i just bought 100 dollars worth of glass

DAMN!!! thoose are sick! I predict a headshop in the future for you.....also a title change :) awesome work

I bet you in a few weeks that sectional pipe will start lookin really good.....it looks good now, but the pipes you pumping out now are way better quality than the first few you were pumping..once again nice work
Good job Fdd, I think those are the most professional looking pipes you've made so far.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how you progress.
Those 3 wig wag look professionally blown. What makes the others crack? Temps?

What is a wig wag reversal?

starting with a short piece of tubing you color it in stripes long ways. melt in all the color and stretch it out somewhat thin. starting at one end you heat a little tiny section and twist it. then you move down a little bit and twist it the other way. then move down a little and twist it back. keep doing this down the full length of tubing. now you should have a wavy pattern running the length of the tubing. this is a "wigwag".

to "reverse" the pattern you have to blown a hole in the side of the tubing halfway down the length. then you attach a blow tube to this hole and close of the ends of the tube. now you have to heat the whole thing and shape it so the ends become the sides. this "reverses" the direction of the pattern from side-to-side to forward-to-back, if that make sense.

looking at this piece of glass you can see where the pattern swirls together. this used to be the open end of the tubing. it was closed and swirled. then i simply blew a hole open on the new end. i'm a little lopsided on my centering but that will straighten out in time.

im super impressed with all of your work, fdd. i browzed all 102 pages of this and was so obsorbed i didnt even notice it was 3am. as soon as i have some extra cash i will defiantly be trying to get some of your pieces. i was wondering if you do custom work yet. ive had a few 1 of a kind pipes that have broken as well as a few ideas and i was wondering if you thought you were up to it.
one thing i would really like to have made is a glass grav. you know how people always do it with a plastic 2 lieter with the bottom cut off? well ive been imagining a glass one would be the sh!t. i would pay top dollar if you thought you could make it. you have no idea how many vodka bottles ive tried to break just right, they all shatter
also, im really into the horn-shaped beads youve put on some of your newer pieces. i think a red spoon with 2 horns would be sweet or one where spike-shaped beads lined the bowlpack like a crown
another idea of mine is a pendant bowl that you can wear around your neck inside your shirt
the glass pokies are sweet too, ive never even thought about it

so let me know if/when your doin custom orders, as i will spend evry last dollar i can spend on bud on your pieces. im almost as obsessed with your work as you are, keep the pipes and pics coming! ill be watching, +1000rep
thank you everyone for the kind words. you are all my inspiration. my head is swimming with ideas. i think i will be stuck on this for years to come.
Holy shit! You sleep 12 hours a day? I'm curious, why do you follow this sleep schedule?

Sorry for the off-topic question.

it varies a few hours each way here and there, but for the most part that's close.

after 6 hours without any sleep i start getting weird. my mind gets fuzzy. i don't know why. maybe it's the 6 straight hours of constant pot smoking. :hump: bongsmilie

i seem to do way better in the evenings.