I have no clue!!??


Active Member
All of the leaves on my plant now have brownish tips along the surrated sides of the leaves and on the tips.its just gettin worse and not sure wat to do!!grow in soil PH level is ok.im in veg24/0 rite now.use a 12-4-8 anaylze solution of nutes rite now only applyin them once every two weeks sometimes once a week only usin 1/4 recomemned strenght.what could be wrong need help bad my babies depend on it!!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it could be a case of nute burn, however pics would help greatly. But regardless flush you soil ASAP!!!!


Well-Known Member
sounds like either nute burn,ph,or over watering.

how old are the plants? cannabis does not need nutes for the first 4-5 weeks at least, so will/can burn easily.


Active Member
my plant is 1 month a about 3 weeksold.im waitin one more week before i start flowerin but will the brown serated edges affect my yeild greatlty?Also i flus my plant last nite and went to sleep ,wen i woke up this mornin i checked on it and it seems to be a lil worse than last nite???It had a lil tip brownin before i started usin nues also but it wasn't as nearly as bad as itis now.back when i wasnt usein nutes the tips were just brown on the lower level branhes now its on every branch except the newest little grow on my plant!!were i live theres a big icestorm so im prayin that my power doesn't go out and i really cant go to the store to buy somethin to fix it either!!any suggestion or comments would greatly help and would save my babies thanks!!


Active Member
the reason i aplied the nutes inthe first place was becausemy plant was lackin the main nutesit needed to survive and i was kinda low with money but got o.k. nutes to add until i got paid!!two days ago i had a nitrogen overdose and my plants branches started to sag alot so i flushed it and 10 mins later it was as good as new!!then the next day the leaves started brownin!!I think ur righton the nute burnHow can i stopthis from happenin to my new growth spurts besides flushin it and not applin anymore nutes (ever unless a dyer emergency lol)????Thanks for the help guys my girls mean the world to me lol when there in pain so am I lol


Well-Known Member
thats a strange one,it could be ya lights to close but if it was that then it would just bu the leaves closest to the plant effected....so it must be nute burn?maybe the soil your using already has a high concetration of nutes in it and thats why it started happening before you started giving nutes?


Active Member
i hope man.this plant is doin the best out of all my plants!It would be soo shity if something happens to it now!If its nute burn i kno i cant do anything to fix the already burnt leaves but what can i do to prevent this from movin up to the new growth on my plant??i just flushed it about two days ago and i dont think i shoul do it again so close together so i dont stress out my plant too much!?!?I also have another question,i never toped any of my plants before,i just let them grow nat. ocassionally prunin lower leaves off to increase the air flow to my plant.I heard that toppin the plant will increase yeileds??I was wonderin on how to do it exactly???I would apprieciate the help on these two questions, it would help me and my girls out tremendously!!Thanks guys u info is a lifesaver.