Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
I suspect a bit of word wrangling by folks who are so terribly very modern. Science and natural philosophy are one and the same in my book. I am somewhat bemused by the rather self-unserving definition of philosophy pinned to intangibles. Fwiw. cn
in my opinion, philosophy is not just the realm of the learned, those with university degrees, or those who are granted the adulation of the cognoscenti in their fabulously appointed lounges around vienna and prague.
before he was "Somebody" Plato was just a pedagogue trying to make a few bucks on the side doin a little stand up philosophy on the streets of athens. somebody heard one of his bootleg tapes where he was versing Hemogenes, and shit just took off yo.
next thing you know Plato was blowin up all over the hellenic world, and he was rockin columns and statuary and mosics left right and center. bam. he hit big, and stayed on top of tha game till he got popped by, im guessin Biggie.
philosophy is not a profession, and there are not Philosophers Unions holding it down for the philosophical workers in the philosophy factories. basically youre nobody,, workin at a dead end job you hate till somebody says "check this crazy shit out" and if your shit catches on, youre a superstar and your name is remembered for the ages, or you die in anonymity. nobody ever talks about "Journeyman Philosophers" or "Small Business Philosophers" or some "Junior Philosopher Trainee" who philosophised the next great revolution in philosophy on his third day on the job at Philosophy Mart.
Philosophers are like religious leaders, they either become demigods or they wind up cutting their balls off and riding coment hale-bopp in purple reeboks. theres just no middle ground.
all the sciences have room for journeymen, those who toil away in labs, or record data in the field while the superstars tot up the numbers and take the glory. philosophy is very different from the sciences in not just it's focus, and methods, but in it's execution.