.


New Member
Incorrect, I grew up in a upper middle class home, my father was a drunk who would come home pissed off and beat the fucking shit out of us. This was still going on when I ran away at 17. We got plenty of "guilt" gifts. You know, "sorry you had to go to school with a black eye and a giant handprint on your side" type of gifts or better yet "sorry I took your glasses away from you so you couldn't see to run away while I flailed at you with my leather belt while screaming stupid little fucking bitch" . This was always really fun for me, especially when I got to middle school and had to change clothes in front of others, who pointed and laughed at my bruises and welts on a daily basis.

This is why gifts for children are important. It would have been nice to receive a gift that was an actual gift, not a lame attempt at a temporary apology, until the next beating.

I like to buy my kids gifts of love, we say "I love you" all the time around here. I never felt loved as a kid and it was important to me that my kids feel LOVED.

Misshestermoffit, not being funny, but you were obviously quite poor growing up judging by the way you keep refering to SP as 'spoiled', no one is saying you shouldn't be allowed to buy your kids whatever you want for christmas, but even you must agree that excessively spoiling children is a bad thing.