I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot.


Well-Known Member
wow that dude got him but has NO LIFE, obviously..to take that much time to write some KID who was trolling on the internet doing kid shit lol both of em need to get a life


Active Member
wow that dude got him but has NO LIFE, obviously..to take that much time to write some KID who was trolling on the internet doing kid shit lol both of em need to get a life
I have heard that several times today..."get a life"...I am curious what constitutes a life?
I mean is breathing, eating, and crapping the minimal requirements?
And how exactly would one get one? A life that is.
Obviously I need another life as I'm bored with the one I have.

and I mean no offense I am just having fun while I can!


Well-Known Member
by not even paying attention to trolls and KIDS doing dumb shit on the computer..it was pretty funny what he was saying to the kid but IM just saying he sure wrote alot with little response back..to me that means he is really bored and has nothing better to do