I have defoliated my plants in the hope to increase my yeild :)

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Good one. Killer argument.

Just trying to keeping it simple so you can understand but perhaps this analogy will be helpful.

Imagine you as a homeowner putting solar panels on your home to provide heat and energy for your family to thrive. And then along comes the county building inspector who says those solar panels are blocking the sun and removes them. You would also put new panels on your home and then you would shoot the dumbass when he came back to rape your house again.

It would appear that what we need here is a stand your ground law for marijuana plants.
Have you invented a light that can penetrate leaves and just get to the bud then, maybe you should take it on Dragons den because I would buy one and I'm in!!

Your little picture shows a plant which has clearly been defoliated down the left!! Who's side are you on here???

I don't have any intentions of studying law and becoming a solicitor, but thanks for the careers advice it's duly noted.

It's quite hard to take a person seriously that has a picture of man who is clearly as mad as a box of frogs as their avatar.

The fact that you think that light to the buds is more beneficial than light to the leaves shows an alarming ignorance of biology. :o

Photosynthesis takes place primarily in plant leaves, and little to none occurs in stems, etc. The parts of a typical leaf include the upper and lowerepidermis, the mesophyll, the vascular bundle(s) (veins), and the stomates. The upper and lower epidermal cells do not have chloroplasts, thus photosynthesis does not occur there. They serve primarily as protection for the rest of the leaf. The stomates are holes which occur primarily in the lower epidermis and are for air exchange: they let CO[SUB]2[/SUB] in and O[SUB]2[/SUB] out. The vascular bundles or veins in a leaf are part of the plant’s transportation system, moving water and nutrients around the plant as needed. The mesophyll cells have chloroplasts and this is where photosynthesis occurs.
Have you invented a light that can penetrate leaves and just get to the bud then, maybe you should take it on Dragons den because I would buy one and I'm in!!

Your little picture shows a plant which has clearly been defoliated down the left!! Who's side are you on here???

I don't have any intentions of studying law and becoming a solicitor, but thanks for the careers advice it's duly noted.

It's quite hard to take a person seriously that has a picture of man who is clearly as mad as a box of frogs as their avatar.
are you just dumb? My little picture is not a defoliated plant. the left side was undrawn because that is where they put the information. Reading comprehension, it can be fun.
Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning. An individual's ability to comprehend text is influenced by their traits and skills, one of which is the ability to make inferences. If word recognition is difficult, students use too much of their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is read. There are a number of approaches to improve reading comprehension, including improving one's vocabulary and reading strategies.
Alright you guys, the feather thing didnt work!!! I guess its shake and bake chicken for dinner, he died 😔.
so, you shaved your ostrich and threw him off a cliff to see if he would fly farther and he just fell and died? You do know that even with feathers, ostrich can't fly.

The Ostrich or Common Ostrich is either one or two species of large flightless birds native to Africa, the only living member of the genus Struthio, which is in the ratite family.
Imagine you as a homeowner putting solar panels on your home to provide heat and energy for your family to thrive. And then along comes the county building inspector who says those solar panels are blocking the sun and removes them. You would also put new panels on your home and then you would shoot the dumbass when he came back to rape your house again.

The fact that you think that light to the buds is more beneficial than light to the leaves shows an alarming ignorance of biology.

Haha the old solar panel analogy, I thought we had dispensed with these after my stripper showing that less is more?

Ok that should technically have read budsites and not bud, but I think you knew what I meant. You're just being pedantic.
Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning. An individual's ability to comprehend text is influenced by their traits and skills, one of which is the ability to make inferences. If word recognition is difficult, students use too much of their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is read. There are a number of approaches to improve reading comprehension, including improving one's vocabulary and reading strategies.

Then you should have understood that if you defoliate, MORE leaves grow in place of them. But no, you all keep on saying just how leaves are beneficial (which I guess we already knew, but thanks, stupid.), and don't remove them, SO BASICALLY DO NOT DOUBLE THEIR AMOUNT. Which is okay to not do, btw, but don't say doing so is just nonsense.

You are basically arguing against yourself.
...and making ridicule of yourself for quoting about reading comprehension and argue about how leaves are needed in a thread that's about increased foliage with defoliation.

You defoliate, the leaves double. That's nothing to argue about.
Haha the old solar panel analogy, I thought we had dispensed with these after my stripper showing that less is more?

Ok that should technically have read budsites and not bud, but I think you knew what I meant. You're just being pedantic.
No.ONLY YOUR DUMBASS, dispensed anything after that completely retarded analogy.
Then you should have understood that if you defoliate, MORE leaves grow in place of them. But no, you all keep on saying just how leaves are beneficial (which I guess we already knew, but thanks, stupid.), and don't remove them, SO BASICALLY DO NOT DOUBLE THEIR AMOUNT. Which is okay to not do, btw, but don't say doing so is just nonsense.

You are basically arguing against yourself.
I guess I just did it wrong huh?
We can just stop this already, given the "claims" of both sides...
One says if you defoliate, it increases the number of new growth and promotes lush growth.
The other says you need leaves... duh

What is this arguement about, then?:weed:
Imagine you as a homeowner putting solar panels on your home to provide heat and energy for your family to thrive. And then along comes the county building inspector who says those solar panels are blocking the sun and removes them. You would also put new panels on your home and then you would shoot the dumbass when he came back to rape your house again.

Then you says fu*k this and put up 2 solar panels for every removed.
Like the plant says nobody fks with nature and explodes into a bush.
Then you says fu*k this and put up 2 solar panels for every removed.
Like the plant says nobody fks with nature and explodes into a bush.
right, and how much more does it cost to replace all those panels? The extended time in veg for the plant to recover from the stress is not worth the cost of the time and energy and stress to the plant to do it your way.
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Thus proving that you don't even understand the principles of the technique being discussed!! I did explain it very simply earlier on in this thread but you obviously chose not to read that bit.

The increased yield comes from the middle and lower buds because of the extra light penetrating the canopy from the defoliation of leaves, these now mature budsites replace the immature budsites which would have been there before and are generally discarded by the lollipop technique or later on in harvest.
Lower budsites do what they do because of a hormonal response. It has nothing to do with light. You do not even know basic plant functions.
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